Author Topic: Does this make sense (cents?)  (Read 768 times)


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Does this make sense (cents?)
« on: 23 April 2003, 21:05 »
50,000 Pirated CDs Crushed with Steamroller
Wed April 23, 2003 10:10 AM ET
LIMA, Peru (Reuters) - Peru's state property rights agency on Tuesday crushed 50,000 pirated music CDs with a steamroller on a Lima street as part of a plan to deter a rampant trade in counterfeit goods.

Good, piracy is bad, right?

Musicians and singers danced atop the pile of thousands of compact discs protesting pirating that the government says inhibits artistic creativity and starves a cash-strapped state of needed taxes.

What?. Pirating inhibits artistic creativity? Oh, so money is inspiration. that is my problem. damn it. i need to focus my art on money & not all that other silly bullshit.. I get it now.


"We need to eliminate (piracy) immediately ... We are calling on everyone to come out and help us crush counterfeit goods," Martin Moscoso, director for intellectual property rights of state agency INDECOPI, told Canal N cable television.

Some 98 percent of music CDs in Peru are pirated -- one of the highest rates in the world -- and they are often indistinguishable from originals in sound quality and packaging and cost a fraction of the price of an authorized disc.

Moscoso told Reuters that the steamrolling operation, which also destroyed pirated videos and chewing gum, prevented losses of $750,000 for the music industry.

Pirated chewing gum?  :D   :D  
can i get some in kazaa?

He added that enthusiasm for pirated goods is a major problem for poor Peru, robbing the government of $14 million a year in uncollected taxes in fake CDs alone. Other pirated goods available across Peru -- where many people cannot afford original goods -- include name brand clothes, books, software, food and movies yet to hit cinemas.

oh. so the citizens can't afford the products in the first place. Don't you think there is something wrong with that, and is more of a problem than priacy. Says a lot about the world.   :rolleyes:


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Does this make sense (cents?)
« Reply #1 on: 23 April 2003, 21:40 »
Ya, pretty silly. The govt. posses the argument that pircay stole nearly 14million in taxes alone, but thats assuming that folks would have bought authorized versions. But the article makes it clear that the reason piracy is popular is because everyone is broke. So if the government eliminates piracy, they wont make the tax money, cuz people wont be able to aford the products, and worse, the people will be even more unhappy.

Kinda reminds me of how big drug companies wanted to sue african nations for synthesizing "clone" drugs at dirt cheep prices. Money was more important to the drug companies than the health of the very people their drugs are made to help. THAT says even more about the world.

[ April 23, 2003: Message edited by: psyjax: plain 'ol psyjax ]



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Does this make sense (cents?)
« Reply #2 on: 23 April 2003, 21:44 »
do any of you have any albums where the inside sleeve says "home taping is killing music, and it's illegal"? me and my dad have a habit of changing them so they say "home taping is improving music, and it's cheaper".

me and my dad are both musicians, and to be honest, the only people who care about the moneygoround are those who are already too fucking rich. if it was the poor starving musicians and the poor starving music fans then nothing would get done, but because it's BMG, EMI and RCA we get this sort of shit. i hope those damn CDs got recycled!
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Does this make sense (cents?)
« Reply #3 on: 23 April 2003, 22:32 »
its all very annoying. i think i will go puke now.

 do any of you have any albums where the inside sleeve says "home taping is killing music, and it's illegal"? me and my dad have a habit of changing them so they say "home taping is improving music, and it's cheaper".

haha. i havent seen that yet. but then again, i havent bought a cd in a while.


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Does this make sense (cents?)
« Reply #4 on: 24 April 2003, 03:03 »
Originally posted by ecsyle:
ibut then again, i havent bought a cd in a while.

Arr, matey. (Get it? Like you're a "pirate"? Ha!)


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Does this make sense (cents?)
« Reply #5 on: 24 April 2003, 03:10 »
Originally posted by TheQuirk:

Arr, matey. (Get it? Like you're a "pirate"? Ha!)
