Author Topic: Uhh... yeah  (Read 1412 times)


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Uhh... yeah
« Reply #15 on: 27 March 2003, 15:11 »
mister moloko. so far the majority of your words here have been insults. you have no right therefore to make stupid remarks about star trek and stereotype us in your petty little mind. the only reason you do so is so you can feel superior to us, because you need to feel superior to anybody who will not help you get exactly what you want.

i notice you conveniently ignored the two or three people who talked rationally to you, opting instead to revert to the banal level you claim to eschew in other people. i suspect you won't get any more civil communication from us if you continue to have this attitude.

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« Reply #16 on: 27 March 2003, 15:13 »
At least he knows english eh?


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« Reply #17 on: 28 March 2003, 02:37 »
Damn it, man. He found out our little secret.

Hey, anyone wants to come to my house to watch some Star Trek and play a little D&D?

And I've got this new Cisco router, man... I've been masturbating over it for the last few days! Anyone wants a picture?


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« Reply #18 on: 28 March 2003, 02:49 »
Well, see... I'm not totally gone.

You're right, I can still see a bit of your hair, try applying more invisible dye

Why leave when I've got a livewire of a thread going. Now I'm pissed to, because my situation has heightened.

You say you want to  use limewire to download horse porn to heighten your penis?  Please, some of us don't want to hear such personal things.

So to Food:
- Nice use of bandwidth. Especially quoting my entire post, all to merely type in caps "YAY!!! HE IS GONE!!"

Oh wow about 2 k of bandwidth, how wasteful.  In related news, nice use of glucose getting your brain to concentrate heavily for an hour writing such a witty response

Why don't you go hop on your Everquest server and kill some rhino beetles or something. Or better yet, IM all your friends to read my thread and make fun of me. I'm sure you'd all be able to come up with really good stuff like "Oh man, I bet that guy doesn't even know what X11 is."

Seeing as how Everquest is a windoze game, I doubt the probability that any  of us will act on your advice

Why don't you go roll around with some kangaroos?

Sounds like a good idea, what do you have against sex anyhow

Or better yet, hang yourself with some Cat5... the human gene pool is bad enough.

Only if you do it first


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« Reply #19 on: 28 March 2003, 03:06 »
Mr. Moloko, don't take what they are saying as insults. At these forums we don't really give a fuck if we offend people. It's just that your request isn't the kind of thing we do here. And it's not that you're new, we insult each other all the time. I was in a similar situation as you when I first came here and now look at me after a year. First I was a fuckwit, then I was a fucktard, but now im a dumb retart and a fuckass!

So don't get too offended by our earlier comments but feel free to get offended by the latest ones all you want.


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« Reply #20 on: 28 March 2003, 14:24 »
Welly welly welly well I guess I should've realized that someone would've had to read my posts at the first.

Callum: the only civil replies that I got were from you.  And they were all things that I would've answered if someone had PM'd me.  But I have a big zero, in the PM's section.  So when I said "PM if you want more info" I really meant it.  Because I wasn't going to fill your BB with such long winded drivel.  But, try as I might... I still ended up with long winded drivel.  I took a pot shot at you that I shouldn't have.  I apologize.

You can't assume that I wanted you to hack someone's computer, because I couldn't.  Because I never said that's what I wanted.  I did however say that my ultimate goal was to find out who was doing this.  Last time I checked, looking up someone's address in the phone book wasn't illegal.  This situation might have called for a little more action than that, but I guess we'll never know.

To the rest of you (don't remember many names):  What do I have against sex?  Nothing, but I do have something against sex with kangaroos.  Oh and most of the witty comments don't really require much glucose from my brain.  They just require that I be breathing.

But enough of this, I'm done.  I'm not sure why I even came back here.  Maybe just to get my thread up to 20.  But I do like making gross generalizations about people though.  Even when I did nothing to provoke them.  And I like making light of  white suburbanites.  White suburbanites that drive SUV's.  White suburbanites that dream of climbing the corporate ladder.  Oops, wait, went up one too many rungs.  How about making fun of white republicans!?  Oooh, maybe I'll step on a few toes there.  Well, shoot no sense leaving the white democrats out too!  You guys are cracked if you think you still live in a democracy where the peoples voice counts.  PSHH!  You live in a grossly consumerist society.  Where the mighty dollar rules all.  Hey wait!!?!  What are polotics doing in my alphabet soup?

But, Callum, you are a mod and you could've just locked my thread if you felt it didn't belong here.  But you didn't, so if I appear brash after what was said in my initial post... don't bitch about me flying off the handle.

Just do me a favor and delete my account here.

moloko vellocet


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« Reply #21 on: 28 March 2003, 15:55 »
We could have PM'd you, true.  But why would we want to?

You came here demanding help and got told to fuck off because you were demanding.  If you had been more polite you would have had a better reception.

Now it seems because we didn't rush to your aid at your beck and call you're getting stoppy about it.

