Miscellaneous > The Lounge
Shameless Screenshots (very large image files.. NOT for dial-up)
Here's my desktop....
Gooseberry Clock:
quote:Originally posted by sporkme / bob:
task list.... no explorer, no systray. resources are greatly freed up, even multitasking.... DOS DOESN'T SPY ON YOU
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Yeah, but DOS hogs your CPU time. Even more so when typing in it.
quote: quote:
Originally posted by sporkme / bob:
task list.... no explorer, no systray. resources are greatly freed up, even multitasking.... DOS DOESN'T SPY ON YOU
Yeah, but DOS hogs your CPU time. Even more so when typing in it.
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You retard. He said Greatly frees resources not completely frees resources.The fact that you dont have anything decent to say doesnt mean you can clog the forums with crap like that.
Master of Reality:
quote:Originally posted by CaptainCool:
Here's my desktop....
--- End quote ---
hey! rrs! fuck off!
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