Author Topic: X11, geeks, school.  (Read 1587 times)


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X11, geeks, school.
« on: 21 February 2003, 04:41 »
At school, im not the type of geek that hangs around with geeks, i actually hang around with computer illetrates and a few warez kiddys. I know a couple of Linux people who we share distros but there not really friends of mine, just people I know. My last girlfriend was a Linux chick who I happened to meet at an installfest.

Yet I am in a new IT Class called "VCE IT" which is college IT in highschool pretty much. (Im in year 10, last year of high school).

The geeks in my IT class where "amazed" because i know html, and that the school disabled the command prompt, so id make batch scripts to do what i needed to do, they called me a "hacker". There not geeks because they actually know everything (like i do    ). But because there outcasted because there really ugly or because of whatever, anyway they think im god now because I have some social skills and still spend more time on my computer then my cpu does.

There are many geeks in the class and many people who like Windows XP. Yesterday however my system crashed, and someone says "damn these computers suck". So natrually i started ranting like a maniac. (I wont post everything i said because i really did say it all, and if you just look around old threads in the forum you will get the message). Anyways i started by saying how Microsoft put bugs in there software, then there licenceing, then how they brought stuff of other companys and sold it. (Like how Microsoft Dos was made). By the time I was finsihed everybody listening was saying comments like "im gonna kill that dirty bill gates barsted" ect.

One kid told me "You know everything dont you!"
So i was stumpted (kinda flattered) and said "Lets just say know at least something about everything".

This has came as a shock to me, I have been having a day off and was reading about Linus Torvalds when I realized I was almost like him in every way. I dont mean to sound like im trying to take some credit, but he is a fast learner, he thinks he is god, and he likes playing jokes on people (read the Linux Anecdotes thread in Linux/Unux).

Well I dont know what to say, but we both like beer, we both like pool, we both like hacking, I am his evil twin or somthing.

Really its weird, or maybe everyones like Linus, hmmmmmm i thought i was more like Stallman or Tiemann


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X11, geeks, school.
« Reply #1 on: 21 February 2003, 08:25 »
Can you really be a twin when you're years and years younger than him? On a different note: I think you're trying to flatter yourself[/f]--otherwise you wouldn't be writing this thread.


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X11, geeks, school.
« Reply #2 on: 21 February 2003, 21:12 »
Originally posted by TheQuirk:
Can you really be a twin when you're years and years younger than him? On a different note: I think you're trying to flatter yourself[/f]--otherwise you wouldn't be writing this thread.

Probably. Or maybe Linux users have a similar connection to what Mac users have? (If you know someone is a Mac user, you can just start a conversation with them, even if they are a total stranger. Take my word for it, I've done it)


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X11, geeks, school.
« Reply #3 on: 21 February 2003, 21:37 »
Originally posted by X11: Slackware Commando.:
At school, im not the type of geek that hangs around with geeks, i actually hang around with computer illetrates and a few warez kiddys. I know a couple of Linux people who we share distros but there not really friends of mine, just people I know. My last girlfriend was a Linux chick who I happened to meet at an installfest.

Yet I am in a new IT Class called "VCE IT" which is college IT in highschool pretty much. (Im in year 10, last year of high school).

The geeks in my IT class where "amazed" because i know html, and that the school disabled the command prompt, so id make batch scripts to do what i needed to do, they called me a "hacker". There not geeks because they actually know everything (like i do     ). But because there outcasted because there really ugly or because of whatever, anyway they think im god now because I have some social skills and still spend more time on my computer then my cpu does.

There are many geeks in the class and many people who like Windows XP. Yesterday however my system crashed, and someone says "damn these computers suck". So natrually i started ranting like a maniac. (I wont post everything i said because i really did say it all, and if you just look around old threads in the forum you will get the message). Anyways i started by saying how Microsoft put bugs in there software, then there licenceing, then how they brought stuff of other companys and sold it. (Like how Microsoft Dos was made). By the time I was finsihed everybody listening was saying comments like "im gonna kill that dirty bill gates barsted" ect.

One kid told me "You know everything dont you!"
So i was stumpted (kinda flattered) and said "Lets just say know at least something about everything".

This has came as a shock to me, I have been having a day off and was reading about Linus Torvalds when I realized I was almost like him in every way. I dont mean to sound like im trying to take some credit, but he is a fast learner, he thinks he is god, and he likes playing jokes on people (read the Linux Anecdotes thread in Linux/Unux).

Well I dont know what to say, but we both like beer, we both like pool, we both like hacking, I am his evil twin or somthing.

Really its weird, or maybe everyones like Linus, hmmmmmm i thought i was more like Stallman or Tiemann

Ok first of all you dont know jack shit. Well I dont either, but I just thought Id enlighten you. Second of all when I was in high school I was the biggest moron in the world, but I was so cocky that I swore I was a genius. Lets hope you arent the same way. By the way linux isnt for everyone, and I truly do admire those who are really good with MS Windows, they focused on an area different than me, but that doesnt mean they are stupid.
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X11, geeks, school.
« Reply #4 on: 21 February 2003, 13:06 »
I'm getting the same comments from non-tech people that Mr. Tate gets too. I'm not flattered at all.
I think they just wants a computer to work, and if something doesn't work, they come to me to fix it.
When it's fixed, I get comments like "Wow, you are amazing with computers", "you really do know everything don't you?".

