Miscellaneous > The Lounge

Shameless Screenshots (very large image files.. NOT for dial-up)

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Haha...That's pretty funny M.O.R.  Your desk looks exactly like mine except that I have a regular six- string guitar learning up against my desk instead of a bass.  That and a different brand of empty beer bottles.

Master of Reality:
i coulda put my crappy 6 string guitar in the pic... but it is a really crappy guitar and deserves being smashed on stage  
My bass kicks ass though (so do i)

This isnt my desktop, but I wish it was. This is sawfish at 1600 X 1200. Probably the most awesome linux desktop ive ever seen.

Master of Reality:
The MES chatroom in mozilla.
VNC running windows and MSN messenger.
my image is gone due to my server getting corrupted and everything had to be replaced.

[ September 18, 2002: Message edited by: The Master of Reality / Bob ]

Why are you using msn instead of Trillian?


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