Here's an interesting piece of food for thought:
Over the last few weeks, has had this Mac vs. PC preference survey running off and on, which simply reads something like:
Which computer platform do you prefer - Mac or PC...followed by 2 radio buttons. (Presumably "PC" means "Windows.")
Just for laughs I checked the results of this survey 2 or 3 times, and they're interesting - 46% Mac, 54% PC. Although this is not a scientifically conducted survey, when taken in context with Apple's actual market share in terms of annual sales (something like 5% or less), Windows dominance (over 90% of the world's computers), and some of the platform-related political issues pointed out on this site, I can only draw one conclusion:
That A LOT of people using Windows do so ONLY because they had no other choice!! (Or they THINK they had no other choice...unfortunately Microsoft has been very successful at preying upon the ignorance of the masses when it comes to computers!)