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I don't think there's anything wrong with using Windows 98 (other than the fact that it's Windows).
We use it in school, and Windows XP isn't much better in my experience.

It works, and you don't needa give it half a gig of ram for a half decent experience.

Yeah, I know... But my dad's too lazy to buy a new OS. I think I'll look Ubuntu over and show it to him.

I agree with WMD, Windows XP doesn't BSOD every hour Windows 98 did, and it's more secure since yo can set up limited user accounts.

Communism isn't evil, totalitarianism is.


oh noes? WINDOWS!


--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez ---Communism isn't evil, totalitarianism is.
--- End quote ---

You're right, communism is just not implementable.  And it provides a lot of potential for abuse.

Moreso than the cozy degree of seperation that capitalism provides.


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