It's something to get used to. I don't think I'm that good in computers...


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X11, geeks, school.
« Reply #5 on: 21 February 2003, 13:44 »
i know nothing about computer operating systems compared with the authors of every software tutorial and document i have ever read. However i seem to know more than most people i have ever met about software.

i wish i was a faster learner though.

i know i'm a dumbass, but why doesn't everybody else know?
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X11, geeks, school.
« Reply #6 on: 21 February 2003, 15:56 »
You only have ten years of school in Australia? That explains quite a bit.

Surprisingly, thats the only comment I have.


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X11, geeks, school.
« Reply #7 on: 21 February 2003, 18:48 »
i'm sure they have eleven or twelve of compulsory school, like any sensible country.
visit these websites and make yourself happy forever:
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X11, geeks, school.
« Reply #8 on: 21 February 2003, 21:28 »
You could only know how to access the BIOS menu, and most dolts would think you could program your own OS.


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X11, geeks, school.
« Reply #9 on: 21 February 2003, 21:31 »
Originally posted by Fett101:
You could only know how to access the BIOS menu, and most dolts would think you could program your own OS.

funny, because its true  :D


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X11, geeks, school.
« Reply #10 on: 22 February 2003, 01:17 »
Originally posted by Fett101:
You could only know how to access the BIOS menu, and most dolts would think you could program your own OS.

I got a better one: I got into the command prompt a while back (which you aren't supposed to do) and everyone is like "Whoa! You a big l337 hax0r". Morons.


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X11, geeks, school.
« Reply #11 on: 22 February 2003, 07:12 »
Originally posted by Macman: LITERALLY a genius / bob:
You only have ten years of school in Australia? That explains quite a bit.

Surprisingly, thats the only comment I have.

That's not a very nice thing to say. There are 10 years of compulsory schooling in Australia, and 2 years non-compulsory, but the way things are going, if you don't do all 12, you will have a hard time finding a decent job. btw, I did all 12, and am now at uni. I also work as a database programmer, using skills that i started to acquire in grade 11 and 12, and continued to improve on. Australia has a very good education system.


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X11, geeks, school.
« Reply #12 on: 22 February 2003, 07:17 »
Originally posted by Lt. Reliability of the Redmond Army:

That's not a very nice thing to say. There are 10 years of compulsory schooling in Australia, and 2 years non-compulsory, but the way things are going, if you don't do all 12, you will have a hard time finding a decent job. btw, I did all 12, and am now at uni. I also work as a database programmer, using skills that i started to acquire in grade 11 and 12, and continued to improve on. Australia has a very good education system.

Pretty much the same here in the US, except it's called "Dropping Out" rather than not continuing with optional education  ;)


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X11, geeks, school.
« Reply #13 on: 22 February 2003, 08:09 »
There are 12 years of education.  i know because i just finished the last one and moved into uni campus today.  X11 year 10 computer classes are a joke.
which is college IT in highschool pretty much.
- bullshit.
dont flatter yourself! i did specialist maths last year and i still am working my ass off to prepare for my courses coming up.  most of the ppl on these forums prob no twenty times more than you and me combined dude but dont take it too harshly - if you think you have what it takes work hard and get to uni, dont waste your intelligence. (ie DONT drop out at year 10 (unless your idea of computers is those little cash registers at maccas))
i also got called "good with computers" pretty muchj only because i could dl stuff of sites for the jocks.  its like any compliment:means nothing unless its from someone who knows what their talking about.
You only have ten years of school in Australia? That explains quite a bit.

get fucked 8-)


i'm sure they have eleven or twelve of compulsory school, like any sensible country.
thankyou, much better, btw 3-1 at soccer man can you poms play any sport? 8-)

Australia has a very good education system.
damn right. 8-) wtf is with the msn icon though?

in summation mr X11 keep working at it. year 12 might be a little difficult getting through if ur used to how easy the rest of your education was but its worth it.  talk the talk less and walk the walk more. actual ability will be respected far more than loudmouthing.

ps. if aone checks what os im using, its only temporary... mr slackware install wont install... lilo claims the mbr is too small ?!? and it wont let me make a linux boot disk either so i have to use windows till i can get my help at the local linux users group.

[ February 21, 2003: Message edited by: Faust ]

Yesterday it worked
Today it is not working
Windows is like that


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X11, geeks, school.
« Reply #14 on: 22 February 2003, 13:07 »
Originally posted by Macman: LITERALLY a genius / bob:
You only have ten years of school in Australia? That explains quite a bit.

Surprisingly, thats the only comment I have.

10 years then a "VCE" (college) for 2 years
12 years you dumb fat retart.