Author Topic: Kerry picks Edwards for VP  (Read 1672 times)


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Kerry picks Edwards for VP
« Reply #15 on: 14 July 2004, 06:02 »
Originally posted by Laukev7:
No it's not. Voting for Kerry is the same as voting for Bush, unfortunately, for their policies are very similar. It is the Democrats who are stealing votes from Nader by scaring people away, not the contrary.

Oh, c'mon Laukev!  I know you are more intelligent then that!  Do you actually think Nader could win?  or anyone from a third party for that matter?
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Kerry picks Edwards for VP
« Reply #16 on: 14 July 2004, 21:19 »
As for Druge, FUCK HIM! JUST ANOTHER CONSERVATIVE RADIO FUCK WAD!! Do you think showing pictures of Kerry and Edwards like that is a good argument when trying to prove that Bush and Cheney are better? Give me a break.

I didn't post that to make an argument.  I thought it was funny.

NOOOOOOOOO!!!! Voting for Nader is the same thing as voting for Bush! Nader is a fuck wad with a big ego. He knows he will loose this election so why is he running? All he is doing is fucking Kerry over.

I think it's good that he run, because voting shouldn't be about choosing the lesser two evils (which is what some consider Bush and Kerry).  Also, who says that all Nader voters would vote for Kerry?  For example, my dad voted for Bush in 2000, but isn't sure about this time.  But he won't vote for Kerry.  So, there's one potential Republican Nader voter.  I bet there's many.
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Kerry picks Edwards for VP
« Reply #17 on: 14 July 2004, 21:47 »
Originally posted by Paladin9:

Oh, c'mon Laukev!  I know you are more intelligent then that!  Do you actually think Nader could win?  or anyone from a third party for that matter?

Practically speaking, and given the long-time two-party system, it would be very difficult for a third party to get in. However, as I said before, the only reason people don't vote for Nader is because people don't vote for Nader, and if the United States is to improve its political situation, then the American people will need to get out of that two-party stalemate.

But what does it change if Nader gets more votes? Couldn't the Democrats form a coalition with the Reform Party, at least to beat Bush?

How about you, WMD? I dare hope you aren't going to support Bush?

[ July 14, 2004: Message edited by: Laukev7 ]


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Kerry picks Edwards for VP
« Reply #18 on: 14 July 2004, 11:25 »
Originally posted by Laukev7:
How about you, WMD? I dare hope you aren't going to support Bush?

I don't know.  I'm about ready to give up deciding.  The whole political situation this time around is too unique (at least for my lifetime) for me to fully comprehend.  It's not that I've missed something.  It's that it's too far from the norm in what the arguments and acusations are.
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Kerry picks Edwards for VP
« Reply #19 on: 14 July 2004, 16:41 »
The only thing sadder than the fact that millions of Americans still support Bush is that the rest of the country couldn't/can't bring themselves to vote for anyone more progressive than the pathetically disappointing Kerry, like Kucinich or Nader.
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Kerry picks Edwards for VP
« Reply #20 on: 15 July 2004, 21:50 »
Originally posted by flap:
The only thing sadder than the fact that millions of Americans still support Bush is that the rest of the country couldn't/can't bring themselves to vote for anyone more progressive than the pathetically disappointing Kerry, like Kucinich or Nader.

Um, I dissagree.  I think Nader and Kucinich are pathetic.  I like to vote for who I think is the best man for the job, and I think that man is John Kerry.  I do not think I have ever seen a thind party canidate who I thought would make a good president.  I DO NOT think Nader(or Kucinich) would be good presidents.

[ July 15, 2004: Message edited by: Paladin9 ]

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Kerry picks Edwards for VP
« Reply #21 on: 15 July 2004, 15:36 »
I think Nader and Kucinich are pathetic. I like to vote for who I think is the best man for the job, and I think that man is John Kerry.

Ha ha. As I say, that's very sad.
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Kerry picks Edwards for VP
« Reply #22 on: 15 July 2004, 16:05 »
Paladin9: I like to vote for who I think is the best man for the job, and I think that man is John Kerry.

I disagree. David Cobb would make a great president for your country.


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Kerry picks Edwards for VP
« Reply #23 on: 15 July 2004, 19:24 »
Originally posted by Paladin9:

Um, I dissagree.  I think Nader and Kucinich are pathetic.  I like to vote for who I think is the best man for the job, and I think that man is John Kerry.  I do not think I have ever seen a thind party canidate who I thought would make a good president.  I DO NOT think Nader(or Kucinich) would be good presidents.

[ July 15, 2004: Message edited by: Paladin9 ] you at least have any clue about these people or are you basing your opinion from what you see on CNN and FOX?


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Kerry picks Edwards for VP
« Reply #24 on: 16 July 2004, 05:04 »
Originally posted by xeen: you at least have any clue about these people or are you basing your opinion from what you see on CNN and FOX?

HELL NO!!!  I have this amazing ability to form my own opinions.  John Kerry may not be perfect but MY opinion is that John Kerry would make the best president out of all the people I know about running.
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Kerry picks Edwards for VP
« Reply #25 on: 18 July 2004, 08:10 »
American morons who apparently have no brains, this election year should take the advice given by Ronald Reagan in his campaign:

When you go vote, ask yourself: "Is America better off today than it was 4 years ago?"

I dare anyone on this forum to say YES with a decent explanation.

The only good thing George W. Bush has done for America is give us 4 years of great late night television.

Will John Kerry be better? Who knows? If Bush taught us anything it's that you don't know what you're getting until you get it. Campaign promises are nothing but lies. But at least with Kerry there is some chance of things turning around.

As for Nader, I'd love for him to be president. But he never will be. The only good his campaign does is provide more support for third parties and independants, who will get somewhere in years to come. But this is not the year to play politics and vote for someone who you know won't win just to make a statement. Too much is at steak.

But seriously folks, any bush in my yard would be a better president than the Bush we got now.


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Kerry picks Edwards for VP
« Reply #26 on: 18 July 2004, 08:28 »
As for Nader, I'd love for him to be president. But he never will be.

The sad thing is that the only reason people don't vote for him is because everyone keeps repeating that, even though a lot would rather vote for him than for Republicans or Democrats. What would need to happen would be that Americans start to realise that they're not alone in wanting something different than the perpetual Republicrat party.