Author Topic: Why do you hate Microsoft (Poll, Sort Of)  (Read 1450 times)


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Why do you hate Microsoft (Poll, Sort Of)
« on: 24 April 2003, 04:58 »
No Fights, just tell me and everyone else what your grudge with MS is.

Mine is crappy ass software.  I don't care about their business practices or close source software.  I just hate crappy software that crashes and fails at every possible moment.  I could care less about being able to look at the source.  I also think that is MS is smart enough to sell crap to stupid people and make billions of dollars doing it, good for them.  I don't like how they put other people out of business just because they can, but if they can, good for them.  When it comes to open source stuff, I think it should be like everything else that you buy.  I think you should be able to work your car's engine backwards, but don't think that they blue prints should be given to you.  Now I do not like the dmca or whatever they're called that doesn't allow you to work the software backwards.  I also think copying shouldn't be allowed, you can't do it in the real world, it shouldn't be allowed in the software world, except for convenience of the person who bought it.

I hate MS because they make Shit

Now tell me why you hate MS.


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Why do you hate Microsoft (Poll, Sort Of)
« Reply #1 on: 24 April 2003, 05:52 »
For me, it has less to do with the quality (or lack thereof) of their software, and it doesn't have anything to do with whether or not they are open source (availability of source code makes no difference to me, because I'm not a programmer).

For me, it's their illegal and anti-competitive business practices.  I mean, threatening computer makers with revoking their Windows licenses just because they want to feature software that's not made by Microsoft?  That alone pisses me off so much.  Why can't they let the consumer decide what is best for them?  If their products were truly superior to the alternatives, then they shouldn't have any problem letting users decide what they want.  In a fair market, people would be aware of all choices and select the product that works best for them.  For too long in the computer market, Microsoft has been dictating what consumers can choose, and it's got to stop.  

If Microsoft were truly fair in the marketplace, and if their software was truly superior to the competition, then they wouldn't have any fear in allowing computer makers to bundle software of their choosing.  In a healthy market, consumers have choices.  Competition drives capitalism.  Who knows?  In a fair market, with all things being equal, people might still choose Microsoft.  And they also might still choose someone else.  But as it stands right now, consumers don't think they have any other choice other than Microsoft, be it with operating systems, office software, money software, internet browsers, whatever.  

Don't get me wrong.  Microsoft has done good for the computer industry, unifying the PC model and allowing for one operating system to run on multiple configurations.  However, their time has long past, and now they are nothing more than a big bully trying to buy their way into preventing other choices for the consumer.  So far, mostly because consumers aren't aware that there are other choices, they are succeeding.  The best way for MS to fail in this endeavor is for people to be made aware of the alternatives, and tell people that they don't have to be a slave to Microsoft if they don't want to be.


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Why do you hate Microsoft (Poll, Sort Of)
« Reply #2 on: 24 April 2003, 06:00 »
Main reason I have allways hated microsoft is basically cuz I'm a bigtime Apple Loyalist. I got into computers with the Apple II, migrated to the Mac and have been there ever since.

I started back in the day, and thought Mac's were wonderfull! It was great when we were king of the GUI and the home desktop... untill WIN3.1!!!! Grrrrr.... I hated that sodden pice of rubish the minute it hit PC's. I was enraged to hear people saying that now their PC's worked like Mac's, when they so did not know what the fuck they were talking about.

As a Mac user, I saw the insideus creep of microsft bloatware infiltrate my market like a plague and hated every minute of it. How could people increse the marketshare of this most pathetic attempt at a GUI when the Mac is sooooo much better?

It was even worse watching Apple fuck up their buissness time after time, and be oblivious to M$ as they copied them left and right. Why did they oust Jobs? Apple got their just deserts in this period for turning it's back on it's own creator.

And so Time went, on and then Came Win95. By this point it was too late, Marketing clout, and the overwhelming money M$ had, destroyed the Mac market share and reduced it to wavering between teh 3 and 5 percent it manages to keep today. We, the proud, the few, the Mac Zealots.

