Miscellaneous > The Lounge

Shameless Screenshots (very large image files.. NOT for dial-up)

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Or put a fish tank right next to laptop ... I really hate fish as pets cuz they always fucking die within 2 days of buying them ... except for Siamese fighting fish (Betta) ... they have lungs, live in swamps, and thus don't need special water conditions ... they live up to 2 years before they die of old age :D ... and they look cool too :thumbup:

My computer was turning into a big mess, and I was formatting the partitions, so I decided to install Solaris 10. Unlike my attempts with previous versions, I finally got the internet to work with this one.

JDS is pretty:

But for some sick reason, I like the CDE desktop too.

I liked the old purple background better than the current default one though, so I decided to cut the pattern out of a screenshot taken from Google image. I measured and cut the mosaic to be exactly like the original.

BTW, I have a huge screen resolution.

Very cool... and well here is my W2K when I have to use it for Civ4 or Fallout, Arcanum, Sim City 4 etc etc

Here's Fedora Core 5 ...

Since Illhostit went down ... here is FC5 using fluxbox and ROX-Filer.



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