I am an elite hacker from the oldschool who is dropping his skills on the digital turntables.
1 4m 4n 31337 H4x0R FR0M +HE Old5CHO0L wH0 15 DRoPp1n9 HI5 5kill5 0N TH3 d1GI+@l +URnt4ble5.
Too normalized, should be
I r an elite hacker from teh oldskool who be droppin his def/mad skills on teh digital turntables.
1 R @N L33+ HAx0R PHRom +EH 0LDsKo0L Who 83 dR0ppin h1s Def/m4D 5K1lL$ ON +eH DI91T4L +uRNT@BL3$.
YES! Now were styling!