Miscellaneous > The Lounge
Shameless Screenshots (very large image files.. NOT for dial-up)
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My current stuffs
I've finally got Windows to run at 1024x768 at 256 colours under DOSEmu.
The Trident driver suggested on the DOSEmu site didn't work so I downloaded the generic SVGA driver and patched it (using a special utility) to give VESA support. It works a charm and is more than good enough for any Windows 3.1 application. Now all I need is to get it working 16-bit colour but I think that's probably too much to ask.
Isn't it sad when even Windoze knows what is better?
Aloone: Why are you doing the win3.x in Dosbox? For legacy programs or cause you can? (BTW, both are good reasons :) )
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My current shit.
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