Miscellaneous > The Lounge

Shameless Screenshots (very large image files.. NOT for dial-up)

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Yeah right-click on it > Configuration > Properties > check Set Window type to dock or panel, ok, then restart gkrellm.

(If you use fluxbox it doesn't handle docks as well, so I would add it to the slit instead with "gkrellm -w &" (no quotes) in the startup script)

Awesome, thanks. Well here's my screenshot though I had already uploaded it.


Ubuntu 5.10

Etement... how did you get the clock and volume control transparent?... I can only get the gnome-panel ever transparent

Ok, here's one of fluxbox with transparency ... (if I use a different terminal I could make it transparent too, but I think readability is more imortant there ... a lot of things depend on not making a typo)

P.S. I never knew GNOME could be transparent


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