Miscellaneous > The Lounge
Shameless Screenshots (very large image files.. NOT for dial-up)
Looking great, I'm missing Linux, next time I re-install OSes on my hard disc I'm gonna do a dual-boot again. ;)
I'm new here so I might as well post what I'm about... I'm all about GNU/Linux so here's my gnome desktop. I'm not a big DE guy, I like K, Flux, E16.7, Gnome AND XFCE, I think they're all great but I tend to stick to my gnome for the moment mainly because of Nautilus and Epiphany... Nautilus is stable as hell and Epiphany is like having Firefox fully configured and themed. I'm using customized Icon theme in the pic of NuoveXT, Scutum controls and SmoothDark Tango Windec metacity. The background image is my creation... :D w00t
If you want the background go here: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=33897
cool ... that's a nice theme :thumbup:
Yeah I KNOW! But is it GOOD?!
My new Powerbook.
By the way, the background is a screensaver.
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