its the censor ship issue that has me agianst it. i do agree, that little kids have no need to be looking at porn, hell most adults don't need to look at that stuff/*choas is trying to break the porn habit, its not a good thing, and im not going to mention anymore in a public forum*/. but our country needs to get things straight. which one would you think to be worse
movie''s containg consenting adults giving each other orgasm's
video games depicting lots of violence
adults giving each other orgasms, now some porn is evil, but for the most part, alot is justpeople posing, the long term problem with that is people view others as objects for their own gratificaiton
video games at a young age when its harder to distinguse from reality isn't good, but at an older age, they can be very fun, and actally relieve stress/
i would have to say, be a better parent. but that wount happen, god is in the tv, and the parents need to go get drunk and shit, so its always somebody elses responsibilty to watch them.
amd before somebody mentions that video games make people go nuts and kill others, it isn't true. if you are attracted to such things deeply. then you have problems that run far deeper then a shallow video game.
now back on my censor ship rant. maybe this is a great initive in disguise, like xpuser. for it is said /*got it from the fortune file, its gotta be in a more "respectible" place though*/ that to make the brightest nation, simply ban education, and in 5 years we will have the most inteligent nation in the world. but i highly doubt that theory. too many sheeple, too much power to gained by he who controlls it all