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Shameless Screenshots (very large image files.. NOT for dial-up)
--- Quote from: H_TeXMeX_H ---That's one big fucking icon ... is its size on the screen proportional to its size on disk ? ... lemme guess ... lots of pr0n ?
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lol. I always have a stuff partition that I share between distros (right now I've got Ubuntu and Foresight installed), where I store all my music, programming stuff, source packages, "crap"... and vidoes, and other stuff. Ofcourse there's no porn in the videos folder!
It would actually be cool if I could make the folder icon size proportional to its size on disk, but I just made it huge myself (in GNOME on the desktop you can right-click and stretch an icon) just to make it clear to Windoids that this is not Windows (it's better than Windows), and plus it looks alot cooler than 2 equally small icons (which looks like shit - I'd just remove the icons altogether)..
My stuff partition is 100 GB and usually it's full but I formatted it a few days ago, after backing it up..
--- Quote from: etement ---
Ubuntu 5.10
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Savage. Where'd you find it?
--- Quote from: piratePenguin ---lol. I always have a stuff partition that I share between distros (right now I've got Ubuntu and Foresight installed), where I store all my music, programming stuff, source packages, "crap"... and vidoes, and other stuff. Ofcourse there's no porn in the videos folder!
It would actually be cool if I could make the folder icon size proportional to its size on disk, but I just made it huge myself (in GNOME on the desktop you can right-click and stretch an icon) just to make it clear to Windoids that this is not Windows (it's better than Windows), and plus it looks alot cooler than 2 equally small icons (which looks like shit - I'd just remove the icons altogether)..
My stuff partition is 100 GB and usually it's full but I formatted it a few days ago, after backing it up..
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I see ... well I personally don't like icons too much, they're only useful with many folders, and only a few that you use often (so you can easily differentiate by look).
I'm setting up a home file server so I won't really need a stuff partition anymore on the local drives.
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