Author Topic: About copyright and common sense  (Read 786 times)


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About copyright and common sense
« on: 29 November 2002, 13:20 »
I read this today:
What do you think? Is he right? He talks about Disney and the rights to Mickey Mouse. Here
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About copyright and common sense
« Reply #1 on: 29 November 2002, 13:50 »
I agree with most of the article.  40 years is a long time, and a maximum of 100.  I don't think copyright being that long is in the best interest of the public.  Also, a distinction should be made between literary works and software/technology that can be improved upon.  Copyright and patents should be used to encourage progress not stifle it.  With the rapid pace that technology has been advancing of late, copyrights on software being limited to 2-3 years are what is best for the public IMO.

I agree BIG TIME态that a clear distinction should be made between file sharing for casual use, and selling the copyrighted works of another.

Funny that copying a song from the radio to a tape or cd is ok, but to mp3 or ogg format is a felony.  Funnier yet, the propaganda used in war against file sharing waged by the RIAA is actually winning people over right and left.



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About copyright and common sense
« Reply #2 on: 29 November 2002, 14:37 »
I think both of those articles demonstrate how selfish and picky humans are. good thing im not one of them.


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About copyright and common sense
« Reply #3 on: 29 November 2002, 19:50 »
Mickey shoulda been in public domain a while ago, but the Di$ney (tee hee) lawyers greased some palms. Info


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About copyright and common sense
« Reply #4 on: 30 November 2002, 00:13 »
Originally posted by Captain Peg-leg V, Greenbeard:

Funny that copying a song from the radio to a tape or cd is ok, but to mp3 or ogg format is a felony.

Actually, the first is illegal as well. Nobody bothers about that though.

My view is that copyrights should be honored, so filesharing is bad. However, copyright periods should be very limited, like 15-30 years (perhaps some extention if the author is alive - it should be heritable to protect children and partner from income loss, but for a limited time).
Keeping something in copyright for 80 years is just plain *bad*.

Furthermore, copyright should be just that, COPYright. Lending, public performance and such is NOT copyright and should therefore not be controlled by it (this also solves the Linux DVD issues).


    * A fixed, reasonable initial copyright period of perhaps 40 years. If not renewed, the material falls into the public domain.
    * A ten year copyright extension available at minimal cost to the copyright holder, whether individual or corporate.
    * A second 10 year extension at double that cost.
    * A third 10 year extension at double that cost. Also fourth, fifth, and so on extensions available, each at double the cost of the last one.
* All copyright would cease 100 years after initial publication, except in cases where the artist remains alive. In such cases, copyright can be renewed every 10 years for an additional 10 year period at twice the cost of the last renewal as long as the artist lives.

*Much* to long. More like 20 years initially, with 5 year extentions to a max of 40 years.

I promise you, if somebody lives to get 100 years (FAR beyond todays copyright limit) he will NOT care about what he wrote a century ago.

[ November 29, 2002: Message edited by: DC ]

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About copyright and common sense
« Reply #5 on: 30 November 2002, 01:03 »
Originally posted by DC: should be [edit:in?]heritable to protect children and partner from income loss, but for a limited time

Don't agree with this. Copyright is to protect the rights of the artist/creator. The artist has a right to own copyright of their creation, but NO_ONE else has that right, copyright should be non-transferable.
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About copyright and common sense
« Reply #6 on: 30 November 2002, 01:52 »
how about NO copyrights on software, they can see what your wrote, but you can see how they do it?. FULL COMPETITION, BRING IT ON, no more patent issues, people could think freely agian

and why does anybody have a right to OWN a way of thinking, four society will never have access to very advanced techoligies becuase of this fact. am i the only one that thinks the system as it is SCREWED, and needs to be rebuilt from ground up. but us humans are pathetic and even though we could build a utopian socety, we choose to screw each other over. im not just talking about copyrights here. i mean, when they get a cure for cancer ready, it'll get shot down by patent issues and copyrights. and  when it is finaly approved.its gonna be over fucking priced not only becuase it is neccessary but becuase of the legal fees involved and patant issues
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