Author Topic: My conversation with the emacs psychotherapist  (Read 1830 times)


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I am the psychotherapist.  Please, describe your problems.  Each time
you are finished talking, type RET twice.

I like fucking cows

Why do you say you like fucking cows?

Cows are dead sexy

This is not a healthy way of thinking.

Oh yes it is!

Is it because of your plans that you say yes it is?

What plans?

Maybe your life have something to do with this.

Obviously, twit.

What makes you believe obviously twit?

Because you are one.

Is it because I am one that you came to me?

I didn't suspect you were at first.

Earlier you said I am one?

No.  But now I'm sure you are.

Does it bother you that now you are sure I am?


Why not?

Because you're the twit, not me.

When did you first know that I am the twit not you?

When you opened your fucking mouth

What happened when I opened my fucking mouth?

A flock of earthworms escaped.

Is it because of the people you hang around with that you are going
through all this?


Are you sure that that?


Can you elaborate on that?


Are you annoyed that I ask that?


I see...  Well, do you really think this is so?


I would appreciate it if you would continue.


Why not?

Because you are the weakest fucking psychotherapist I've ever seen!

Is the fact that I am the weakest fucking psychotherapist you have
ever seen the real reason?

Yes, it is.

You mentioned that I am one?

A moron?  Why yes I did.

Does the fact that you're a moron explain anything else?

Are you retarded?

How do you reconcile problems at school?

I masturbate.

Is it because of any hobbies you have that you say you masturbate?

Yes, I draw a lot of dirty pictures.

What makes you think now you are sure I am?


Go on, don't be afraid.

Are you coming onto me?

Perhaps this has something to do with your sex life?


I need a little more detail please.

I like cheese

Why do you say you like cheese?

It's tasty, and it smells good

Earlier you said I am the twit not you?

Why do you bring up the bad memories?

Are you sure do me bring up the bad memories?

Fuck this

Have you been afraid of sex?

Yes, and you would be too if you'd seen an 11 foot long dick.

Perhaps you could watch your tongue!

You're a pussy.

Possibly hangups you have are related to this.

Hangups concerning what?

Is it because of your inhibitions that you say hangups concerning

I have no inhibitions

You mentioned that I am the weakest fucking psychotherapist you have
ever seen?

And I stand by that claim

You're being a bit brief, please, go into detail.

Go to hell

Would you please avoid such unwholesome thoughts.


Is it because of some problems in your childhood that you are going
through all this?

I had a very bad childhood

What makes you believe you had a very bad childhood?

I never got to watch TV or play with other kids

Are you sure that I am one?

no, I'm not

How do you reconcile some problems at home?

I go outside and beat at trees with a lead pipe

I don't understand.

And you never will


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My conversation with the emacs psychotherapist
« Reply #1 on: 5 May 2003, 10:45 »
"George Bush says 'we are losing the war on drugs'. Well you know what that implies? There's a war going on, and people on drugs are winning it! Well what does that tell you about drugs? Some smart, creative motherfuckers on that side."  --Bill Hicks


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My conversation with the emacs psychotherapist
« Reply #2 on: 5 May 2003, 11:21 »
Where did you get this?


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My conversation with the emacs psychotherapist
« Reply #3 on: 5 May 2003, 12:21 »
:confused:    :confused:    :confused:


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My conversation with the emacs psychotherapist
« Reply #4 on: 5 May 2003, 12:53 »


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My conversation with the emacs psychotherapist
« Reply #5 on: 5 May 2003, 17:18 »
Where did you get this?

It's in emacs, last tab to the right or something.  It's an AI psychiatrist that responds in a very simple way to input.  (So like a real psychiatrist then.)  ;)
Yesterday it worked
Today it is not working
Windows is like that


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My conversation with the emacs psychotherapist
« Reply #6 on: 5 May 2003, 19:32 »
Have you been frightened by sex?

Well, once this 300lb fat ass was coming onto me in a bar, i was petrified

Please, avoid such unwholesome thoughts.

I had to try this thing out. That is the funniest part of my session, hahaha ROFL
Contains scenes of mild peril.


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My conversation with the emacs psychotherapist
« Reply #7 on: 6 May 2003, 03:42 »
Well, Stallman really has a sense of humour. I haven't used emacs extensively, but now I'm going to, hehe. Who needs psychotherapists anyway?    

[ May 05, 2003: Message edited by: Panos ]