Miscellaneous > The Lounge
Shameless Screenshots (very large image files.. NOT for dial-up)
Master of Reality:
i normally do use trillian. But MSN happened to be on that computer at the time, not trillian (somebody else downloaded MSN for some reason).
[ September 18, 2002: Message edited by: The Master of Reality / Bob ]
windows desktop:
note the lack of start menu and desktop items
the shell is set to command.com
all of the path settings stick. shortcuts dont.
best, system speed is really improved and i have not been crashing as much (down to like every 2-3 hrs)
will post red hat desktop once i fix the display drivers
geoshitys is pissing me off, i would have posted the windowmaker screenshots. but it didn't want to link it. owell. as for command.com. i did that in a graphics art class and freaked out the mac addict teacher/*i got a free powerbook from him*/
task list.... no explorer, no systray. resources are greatly freed up, even multitasking.... DOS DOESN'T SPY ON YOU
yup, you inspired me. thing is... it is "better" windows (oxymoron?)
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