Author Topic: Software Piracy  (Read 1472 times)


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Software Piracy
« Reply #15 on: 8 July 2003, 23:40 »
copying is not theft.

That was just an example. I meant to say that whether theft helps the company or not, it remains theft. And while I agree that 'theft' is not the correct term for copying, I still contend that it is morally wrong. By the way, I recall as well having demonstrated that copying cannot be called 'sharing', either.

b) you actually independently believe of your own free will that anyone has a right to dictate to others whom they may not help and share with.

This is a false dilemna. I have certainly not been won over by any propaganda. You, on the other hand, seem to have been won over by FSF propaganda. I do not believe that anyone is dictating anything here. It remains the consumer's choice to buy the software or not, but they should not be allowed to use it if they don't pay for it.  Once the person bought the licence, he is free to do whatever he wishes with it, even making copies of it and giving them to his friends, as long as they bought the software (the holder of the licence has the right to give his copy, but a person without a licence does not have the right to receive it, because he does not have the rights to the software).

Owners are certainly allowed to help a friend by showing him the software and teaching him how it works, and even allow him to use it (on the owners' computer, for example). This is sharing, and this is perfectly right. But what you don't understand about copying is that you are helping someone else commit a crime if you give him software he didn't pay for.


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Software Piracy
« Reply #16 on: 8 July 2003, 23:51 »
Originally posted by flap:
Sofware "piracy"? I'm assuming you're referring to an act of boarding a ship carrying software and killing its crew? Yes, that's wrong.

If on the other hand you're using a stupid propaganda term for sharing then you're mistaken in calling it "theft" or deeming it wrong.

There is nothing wrong with sharing a copy of software with your friend. That doesn't really damage profits for a software company. But if you put your file in your kazaa shared folder and hundreds of people download it(and then hundreds download from them) then you will damage a companys profits.


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Software Piracy
« Reply #17 on: 9 July 2003, 01:00 »
Microsoft Windows XP has Activation to stop people from stealing your software that you paid for.

Its amazing what you can do in Windows XP.
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Software Piracy
« Reply #18 on: 9 July 2003, 01:04 »
Originally posted by Look at me dance:
Microsoft Windows XP has Activation to stop people from stealing your software that you paid for.

Its amazing what you can do in Windows XP.

Do you work for MS? Do you actually think they made such a "feature" for the consumer? Or do you believe whatever they feed to you?


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Software Piracy
« Reply #19 on: 9 July 2003, 01:07 »
Windows XP Activation is for the consumer.
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Software Piracy
« Reply #20 on: 9 July 2003, 02:16 »
Windows XP Activation is for the consumer.

What do you mean, 'for the consumer'? Windows XP Activation is a system designed to prevent users from pirating (or whatever euphemism you prefer) Windows. And a bad one, too, for many reasons, including the fact that you have to buy it again after 8-11 reinstalls (which means about every three months). How is that beneficial to the end user?

Edit: Oops, sorry. I almost mistook you for someone intelligent.

[ July 08, 2003: Message edited by: Laukev7 ]


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Software Piracy
« Reply #21 on: 9 July 2003, 18:01 »
Look at me dance
Microsoft Windows XP has Activation to stop people from stealing your software that you paid for.


Windows XP Activation is a system designed to prevent users from pirating (or whatever euphemism you prefer) Windows.

Sorry, but I couldn't resist to post it (I guess that's a little off-topic, but still...)

That didn't stop my brother from buying counterfeit (hell, I love this word!   ) XP with Activation crack.
From Russia with love. Fuck you Microsoft  

My friends, my friends' friends, my friends' friends' friends and lots of people I know use counterfeit XP.

And still it is a theft, but there is a difference in buying <smth> for 3 or 30$, right?  ;)
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Software Piracy
« Reply #22 on: 12 July 2003, 13:39 »
Originally posted by NikS:
Look at me dance
Microsoft Windows XP has Activation to stop people from stealing your software that you paid for.


Windows XP Activation is a system designed to prevent users from pirating (or whatever euphemism you prefer) Windows.

Sorry, but I couldn't resist to post it (I guess that's a little off-topic, but still...)

That didn't stop my brother from buying counterfeit (hell, I love this word!    ) XP with Activation crack.
From Russia with love. Fuck you Microsoft    

My friends, my friends' friends, my friends' friends' friends and lots of people I know use counterfeit XP.

And still it is a theft, but there is a difference in buying <smth> for 3 or 30$, right?   ;)  

Well yeah, I think XP's biggest mistake was making a corporate edition that didnt have activation! Of course I'm hoping you are converting them to Linux or another Microsoft alternative?? Just because it's easy to use it doesn't mean you shouldnt use the better product, oh wait, with Linux its even easier to use AND its cheaper. Hell, go with Linux, no competition   .
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