Author Topic: Gates takes a swipe at Apple, Linux security  (Read 1215 times)


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Gates takes a swipe at Apple, Linux security
« on: 30 January 2004, 03:18 »
This is too damn funny, now Billy Boy claims his OS is more secure than Linux or Mac OS X!

"A high-volume system like (Windows) that has been thoroughly tested will be by far the most secure," Gates told the audience at the Developing Software for the future Microsoft Platform conference at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre here.  

Yeah... bullshit.


But patch management continues to be the largest headache, Gates said. "Everybody who had their software completely up-to-date (during the epidemics) was immune to those problems. But only 20 percent of our customers were, so obviously, we weren't doing enough."

My gosh... you figured it out! Maybe if you made SECURE products FROM THE START that DON'T NEED UPDATING EVERY TEN MINUTES you'd fix this problem eh?


Gates said "virtually all" Microsoft customers are now using automatic patching, but in the past, even this has proved problematic. Last August, many companies were left open to a new virus, because a flaw in the Windows Update service led them to believe--wrongly--that they were protected from MSBlast.

More bullshit.. didn't he just say only 20% of his customers were up to date with patches? I wouldn't touch that automatic shit EVER! I manually download patches in 2k, and well, Linux is just secure.

If you want to have a look at this crap yourself, here ya go!


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Gates takes a swipe at Apple, Linux security
« Reply #1 on: 30 January 2004, 08:13 »
is there an os less secure than windows???
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Gates takes a swipe at Apple, Linux security
« Reply #2 on: 30 January 2004, 08:17 »
"Given the choice between accomplishing something and just lying around, I'd rather lie around. No contest." - Eric Clapton


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Gates takes a swipe at Apple, Linux security
« Reply #3 on: 31 January 2004, 00:16 »
Originally said by Bill Gates:
A high-volume system like (Windows) that has been thoroughly tested will be by far the most secure.

Oh it's high-volume, but like only 100 people can see the fucking source code, so NO, it's NOT being tested!
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Gates takes a swipe at Apple, Linux security
« Reply #4 on: 31 January 2004, 01:27 »
If windozzzzzzz is so fucking secure 'Mr 'bullshit Gates' how come the fucking FBI use Macs!!

What a fucking Wanker - Gates needs to step out of reality distortion field and look around and see the real world.

If he did he would see everyone laughing at him!!

What a loser!!


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Gates takes a swipe at Apple, Linux security
« Reply #5 on: 31 January 2004, 05:29 »
oki so why was msblast patch put in linux servers?! and they even said it was for security reasons!!!

lol its so secure that when I traied windows 2003 I automaticly caught tha msblast virus, shame on me to think they would patch it would already have that security problem resolved..


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Gates takes a swipe at Apple, Linux security
« Reply #6 on: 31 January 2004, 18:48 »
Hmmm... too damn funny. SuSE 9 provides far better security than any MS OS ever will. I don't, personally, own a Macintosh computer, but I've used a friend's Mac before and it was easy to use... seemed secure... after all it IS built on UNIX! I loved Safari as well... I like it even more than Firebird   :eek:  

I also am rather confused Billy Boy, as to why you say Windows is so secure "Out of the Box" - the latest version, XP, has a shitty firewall, but by  default that isn't even on!  Then there is the matter of downloading the massive service packs and 5000 critical updates .... stop bullshitting out your ass Bill!


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Gates takes a swipe at Apple, Linux security
« Reply #7 on: 1 February 2004, 03:35 »
Also, what does he mean by "secure" when there are backdoors that make it especaially easy to view whatever websites the box has visited or any installed programs on the computer?

I think by secure he means he's gotten millions of bitch customers "secured" who don't even know why it's a shitty OS to begin with.


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Gates takes a swipe at Apple, Linux security
« Reply #8 on: 27 February 2004, 16:42 »
hehe, when was the last time you heard of a macintosh virus? yep, that's right, there's pretty much no mac viruses... even classic mac os (not built on unix) was really secure. or maybe it's the fact that people using them aren't as highly strung, cos their machine actually works... - unlike windows, which tends to invoke peoples' violent tendancies for some reason (can't quite think of it at the moment)... - hence the number of viruses for windows...

[ February 27, 2004: Message edited by: nails ]


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Gates takes a swipe at Apple, Linux security
« Reply #9 on: 27 February 2004, 23:57 »
Don't forget what MS means by "secure."

It means DRM.
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Gates takes a swipe at Apple, Linux security
« Reply #10 on: 20 March 2004, 05:06 »
Gates takes a swipe at Apple, Linux security... and miserably fails.
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