So what? Another biased review. If it would not be
published on then I would have some
respect for it.
Why you are saying that Microsoft says some nice
things about Linux? Where is the doc? So far I heard
only that Microsoft acknowledge that Linux is cheaper
as far as OS installation cost.
--- Ex Eleven <> wrote:
> After reading the Halloween Documents I see that
> Linux must be better
> because of what Microsoft themselfs say.
> Microsoft say some very nice things about Linux.
> ========Microsoft Said This========
> Linux vs. NT
> Windows NT is target #1 for the Linux community. To
> characterize their
> animosity towards NT (or, for that matter, anything
> Microsoft) as
> religious would be an understatement. Linux's (real
> and perceived)
> virtues over Windows NT include:
> o Customization - The endless
> customizability of Linux for
> specific tasks - ranging from GFLOP clustered
> workstations to 500K RAM
> installations to dedicated, in-the-closet 486-based
> DNS servers - makes
> Linux a very natural choice for "isolated,
> single-task" servers such as
> DNS, File, Mail, Web, etc. Strict application and OS
> componentization
> coupled with readily exposed internals make Linux
> ideal.
> The threat here is even more pronounced as over
> time, the number of
> servers (and consequently dedication to specific
> tasks) will increase.
> Customers enjoy the simpler debugging and fault
> isolation of individual
> servers vs a monolithic server runing multiple
> services.
> o Availability/Reliability - There are
> hundreds of stories on
> the web of Linux installations that have been in
> continuous production
> for over a year. Stability more than almost any
> other feature is the #1
> goal of the Linux development community (and the #1
> cited weakness of
> Windows)
> o Scaleability/Performance - Linux is
> considered faster than
> NT in networking, and processes. In particular, as a
> server, Linux's
> modular architecture allows the administrator to
> turn off graphics, and
> other non-related subsystems for extreme performance
> in a particular
> service
> o Interoperability- Every open protocol on
> the planet (and
> many of the closed ones) have been ported to Linux.
> In a Windows
> environment, work from the SAMBA team enables Linux
> to look like an NT
> Domain Controller / File Server.
> Recently, the NT performance team ran their NetBench
> file/print test
> against a recent Linux distribution. Results
> indicate that although NT
> slightly outperforms Linux, Linux's performance is
> still quite
> acceptable and competitive considering the years of
> tuning that has been
> applied to the NT SMB stack.
[ October 19, 2002: Message edited by: Ex Eleven / b0b ]