Author Topic: give hackers a bad name  (Read 732 times)


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give hackers a bad name
« on: 4 April 2002, 17:25 »
Hey!  I got this message from [email protected]  

Hi, I have some cool joke - worms so have a look at it
(no virus)


Now, this is kind of a blessing in disguise, because it brings me to this great forum.  But who the hell is this guy?  He is a disgrace to all us hackers and linux users.  Hackers like Steve Wozniack, Bjarne Stroustrup, Linus Torvalds, and Robert J. Chassell.   Not only that, but he is a disgrace to all malicious hackers, makers of viruses, defacers of servers, password stealers.  This is because it's painfuly obvious that there is a virus involved.  The denial, the domain name, and the file name say it all.  I hope it really was a joke indeed.  However, some stupid windows user probally fell for it, and their system's now crashed.  :eek:  Anyway, IMHO, I don't think we should have this sort of behaviour anymore.

You have found the trillionth easily preventable bug in a Microsoft OS.  You have just won the privlage of being frustrated with an over priced, unreliable OS that makes you conform to its standards.  How does that make you feel?


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give hackers a bad name
« Reply #1 on: 4 April 2002, 17:56 »
got roughly the same e-mail but from a different address ([email protected]) payed little notice to it other then creating a filter    

ow, and I couldn't care less about the windows virus seeing that I don't even run windows anymore ......

[ April 04, 2002: Message edited by: BadKarma ]

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give hackers a bad name
« Reply #2 on: 4 April 2002, 18:29 »
 However, some stupid windows user probally fell for it, and their system's now crashed.  

another one bites the dust!
let's see more of these windows viruses flying about in future! (actually there will be, regardless of what people try and do about it)

Plus, the first post in this forum almost reads like a complaint. careful now, this site is in no way responsible for that virus, and i'm sure you wouldn't think about lodging a complaint with Microsoft if you got a virus in an email with a hotmail return address....
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give hackers a bad name
« Reply #3 on: 4 April 2002, 19:17 »
I'm not trying to blame the site at all.  I actually joined the forum guys as a result.  Not that it motavated me, but just gave me the link.  
here are the specs, if anyone cares:

Name of File:
Type of File:   application/octet-stream
Scan Result:    Virus W32.Cervivec.A@mm found.

You have found the trillionth easily preventable bug in a Microsoft OS.  You have just won the privlage of being frustrated with an over priced, unreliable OS that makes you conform to its standards.  How does that make you feel?


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give hackers a bad name
« Reply #4 on: 4 April 2002, 20:55 »
in that case, top cool, welcome to the fold, look forward to reading yr posts.
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give hackers a bad name
« Reply #5 on: 5 April 2002, 00:43 »
Let me get this right Calum.. You are actually wishing malicious damage to the computers of the people who use windows?  Are you not the guy on another post that was so pro "free CHOICE" ?  You are continually proving my point.  Makes me wonder.. just by your statement.. is that where a lot of the virii come from? malicious users of OS's other than windows?  If you are for free choice, please explain to me why you would want to see damage inflicted on innocent people??


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give hackers a bad name
« Reply #6 on: 5 April 2002, 01:49 »
Ah I love the way you canot descern humer and sarcasam from intentional statements. Perhapse it's because you haven't been reading Calum's posts as long as others have but this is just another one of his jokes, kind of like VoidMains ever popular "how do you fix windows?", "format C:" AHHAHAHAAHAHA!.... jeez. Calm the fuck down, he made a totaly vailid comment at the end of the post.

[ April 04, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]



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give hackers a bad name
« Reply #7 on: 7 January 2004, 23:44 »
Originally posted by average user:
Let me get this right Calum.. You are actually wishing malicious damage to the computers of the people who use windows?  Are you not the guy on another post that was so pro "free CHOICE" ?  You are continually proving my point.  Makes me wonder.. just by your statement.. is that where a lot of the virii come from? malicious users of OS's other than windows?  If you are for free choice, please explain to me why you would want to see damage inflicted on innocent people??

supporting a malicious monopolist which actively tries to stifle forward movement in order to retain as much of the bottom line as possible does not seem like innocent behaviour to me. supporters (users) of microsoft and microsoft windows are not innocent by this token and they have been allowed to get away with it for far too long.
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