when i worked for compaq, building servers, if there was a problem with the motherboard (like bad power to the agp slot) they would just trash the board, possibly the video card, possibly a lot of other peripherals too.
if you cut yourself and bled a little into the case, the whole thing was trashed... board, ram, processor... whatever you had in there.
if a case had a scratch on it, and paint would not cover it up enough, they would trash it
if you dropped a hard disk six inches, they would not even test it... just chuck it in the dumpster.
i have seen thrown out:
-like 20 pentium 900 xeons
-a gig of rambus
-14 10k rev 32gb scsi drives and the fiber-optic -bank they were in
-a bunch of geforce 4 (brand new at that time) because of possible ESD damage
all of this equipment could have been good, and something like a hair in the processor slot or some oddball thing could have beed to blame
the kicker: you couldn't have any of it, and it was trashed in padlocked dumpsters.
they hit you with a metal detector at the door. a guy got arrested for trying to jack some ram