My beef with Microsoft is a personal hatred. It's the hatred of seeing a plagerist, a cheet, a swindler, use your complacancy to steal your wind and take the gold away from it's rightfull winner. I could care less if M$ made the best products in the world, I never have subscribed to the idea that the ends justify the means and never will. A company with low ethics, is not a company I will stand by.

[ April 23, 2003: Message edited by: psyjax: plain 'ol psyjax ]



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Why do you hate Microsoft (Poll, Sort Of)
« Reply #3 on: 24 April 2003, 06:21 »
I could attempt to write a long list of reasons why I hate Microsoft, but the truth of the matter is I don't see them as deserving any more hate than most other software companies.  I think I'll let Richard Stallman speak for me with this article he wrote:

Is Microsoft the Great Satan?

Many people think of Microsoft as the monster menace of the software industry. There is even a campaign to boycott Microsoft. This feeling has intensified since Microsoft expressed active hostility towards free software.

In the free software movement, our perspective is different. We see that Microsoft is doing something that is bad for software users: making software proprietary and thus denying users their rightful freedom.

But Microsoft is not alone in this; almost all software companies do the same thing to the users. If other companies manage to dominate fewer users than Microsoft, that is not for lack of trying.

This is not meant to excuse Microsoft. Rather, it is meant as a reminder that Microsoft is the natural development of a software industry based on dividing users and taking away their freedom. When criticizing Microsoft, we must not exonerate the other companies that also make proprietary software. At the FSF, we don't run any proprietary software---not from Microsoft or anyone else.

In the ``Halloween documents'', released at the end of October 1998, Microsoft executives stated an intention to use various methods to obstruct the development of free software: specifically, designing secret protocols and file formats, and patenting algorithms and software features.

These obstructionist policies are nothing new: Microsoft, and many other software companies, have been doing them for years now. In the past, probably, their motivation was to attack each other; now, it seems, we are among the intended targets. But that change in motivation has no practical consequence, because secret conventions and software patents obstruct everyone, regardless of the ``intended target''.

Secrecy and patents do threaten free software. They have obstructed us greatly in the past, and we must expect they will do so even more in the future. But this is no different from what was going to happen even if Microsoft had never noticed us. The only real significance of the ``Halloween documents'' is that Microsoft seems to think that the GNU/Linux system has the potential for great success.

Thank you, Microsoft, and please get out of the way.


To put it short, I don't like Microsoft, but it's for most of the same reasons I don't like Apple, Macromedia or Adobe either.


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Why do you hate Microsoft (Poll, Sort Of)
« Reply #4 on: 24 April 2003, 06:40 »
There are many reasons why I don't like Microsoft as well. Surprisingly these reasons have a lot less to do with their Operating System's stability or security and more to do with Microsoft's view on free software. You see, not only has Microsoft supported and promoted closed and proprietary standards, it has actually tried to prevent the development of free software in various ways.

Microsoft is also the reason why we do not enjoy any freedom of choice and are not being offered any alternatives. They have bullied and are still bullying the software and hardware industries, based on their desktop "operating system's" success so far.

There are so many reasons, but I'm bored to mention each and every one of them.   :D


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Why do you hate Microsoft (Poll, Sort Of)
« Reply #5 on: 24 April 2003, 10:02 »
Mostly because of the effect Microsoft has on people. I know many good, intelligent people that laugh at me when I mention anything but Windows. It's very disturbing how convinced these people are that Microsoft has their best interests in mind.

Oh yeah, there stuff is shit too.


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Why do you hate Microsoft (Poll, Sort Of)
« Reply #6 on: 24 April 2003, 10:15 »
Originally posted by Macman: HAS 1000 POSTS:
Mostly because of the effect Microsoft has on people. I know many good, intelligent people that laugh at me when I mention anything but Windows. It's very disturbing how convinced these people are that Microsoft has their best interests in mind.

Oh yeah, there stuff is shit too.

Sadly, people seem to be bred to put their trust in organizations like Microsoft.


