What happens when we DON'T agree with the terms of use when we plug our boxes in for the first time. Anyway we could get microsoft to refund our purchase?? We need an oem that has the balls to put linux on their boxes and say NO to the "tip" from microsoft to install windows. Those bastards are going to buy everybody out.
"What happens when we DON'T agree with the terms of use when we plug our boxes in for the first time." Sorry, you do that and you have
already accepted the terms of the M$ EULA as soon as the POS boots. :eek: There are also other MS EULAs that specify that you agree as soon as you open the package. Pretty soon, just picking up the box from the shelf will constitute acceptance, and you can expect a bill from Redmond. :rolleyes:
I had that very problem in January, 2001. Bought a new Micron Millenia Xtreme with Win XP as an OEM install. I ditched it for Mandrake by putting the install CD on the tray before I ever plugged it in. Even though I never gave XP a chance to boot, sent all that M$ stuff back with an explanation that I refused the EULA, and detailing what I'd done with XP... well, I'm
still waiting for that refund. :mad:
Live Free or Die: Linux
"There: now you'll never have to look at those dirty Windows anymore"
--Daffy Duck