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Shameless Screenshots (very large image files.. NOT for dial-up)

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You cna fix the sttings for that pretty easy...but yeah, I know, It's a hassle. I notice there you have a torrent of REEFER MADNESS!!! What a great movie that was, and an episode of Prison break...what is the facination with that?


--- Quote from: pofnlice ---You cna fix the sttings for that pretty easy...but yeah, I know, It's a hassle.
--- End quote ---
I've done that for about the 10th time in a few months now.. I get a new profile for a new installation of a different version of Firefox, and just can't be arsed at times to put the 2mins into messing with the settings.

--- Quote ---I notice there you have a torrent of REEFER MADNESS!!! What a great movie that was, and an episode of Prison break...what is the facination with that?
--- End quote ---
I like the show :D

Reefer Madness... Heh, I picked that randomly up from a BitTorrent index when I was looking for sample (and legal) .torrent files :D I guess I should download and watch it now.. It looks interesting!

video google strikes again

and again

and again

and again

heck just go here

"This video is currently not available. Please try again later."

Don't worry.. I plan on killing Google Video, mwahahah!



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