i think we should agree to disagree
i'm not good with political debates, nor did i want to get into one here. i am here b/c i hate microsoft. i guess i'm kind of contradicting myself. i love linux and hate proprietary products (namely windows), sort of a socialist view i guess, but at the same time i support capitialism. maybe i'm a hypicrit, i don't know.
i do not a persuasive enough person to try to convert your thoughts, and i'm too stubborn (hmm, set in my ways at the young age of 15--good, or bad?) to give up my full support of captialism. i love capitalism and i hope i always live in a capitalist state. i do not beleive that is is based upon the 'backstabing' of enemies. i do not believe it is an uncivilized form of goverment--it is quite the contrary in my mind. freedom is everything. you should be able to be a billionare if you want/can. i, however, would like to think that i would DO something meritable with a billion, but if someone doesn't want to, they have the FREEDOM to be a bastard if they want. it's all about choice
i am 15. would it be possible for a 15 yr old to own a laptop in a socialist society? probibly not, everyone would want a laptop, so only the people who need one would actually get it, which would leave me out. i have a job (that i hate, but it brings in $$ for my laptop and hopefully a car for when i get my drivers licence next year

), and if the world was socialist, do you think that a "child" of my age would have a job? no, i think that open jobs would be given to adults, thus leaving me out. i guess that would be good, because the adult would need to pay for living, while my parents do that for me at my age, but i wouldn't be as happy.
i do not know of what else i can type here to try to get my point across. YES, some people will get screwed under capitalism--that is it's nature, to compete. the "losers" will moan and complain, and the "winners" will live a marginally happy life.
i'm going to leave now. i do not think i'm leaving with the best post, but at least give me credit that i tried!! we are just repeating ourselves here, so unless i see something new, i'm not going to so anymore in the conversation. i hope someone will continue this discussion on the part of capitialism, and if not, then this thread will die