Author Topic: CyberArmy  (Read 642 times)


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« on: 29 April 2004, 03:39 »
Does anybody here remember CyberArmy.  What do Microsuck members here think of it as it is now?


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« Reply #1 on: 29 April 2004, 04:18 »
i actually never heard of them...
i read the intro  
CyberArmy is an independent union of Internet users for a better Internet. We are always seeking additional recruits and invite you to join CyberArmy now! Through our online promotional system within the Brigades,you can gain officer status in CyberArmy and gain access to various resources and your own views and ideas can further strengthen and expand this online community.
  @ first read, that looks like a band of 13 year old kids..
but i dont know who they are so cant comment on anything else (also their forum looks almost dead (or not active enough yet))
Ballmer needs a firm kick in the ass.... (since he has no balls)


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« Reply #2 on: 29 April 2004, 04:50 »
CyberArmy was a very active online community a few years ago.  They're probably most famous for bringing down child pornographers back in the day.  Now they work for open source software, internet privacy (fighting Carnivore and the PATRIOT Act) and  security research.  I bring this up because CyberArmy is slowly dying because there are not enough active members to work on the various security and open source projects that they are working on.  There are a lot of good and useful ideas, but there is not enough people to implement them.

We need anybody with technical writing, programming and hacking skills that agree with our cause and are willing to stand up for a free and open internet.  

Is anybody here up to the challenge?