Author Topic: P2P might become illegal.  (Read 1045 times)


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P2P might become illegal.
« Reply #15 on: 19 July 2003, 10:57 »
could you not use hydrogen to convert matter, then converet some into devices to make more hydrogen?
then eventually have enough materials to goto space?
or at least ensure our survival?
we would need to debate on its use for so long that someone who take control and powertrip.
i know i would be do good things myself.
like an island of pastries. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
How can you say im crazy? You wouldnt know what crazy was if Charles Manson was eating Fruit Loops on your front porch.  -- mike muir/suicidal tendencies


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P2P might become illegal.
« Reply #16 on: 19 July 2003, 11:32 »
Originally posted by avello500:
could you not use hydrogen to convert matter, then converet some into devices to make more hydrogen?
then eventually have enough materials to goto space?
or at least ensure our survival?
we would need to debate on its use for so long that someone who take control and powertrip.
i know i would be do good things myself.
like an island of pastries. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


First, consider the astronomous amounts of energy which would be required to transform matter -- way more energy than you could  ever produce with hydrogen with any other means short of cold fusion. And those atoms required for the cold fusion (it could be anything else than H2), you have to take them SOMEWHERE.

Second, you can transform any bloody material you want -- rocks, air, water, or hydrogen, which is the easiest to transform due to its atomic structure. Again, you have to take the material to transform SOMEWHERE.  

Just granting islands of pastries to 6 billion people would require transformation of whole planets much bigger than our own, and would consume as much energy as whole stars bigger than our Sun.

Your theory of transforming matter into energy producers is irrelevant. We won't even need to do this if ever we can transform matter, as we will be able to directly transform matter into energy as well.

Believe me, I am a science student. And at one time or another, there won't be enough planets left to transform or combust. So, again, I repeat: IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO DUPLICATE MATTER INDEFINITELY, BECAUSE THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF MATTER IS NOT INFINITE.


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P2P might become illegal.
« Reply #17 on: 19 July 2003, 14:55 »
I wonder what would happen if the coopyright holder uploaded something?

Isn't GPL a form of copyright, because it does have some stipulations, its not entirely open ended

Im no anarchist, but so far only two things drive humanity, War and Money, and the differences between the two are quickly disapating.

I don't like that.


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P2P might become illegal.
« Reply #18 on: 19 July 2003, 20:29 »
There is no way they can stop P2P no matter what laws they impose. People will always have a way of transferring data at ever higher speeds over the internet, if nothing, over MSN or Yahoo. They might be able to shut down networks like Kazaa or the ones Gnutella uses, but they will never stop P2P. If nothing else, we will always be able to use BBS  :D  (if anyone still remembers what that means)

So, they're screwed, they better give up. All the money people I mean. Technology is our freedom, and only culture can stop us from downloading pirated software/music/etc. I mean, whoever likes something pirated they downloaded, they usually go and buy the real thing, even if there is not difference, because they want to thank those who made it. Thats what I do anyway.
Peace out.


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P2P might become illegal.
« Reply #19 on: 19 July 2003, 20:33 »
As for the previous "physics chat", energy can be converted into matter very easily. Look up "Schauberger" and "Implosion" online.
Peace out.


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P2P might become illegal.
« Reply #20 on: 19 July 2003, 23:43 »
Saying that something works by magic is an excellent description. Screw Lavoisier and his stupid "laws of science". Magic can do anything, just ask my unicorn friend.


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P2P might become illegal.
« Reply #21 on: 20 July 2003, 00:04 »
There is no way any law like this could pass, it would do nothing. Here is something people seem to forget, the laws that are passed in the US dont mean shit anywhere else. So if p2p was illegal here, then it wouldnt mean a damn thing, just like the linux dvd css thing. People in the US would still share files using p2p. You cant stop people by passing a law.
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