Author Topic: interesting windowsbbs topic  (Read 470 times)


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interesting windowsbbs topic
« on: 5 February 2003, 20:42 »
I stopped in to the windowsbbs forum to see what was up.  Found a rather interesting thread there.  It's a poll on what OS people would use when M$ drops support for Win98, and one of the options was Linux!  Even more surprising was that over 7% of the people there chose Linux.  Only about 15% chose upgrade to WinXP.

I put in my $.02 on the subject.  Check it out if you're interested.
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interesting windowsbbs topic
« Reply #1 on: 5 February 2003, 21:20 »
Up to 8 now. Notice how noone there even uses WinME? So I guess everyone agrees - it sucks


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interesting windowsbbs topic
« Reply #2 on: 5 February 2003, 23:10 »
I don't get it. why do they have to *stop running it* just because MS isn't going to support it any more?

I run System 7.5.2 on a Quadra 610, and OS 8.6 on a Power Mac 7200. Neither of those are supported by Apple, but they still work great.

Windows 98 won't cease to function just because Mr. Bill doesn't wanna mess with it anymore.

Also, funny how other hardware platforms aren't listed, isn't it?

Mac OS, Linux on Apple hardware, Sun, SGI, et cetera. There are people that would gladly make the move to a truly superior computer.
Go the fuck ~


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interesting windowsbbs topic
« Reply #3 on: 5 February 2003, 23:52 »
Actually most of the responses were that they would just keep on using Win98.  If you bother to slog through all of the posts quite a few folks said that they would look at Macs.  I was just surprised that so many selected Linux and how few (for a Windows forum) chose WinXP.  Kind of shows that even Windows people don't much like WinXP.
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