Author Topic: Conspiracy Theories  (Read 742 times)


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Conspiracy Theories
« on: 29 November 2001, 02:03 »
Whenever a company or organization gets too large for its own good, people get suspicious.

In Microsoft's case, I would be very suspicious.

I've heard and told of a few things that seem to be off balance about Microsoft. M$ laying in bed with the NSA, for example. Whether or not it's true, the fact is that such a thing could happen. Many would argue that is happening!

But if you happen to have a few theories of your own, I'm sure everyone here would like to know what they are. That is why were here right? To discuss the shady and back-alley dealings of M$, right?

I wonder who else, besides the fed, is being fed by that large spoon that is Bill Gates' Billions.


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Conspiracy Theories
« Reply #1 on: 29 November 2001, 02:29 »
I obviously have no real data or anything to back anything up, but . . . it's probably inevitable that Microsoft and some entity/-ies in the government are friendly.  One very nice thing about using "alternative" operating systems is that, if it is in fact true that Microsoft has back doors or other secret dealings with, say, the NSA or something, us non-M$ users generally don't have to worry about it.  Just as virus writers go after Windows for maximum effect, so too will the government try and work out back-room deals with them, because they figure snooping on Windows lusers is the best way to hit the majority of the computer-using public.

Someone once said that people get the leaders they deserve -- i.e., if they're morons and elect a complete idiot to office (ahem -- 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, for instance), well fuck it -- they deserve it for being so uninformed.  I'd say the same applies with choice of operating system.  (shrug)


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Conspiracy Theories
« Reply #2 on: 30 November 2001, 08:45 »
i wonder about backdoors. . i mean, hell, if renegade bbs software had 'em then windows must.  heh.


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Conspiracy Theories
« Reply #3 on: 1 December 2001, 07:45 »
I don't think it's just "Bill Gates' Billions".  With the amount of taxes the gov't takes in, Bill's bucks are little more than a drop in the toilet.  It's the entire tech/entertainment industry.
It's easy: the entertainment industry wants more money, so they partner (unofficially, of course) with Big Brother/Uncle Sam.  The Feds make it possible for the corporate pisspots to make more money than they could ever use, and in return, said pisspots kick back some of the dough.

This arrangement is nothing new.  This stuff has been going on since before recorded history.  Rob the poor to feed the rich more.


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Conspiracy Theories
« Reply #4 on: 1 December 2001, 07:47 »
Actually, it's kind of a nice arrangement, unless you actually care about your fellow man.....


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Conspiracy Theories
« Reply #5 on: 1 March 2002, 17:03 »
wasn't somebody talking about this elsewhere recently?? most interesting (strokes chin).
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Conspiracy Theories
« Reply #6 on: 1 March 2002, 18:44 »
Calum, so you were serious about these memory leaks, I see!!   :D    :D    :D    :D
I'm not in favor of senseless Microsoft bashing. I'm in favor of bashing Microsoft senseless.


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Conspiracy Theories
« Reply #7 on: 3 March 2002, 20:53 »
Isn't Billy boy part of Bilderberg?
When hundreds of the richest/most influential people in the world form conspiracies, doesn't it come under 'sound business practice' or 'responsible governance'?
And that election snafu in that backward country (Bushville or something) would seem conspiratorial, except most people seem to think his country deserve him (just please don't let him start a world war (ratings boost II))
Remember, if the American 'Government' prove OBL's responsible for the 'planes into buildings' episode, the CIA should be indicted. Why? 'Cos they trained and funded him for many years. With the full knowledge of the 'government'. And Dubya jnr had an oil co. with OBL's half-brother. And he's in bed with M$. (Unlike Enron , who got kicked out of the bed for farting and following through on thousands of people....) We don't need conspiracy theories, we've got enough conspiracy facts  ;)    :confused:    :eek:    :mad:    :D
I see dumb people


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Conspiracy Theories
« Reply #8 on: 4 March 2002, 03:09 »
So, in the last episode of X-files we will see how it all is a conspiracy by M
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