Author Topic: The web's greatest secret(one of them)(loooong)  (Read 572 times)


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The web's greatest secret(one of them)(loooong)
« on: 16 September 2002, 12:19 »
This is something that most of you probably don't even realize exsisted. Picture this. Anyone ever heard of Sierra's Quest for Glory series? It is like their other famous SCI games, except for one thing... it is one of the few combinings of SCI style adventure and RPG! It also had alot of other phat things in it.

Sierra made 5 of them, im sure QFG5 is more familiar to alot of people, as it's more modern. Anyways, Sierra decided to end the series then, and it was on a downhill road with it's adventure gaming career(Read:bit by the massmarket 3D game bug).

Ok so how is this a secret? It gets really cool right about now. So some fans think this sucks and decide to make their own sequel, of course they realize that copyright BS would prevent them from legally releasing it, even though it would be 100% free! So they decide to make something carries on the spirit of QFG(read:principles and interface), but is a brand new fresh start. This project was called Hero6. Hero6

Little did they realize how much of a chain reaction they would start. Hero6 has been through many trials, starting out as really tiny, and struggling for the right to exsist and succeed. The project was started in 1998 or 1999(not sure which). Due to the problems faced by fanmade freeware games, it is still not released to this day. It's still being worked on, and it's probably 75% finished now.

About 3/5ths through it's current exsistence, two Hero6 inspired QFG-like games showed up, started by members of Hero6. They were Destiny Old Destiny website Current Destiny website and SFLAH(Stuggle for Life and Honor). Struggle for Life and Honor

SFLAH and Destiny would not be here today without Hero6 to lead the way. SFLAH has had some problems and is struggling for the honor to be released/live(pun intended!). Still it has good chances of survival due to the determination of it's valiant leader Igorrr.

Destiny is by far the most awesome thing yet. Even though it's had it's share of issues, it's made awesome progress in the amount of time it's been alive.

Around this time another game was heard of. It is called Quest for Glory 4.5, and is a parody of Quest for Glory(an offensive humor one of course). It has recieved criticism for being a little un-original. Sure it's funny, but it does borrow a whole lot of graphics from the Sierra games. Still, worth a look.
Quest for Glory 4.5

Im not sure exactly, but around this time another interesting project appeared. To this day it has been the most succesful fanmade game group. It is called Tierra, a take off on the name of Sierra. They have released the VGA remake of Kings Quest 1, along with a voice pack. They are currently working on a rewriting(not just remake) of Kings Quest 2, and a VGA remake of Quest for Glory 2. Sadly, they're original claim to fame, Royal Quest, had to be scrapped. Royal Quest was a parody of Kings Quest 1, with some very harsh humor(think south park). For several reasons they had to scrap it. Certaintly not for legal reasons, but for other reasons.

Tierra was recently working on a secret project, a Space Quest 2 remake, but they scrapped it because another remake of it is currently being worked on by another person. Who knows what they'll come up with next though. Tierra

After these two off-shoots, another project showed up, also a Hero6 off-shoot. It is led by Brassfire, and I am proud to say that I am a member of it! We have had some rocky start off problems though, fanmade games are fraught with peril. The Unknown Hero

I would like to say though, that the members of Hero6 who joined the other projects never "abandoned" Hero6, they just worked on two projects.

Recently there has been ANOTHER Hero6 inspired game popping up. This time it was not founded by a Hero6 team member, but a Hero6 fan! It is called "Adventurer's Quest:Flight of the Vampire".
Adventurer's Quest:Flight of the Vampire old site Adventurer's Quest:Flight of the Vampire current site

Around a similiar time, a Hero6 inspired game called Project Glory showed up. It is not made by a Hero6 member, but a fan. It's also 3D(as is TUH). Now I believe Luke(the creator) is quite anti website, so there is a dead forum and no website. Luckily you'll find out any news about it from Anthenor's(see below).

A Hero6 team member(suprise suprise) has founded a nexus for many fanmade games. He is called Anthenor and his site can be found at Anthenor's.

Is it over already? Hell no! Another community of fangames that likely exsists independant of Hero6(but is no doubt inspired by it) also exsists!
It is based around a Sierra game, like Hero6, but it's based around Space Quest and not QFG.

There is 6 games in the Space Quest series, they are all very humorous sci-fi adventure stuff. Sierra never made the 7th. So guess what? Some fans finally got together and are working on it! Heck, even one of the creators of Space Quest 6, Josh Mandel, is working with the team! Fucken a!
Space Quest 7

Now I am not sure of all the SQ fangames currently in exsistence, but there are at least as many as QFG inspired fangames. The difference is that ALL SQ fangames are either sequels or offshoots. This community is not scared of Sierra legal action, and currently they have not been hassled at all by Sierra. Sierra no longer cares I suppose.

The only currently finished one is Space Quest The Lost Chapter. It is a one man effort btw. Space Quest:TLC

Two links I can give you for sure are: Space Quest 2 remake Space Quest:The Goliath Series

I am greatly looking forward to SQ:TGS. You should be able to figure out ALL the fangames if you hang out and look around here: The Subspace Channel

Before closing, I'd like to mention a fanmade project for a Kings Quest 9. Kings Quest 7 was the last true KQ ever made, many view KQ8 as a cheap knock-off. Kings Quest 9

There is actually several more fanmade/freeware games out there, not related to QFG or SQ, but many are unknown. I know of several, but this thread is primarily about one circle of fanmade games.

So the greatest secret of the web(one of them) has been revealed today. So many people don't know of teh l33t 0ldsk00l underground, today all who hate Microsoft, or love Microsoft and come here to flame, shall know of the revolution. Cuz the revolution is now!
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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The web's greatest secret(one of them)(loooong)
« Reply #1 on: 21 September 2002, 16:13 »
Hmmmm no responses, this thread must be so thought provocative, that no one knows what to say.  

I thought more people would be excited by the fact of the exsistence of such stuff, especially those from the 0ldsk00l.

PS:I likely got 1 or 2 facts wrong in that essay thingy, oh well.
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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The web's greatest secret(one of them)(loooong)
« Reply #2 on: 21 September 2002, 19:57 »
Sorry about that gamer. I used to like the Space Quest series and the Liesure Suit Larry games. They reminded me a lot of Zork but with graphics. Oh, the Monkey Island games were great too. I suspect it's possible it didn't draw a huge response because a lot of the people here are no longer big gamers, just a guess.
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...

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The web's greatest secret(one of them)(loooong)
« Reply #3 on: 21 September 2002, 20:25 »
I read it right after you wrote it, but didnt know what to say because it was too thought provoking
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The web's greatest secret(one of them)(loooong)
« Reply #4 on: 21 September 2002, 21:40 »
I think it's fantastic! I wish more project's like that would be started for old- underated, or unreleased games.

Tokimeki Memorial being one (yes i'm a psycho fanboy).


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The web's greatest secret(one of them)(loooong)
« Reply #5 on: 22 September 2002, 02:31 »
i love to play games, hell, im building a game server based on freebsd 4.6.2 at school, when the comp club is reinstated. like all the old games like adventure and stuff like it. maybe a sci engine or something/*i heard that they exist*/ for x and stream x connections over the school network
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