Author Topic: Need the Info...wanna get away from Windows...Help Wanted  (Read 638 times)


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I built a system about 2 years ago i's been a has;
AMD Athlon K6XP (1.6ghz)
Radeon 7200 LE
Predator 5.1 Maddog Sound Card
1 gig RAM
40 gb WD someshitoranother hdd
100 gb cantfugginrememberdistributor hdd
creative 56x cdrom
phillips 1200ex cd+rw
netsys fasethernet 10/100 card
I wanna make the change to an alternative O/S but need more info...

My uses you ask?
3DStudio max
Office Shtuck (Word processors, spread sheets bla bla bla...
altering downloaded porn videos  
delrina form flow and jet form have frequented my system
The list could go on for hours...errr lines...
I'm in the military and use my puter for work and escape. Yes I game and have a console allready, but it's not the same.
any suggestions are welcome, I am currently looking at a Linux version at the Post Exchange which is selling for $35.00 and comes with all the office and photo editting stuff inherent. Input from experienced users would be appreciated...I gues it's mostly being anxious of a new thing, but I hate my 90 day format excursions due to windows corruption.
Quote from: "Orethrius"
After all, running Windows without a decent anti-virus is like walking through a Red Light District after eating five metric tonnes of Viagra.


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Need the Info...wanna get away from Windows...Help Wanted
« Reply #1 on: 15 September 2003, 15:33 »
this needs to be in a different forum. probably "Windows operating systems"
Go the fuck ~