Don't demand, ask.  Actually a better idea is just fuck off back to where ever you crawled out from.


ps.  "I do have something against sex with kangaroos"... how could you have sex with kangeroos (or anything) if you don't have something against the object of desire?


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« Reply #22 on: 28 March 2003, 16:46 »
Originally posted by Mr Moloko:
Callum: the only civil replies that I got were from you.  And they were all things that I would've answered if someone had PM'd me.  But I have a big zero, in the PM's section.  So when I said "PM if you want more info" I really meant it.  Because I wasn't going to fill your BB with such long winded drivel.
well that's what the board is here for! we don't tend to use PMs here much, i think because generally if we say something, and everybody can read it, then the chances are that a problem will get fixed faster than if only one person reads it. it's the cathedral and bazaar model in operation, if everybody has a free for all at a problem, it has a better chance of generating something useful than if just one person does. see what i am getting at?    
But, try as I might... I still ended up with long winded drivel.  I took a pot shot at you that I shouldn't have.  I apologize.
well i am sorry you feel that way, thank you for apologising but it really wasn't necessary, i don't think anybody here actually has anything against you, it's just that this particular board seems to encourage people to be quite liberal with their language!

You can't assume that I wanted you to hack someone's computer, because I couldn't.  Because I never said that's what I wanted.  I did however say that my ultimate goal was to find out who was doing this.  Last time I checked, looking up someone's address in the phone book wasn't illegal.  This situation might have called for a little more action than that, but I guess we'll never know.
why not? why not just post more info like i asked and then if people get the urge, they might help you, unless you do that i guess we'll never know. i wasn't trying to sound paranoid, but if it's just looking somebody up in the phone book, surely you don't need help? nobody is going to help somebody if that person holds all their cards tight to their chest, that's all i was saying.

But enough of this, I'm done.  I'm not sure why I even came back here.  Maybe just to get my thread up to 20.  But I do like making gross generalizations about people though.  Even when I did nothing to provoke them.  And I like making light of  white suburbanites.  White suburbanites that drive SUV's.  White suburbanites that dream of climbing the corporate ladder.  Oops, wait, went up one too many rungs.  How about making fun of white republicans!?  Oooh, maybe I'll step on a few toes there.  Well, shoot no sense leaving the white democrats out too!  You guys are cracked if you think you still live in a democracy where the peoples voice counts.  PSHH!  You live in a grossly consumerist society.  Where the mighty dollar rules all.  Hey wait!!?!  What are polotics doing in my alphabet soup?
  ;)   now you're finally beginning to talk proper sense! you will indeed step on a few toes with language like that, but what a lot of newcomers don't realise is that the regular posters often come here specifically to step on each other's toes and explore each others' opinions. i think i agree with a lot of what you just said, but it's kind of condensed, maybe it'll get discussed more if and when you decide to post here more in future. i think you should stop stating in each of your posts that you're never going to come back though.

But, Callum, you are a mod and you could've just locked my thread if you felt it didn't belong here.  But you didn't, so if I appear brash after what was said in my initial post... don't bitch about me flying off the handle.
well, i wasn't trying to imply that you shouldn't fly off the handle, i was just excercising my right to fly off my own handle a bit. i am a strong advocate of free speech so if somebody pisses me off i will say so, but i will not try and censor them just because they piss me off! quite the contrary! while this is an unusual thread subject for this board, i don't think there is such a thing as a thread that doesn't belong here, because again, i believe in free speech and openmindedness and so forth, so anybody can say what they like. that includes insults, and all that stuff. me and macman and a few others had a real insult slinging session recently about the iraq war for example. we all were insulting each other for pages and pages, but in the process we came to understand each others opinions and realise where the other was coming from a lot better than if we had just tried to keep the thread relevant, on topic and non-inflammatory.

so welcome to the boards if you want to stay, i look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Just do me a favor and delete my account here.

eh... no.

[ March 28, 2003: Message edited by: Calum: crusader for justice & peace ]

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« Reply #23 on: 28 March 2003, 16:56 »
Can you kill this already

this thread crap

the thread with somthing WORTH SOMTHING TO OPEN SOURCE IN IT is good (that being the person with the XML files on his box and the weird hardware change).


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« Reply #24 on: 28 March 2003, 17:15 »
you're a moderator! you could have locked this but you didn't! et cetera.

just ONE MINUTE ago you were complaining about me threatening to send something to the bin and now you are moaning that i didn't send something to the bin?
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« Reply #25 on: 28 March 2003, 17:36 »
Its in the lounge you clown!


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« Reply #26 on: 28 March 2003, 18:07 »
so f**k-ing* what???

and i thought i was a dickhead, not a clown! make up your mind, spacko!  :D

* - fuck
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« Reply #27 on: 29 March 2003, 03:21 »
Why don't you stick around, Mr. Moloko? If you want to be a troll we have an open position, or you could just be another person who posts dumb crap (we already have tons of them, one more wouldn't make much difference).