Author Topic: COMMENTS REQUESTED: Changing the name and branding of this website  (Read 2097 times)

Gooseberry Clock

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Shouldn't be too hard to change the images depending on the domain, although I'm not quite sure what we're gonna do about the board. We could even go so far as to have two separate boards.


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no, that would be shit. people would not read one or the other and posts would be duplicated. Why reinvent the wheel?
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I can't believe it, I actually understood the last few messages that Goose posted. Is he becoming civilized?  Maybe he's alright after all?  Shit, I hope I didn't just ruin it, now he'll probably go back to his old ways of posting incoherent drivel...
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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I don't care eather way. Whatever is in the best interest of the site I say. The only thing I would ask is that you still keep fuckmicrosoft as an alternet domain name. Just advertise the G-rated version.

I neab, even tho the MES is registered I still reffer to the site as fuckMicrosoft  :D


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So here is a suggestion. Why don't you try to get some publicity first. Approach some magazines and explain your case, then at the end drop the info about the site name and alternatives. See what they think, how they react first. If it's negative see if they will consider you after a rename.

Try and get yourself into those site of the day type things, maybe after judging reaction by the general public you can decide if you want to change the name. When I told my roommates they laughed.

Your biggest barrier may not be the name, it may be the content. It may be seen as inflamatory, derogatory or insulting. Despite the fact that these forums contain useful comments, intelligent thought (from time to time) and often seem to attract a better class of discussion than many of the forums out there (I speak in general terms, there are of course exceptions).
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pkd, i have to disagree with you totally. If the content is so insulting, then tough, that's it. The question is, is the content being held back by the name? i think so...

If he approaches all the media and says "hey i have a site called" how many of them do you think will keep listening long enough for him to say "and it's full of good stuff and i'm thinking of changing the name"?

Nope, change the name first. That's what i say...
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Master of Reality

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We (the bobs) support the MES and will help spread publicity of your site not matter what the name is. We Bobs do not discriminate against anyone, except the anti-bobs, whether sex, age, colour, race, or dubious smell. has link to your site and so does The Abyss.

But for those Nazi's that are against profanity you could just change it to or .org.
I will get some of the Bobs to start pimping MES just as much as we trip out The Cult of Bob
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I'd say change the name for sure. When I first saw the link for the side, I considered not checking it out because I thought that it might simply be a profane and less than appropriate website.

Needless to say, it's not and the name does fit, but I think that to encourage more publicity, a name change would be good.


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Hey, I support this site. I DO NOT find the site insulting, etc. and I would certainly not change the content (I know you didn't suggest this I'm just prempting), I was just interested in whether there has been any 'actual' feedback.

If not, there are people and organisations out there who hold more 'liberal' views of such language, which we all seem to agree is the biggest barrier to this sites furtherence.

I would love to keep the forum content as it is, and the name. I was putting up the idea of whether the site has to change, or whether there are enough free thinking individuals out there that this site can survive intact.

Whoops I just reread that last statement, if there were enough free thinking individuals then M$ would not be where it is today.
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This is great! My previous post "the f-word" was all about schools and company's blocking everything related to fuck, including some parts of this website and this forum.

My suggestion is, because people just don't understand what means...

[ June 12, 2002: Message edited by: Refalm ]


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Originally posted by Gooseberry Clock:
I'm here to show you guys that there is much more to life than dissing Microsoft. There, I said it.

What not here to diss microsoft where here to help others find an alternative.

And why do you care at all?


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how about
the idea of the site is "alternatives to Microsoft products"
this site is not based on "f*** MS", it's based on "pro non-MS"

i actually came to this site because i wanted to start a huge flame war about how much MS sucks balls but i found out this was a real place with educated people LOL.

microsoft alternatives sounds like it might work  

notice that the URL is .org because this is in fact NOT a company like .com's an organization like .org implies

[ June 14, 2002: Message edited by: Chooco ]


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yeah, but the .com version should be reqistered  incase some shitbrain tries something stupid, or the site becomes popular, also get a few of the misspellings so this site doens't get voilated from some assclown like this , dumshit popup scamer

[ June 14, 2002: Message edited by: choasforages ]

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I have mixed feelings on renaming this site.  I actually discovered it when I typed "fuck microsoft" into Google.  I wasn't having a good Windows day right about then.  One of very many bad Windows/M$ days.

I do suppose that MES would have a wider appeal and attract more thoughtful posters and maybe even convince more users to migrate from M$ products.  I would just hate to see the abandoned entirely.

Just $.02 from a new member.
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