I tried RTCW in MP today. It is nothing like Quake III or UT. It actually takes good strategy to win matches...that and playing on teams is way different than Deathmatch. I enjoyed it. It doesn't get boring so quick(DM gets old). When I first started I treated it like DM and I blew all of my teammates away until they all ganged up on me and blew my head off. LoL
OpenGL does wonders for Doom, the game that really started the FPS craze. Wolf3D was the first...but it was so flat and plain. I know that I never once jumped out of my socks throughout the entire Wolf3D game. It simply didn't have any terrifying, feeling of lonliness factors to it. Doom really made you feel like you were in a lonely, terrifying 3D environment back in the day. Honestly it feels weird to play it after all these years of playing modern FPS's. The control system for Doom is so different(even though the GL engine being used adds mouselook/mouse aim to the game).
[ September 01, 2003: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]