Author Topic: The dossier  (Read 1131 times)


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The dossier
« Reply #15 on: 3 October 2002, 01:19 »
if you're really into damage control then you should know that i think a quick SAS style assasination of saddam is what is required. No war, no nothing.

Pity they won't do that.

All the NATO/UN type countries (the 'good' guys) seem to think they can't assasinate a country's premier since it is against the geneva convention or some such nonsense. To me, if the alternative is the total devestation of a people that are already being terrorised by their leader, then fucking kill their leader i say, and let's make no more bones about it.

also, can anybody here prove to me that saddam had anything to do with the terrorist attacks in washington and new york?
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The dossier
« Reply #16 on: 3 October 2002, 01:56 »
Nah it's too big for SAS, much as I love 'em. I'm sure they will be doing plenty more low profile ops though, and they may be sent to get him later on,but it's highly unlikely.
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The dossier
« Reply #17 on: 3 October 2002, 03:41 »
Yeah, I think Bush is a maniac too. I'd rather have someone smart with no personality whatsoever (Gore. I've met him, he is actually kind of least he tries. Where BTW: One of those campaign dinners) than someone stupid with a personality (Bush, whom I haven't met THANK GOD)Bush should be impeached for stupidity and [potential] abuse of power, if it is possible.

Bombing isn't the answer. Bombing pisses people off, which leads to deaths and terrorist attacks. Deaths and terrorist attacks lead to more bombing. Bush would bomb everyone until he ran out of bombs. See where I'm going with this?


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The dossier
« Reply #18 on: 3 October 2002, 16:27 »
okay, well you know my stance on saddam, assasinate him and it will all be better, i would say the same about bush, but think about it, what really would happen is bush was assasinated? i reckon the situation could only get worse.
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The dossier
« Reply #19 on: 3 October 2002, 22:02 »
if bush were assasinated, the people really pulling the strings would probably just step forward and regain control. not to sound like a crazy nut hung up on conspiracy theory, but i never felt right about this 9/11 crap, the war on terrorism, and having a bush in office. when bush speaks, he sounds and looks like he doesnt know where he is, its as if he is front for cheney/rumsfield, or whomever else. and this whole florida election thing, where votes magically appeared and bush wins. bullshit. its not right that a candidate who wins the popular vote loses to the one with the elctoral votes. that alone shows the system doesnt work. i remember reading some history about world war 2, the kind of book you dont get to read in your high schools history class, and it seems that america knew about pearl harbor before it happened. they let it happen, how else do you get a population involved in a war they dont care about.
i dont know. this whole gets me fired up to where i cant think straight.
anyways, a little personal rant from ecsyle-one


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The dossier
« Reply #20 on: 3 October 2002, 23:39 »
yes it is not really disputed now that US intelligence informed Roosevelt about the planned japanese attack on the states. He chose not to deal with it since an attack on the states would mean the US would have to enter the european war instead of just selling weapons to its contestants. Roosevelt believed that the Allies would lose the war if the US did not become involved, and that this should not happen. The only way he knew to make the US join the war was to allow the Japanese to kill some servicemen.

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