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Why do you hate Microsoft (Poll, Sort Of)
« Reply #7 on: 24 April 2003, 13:15 »
Because they kill choice and individuality.
You WILL use internet explorer, you WILL use windows media player, you WILL use word, you WILL use excel, you WILL use windows.   :rolleyes:
Yesterday it worked
Today it is not working
Windows is like that


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Why do you hate Microsoft (Poll, Sort Of)
« Reply #8 on: 24 April 2003, 14:08 »
i agree with faust, as i usually do.
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Why do you hate Microsoft (Poll, Sort Of)
« Reply #9 on: 24 April 2003, 18:42 »
My beef with microsoft, in this order:
1. Shiatty OS
2. Monopolistic practices
3. They bought out Bungie, formerly a Mac-only developer (I think), which really pissed me off because Marathon rocked
4. Their standards-bashing (IIS TCP/IP stack anyone?)
"George Bush says 'we are losing the war on drugs'. Well you know what that implies? There's a war going on, and people on drugs are winning it! Well what does that tell you about drugs? Some smart, creative motherfuckers on that side."  --Bill Hicks


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Why do you hate Microsoft (Poll, Sort Of)
« Reply #10 on: 24 April 2003, 19:11 »
I don't like companies that feel they need to shove crappy software down my throat, then either deny or kill off the alternatives. Watching my every move doesn't help them either.


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Why do you hate Microsoft (Poll, Sort Of)
« Reply #11 on: 24 April 2003, 20:21 »
Reasons :

1. Bill gates is already loaded with cash ... and still he is selling his products for stupidly large sums of money.
I largly beleve software cd should only be sold at $20 - 50 not anything more.

2. No alternitives due to lousy copyright laws..I ask the question.......(example question)What would happen if ford was the only carmaker in the world and they did not allow fiat  to use petrol because fords use petrol ?

3. Spyware built in.......if u got xp.....i recomend geting xpantispy and adaware for the shock of ur life.(if ur forsed to in work to use microsoft hardware and software)

4. The lies and more lies all over the microsoft website and to add to there coment that oop software promotes terrorism........
Point to microsoft...... used M$ software so thats a pie in the face.

5. Microsoft Internet explorer is a pain in the arse....if youre a web designer.......if u want to comply with w3c standerds.

6. Ever try to use IIS 5.1 that comes with xp ?.....why did they even bother !!!
Thank god for the beautyfull world of Apatchie.

7. Normal Microsoft b.S i hear in the news....court cases etc etc.....
There ads on tv make me puke....

8. Ever try to use MS Java ?

9. The xbox.......

10. The operating system itself.....they say XP is stable and dont crash ...... sure it dont crash it just shuts off and restarts or it slows down to a point that u gotta restart...


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Why do you hate Microsoft (Poll, Sort Of)
« Reply #12 on: 24 April 2003, 21:32 »
Originally posted by new2linux55:

2. No alternitives due to lousy copyright laws..I ask the question.......(example question)What would happen if ford was the only carmaker in the world and they did not allow fiat  to use petrol because fords use petrol ?

What do copyright laws have to do with MS lack of competition?

As for you're analogy, there are currently several auto makers. One that can't drive an the majority of roads, and several that people don't know about due to complete lack of marketing, and fear due to complexity.


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Why do you hate Microsoft (Poll, Sort Of)
« Reply #13 on: 24 April 2003, 21:37 »
No other Os can look like windows.....(look at the lindows lawsuit)

Microsofts not 2 frendaly about other people trying to use .doc and other microsoft stuff.

Can some make a os thats 100% Microsoft complint without geting sued ?

Taught not.


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Why do you hate Microsoft (Poll, Sort Of)
« Reply #14 on: 24 April 2003, 22:17 »
those issues have NOTHING to do with copyright. NOTHING.

that issue is to do with whether or not a concept can be PATENTED. patents are the dangerous ones, NOT copyrights, which i firmly support as a legal concept. in my opinion inventions should be patentable, but software (as it is a literary work rather than a physical invention) should only be copyrightable.

also the licence agreements companies make their users sign suck a lot too, for example:
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