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« Reply #45 on: 2 February 2003, 03:40 »
I don't know about the conspiracy theories saying that we could have prevented it or that bush had a hand in it... i can never sort that shit out.  But does anyone know the plane number that ran into the US Pentagon?  This is a game you must play if you think that the US Gov isn't covering something up....  I just wonder what it is....

play find the boeing
from Attrition.Org
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2 x 2 = ? Is it too complicated?
« Reply #46 on: 2 February 2003, 04:15 »
Originally posted by beltorak:
play find the boeing

Interesting, but...
"While envisaging the destruction of imperialism, it is necessary to identify its head, which is none other than the United States of America." - Ernesto Che Guevara


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« Reply #47 on: 2 February 2003, 10:25 »
Here's your reason for war:


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« Reply #48 on: 2 February 2003, 16:11 »
I am getting sick and tired of all the America-bashing on this site.  I know that most of you fools are either Australian, English, and that the majority of you clowns doing the bashing are between the ages of 14-17 years old.

History 101:

Had the US not intervened in WWII, you lame fucks in Australia would be bending over to get your daily ration of Sushi (the real bad the shit made out of those ink-squirting squids you have off of your coastline) and Udon (your only meal of the day), after the Empire of Japan pummeled your weak-ass military, took over your oil fields, and made the war a lot harder for the only nation with the balls to take on your adversaries....Oh wouldn't be eating Sushi...more like rice with some pig-throat seasoning..


You're welcome for the US, the only neutral "superpower" nation at the time, for jumping in right before your last planes were ripped into shreds, and your petty isle waned its surrender,  displaying the Nazi flag over your capital, with Big Ben chiming the German anthem at every round number that your clock struck.  You're welcome for your civilization turing entirely feamle.  You, the people that blast us, can thank guys like my grandfather, for you even being born.

Oh....and here comes the nuclear debate.

Yes, we, The Americans, are a bunch of imperialistic, totalitarianistic, pigs.  We used all of our military might (the bomb) to conqeuror Japan, and to rule them hands down.  Well, shit, Elroy, let's look at economic statistics over the last fifty years, and let's confirm the "American Conquest of Japan." Anyone ever been to Hawaii lately?  Never?  The Japanese own over 80% of the businesses in Hawaii.  Here, in the C.U.S., Los Angeles, they own a 23% market share.  And, this is *MAYBE* because there is a grand total of 25,000 of them in the LA area. Pretty bad....poor them....

Back to the bomb, if the Soviet Union had the bomb during WWII, how many German cities do you think would have fallen victim?  A country that lost  8,000,000 people in one conflict.  A historical study concluded that over 1,000,000 American troops would have died if there was an invasion of Japan.  Do you think Russia would have dropped it, had they posessed it?  

Not everyone in America drives a gas-guzzeling, late-model SUV.  If anything, and if this whole thing goes to war, the Iraqi people are going to come out on top.  The US (unlike you, and your ballsless nation...except the UK), will remove this asshole, an asshole who uses his fortune to fuel ignorance, and intoleration, in the name of Allah, by giving $30K (US), to people he claims as martyrs, to bring suffering onto Jewish citizens, of a once, and desiring, peaceful nation.

America is horrible, indeed.  It really is.  This is the nation that welcomes people like you with open arms, and helps you settle in.  We accept anyone of good stature, and give them benefits to do that which is righteous.  And what do we get in return?  People from Pakistan saying how much they love Osama, and what he does to this country.  And their answer to this next question is: "Oh yes, America has the best universities in the land. If I can get a Visa, I am there."  

The attitudes on this board are sickening toward my country. Some of you guys are alright, but some of you...I hope you and I never meet.  Void main served in this country's military, he took an oath, and I give him absolute credit for never flipping his lid on some of you fuckers.  

Keep in mind: this server is hosted in America. The Webmaster is willing, and capable of pulling the plug on you lame, third world, fucks, at any time....
"American English -- the noble language of your superiors"


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2 x 2 = ? Is it too complicated?
« Reply #49 on: 2 February 2003, 16:30 »
The propagandists claim another victim.
"While envisaging the destruction of imperialism, it is necessary to identify its head, which is none other than the United States of America." - Ernesto Che Guevara


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« Reply #50 on: 2 February 2003, 16:32 »
Originally posted by LorKorub / BOB:
History 101:

Had the US not intervened in WWII, you lame fucks in Australia would be bending over to get your daily ration of Sushi (the real bad the shit made out of those ink-squirting squids you have off of your coastline) and Udon (your only meal of the day), after the Empire of Japan pummeled your weak-ass military, took over your oil fields, and made the war a lot harder for the only nation with the balls to take on your adversaries....Oh wouldn't be eating Sushi...more like rice with some pig-throat seasoning..

Oh COME ON! that argument is so lame.

If France didn't help you back in the independence war, you'd still be under the rule of the English king. Does that mean you have to put up with everything the French did?

I'm happy the US helped us, but it's not like it was all just goodwill. History 102: They WANTED Europe to have a stable, democratic regime, instead of the Nazi's ruling Europe (after all, if they let the Nazi's go unchecked, it would be a matter of time before their weapons could reach the US mainland).
And the pacific theatre wasn't the choice of the US. If they didn't fight there, they'd be clobbered, since Japan attacked the US (do note that the US came in the war at that moment. Some years after the start of the war).
GS/CS d- s-: a--- C++ UL+ P+ L++>+++ E W++ N>+ o K- w-- O- M V? PS+>++ PE- Y+ PGP t+ 5+ X R tv+ b+++ DI+ D+ G++ e>++++ h! r- y
A quantummechanical wavefunction describing an unknown amount of bottles of beer on the wall
A quantummechanical wavefunction describing an unknown amount of bottles of beer on the wall
We take a measurement, the wavefunction will collapse, and one of the bottles of beer will fall


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« Reply #51 on: 2 February 2003, 17:00 »
Ah freedom of speech.......

Its kind of sad, i read this thread with interest AND an open mind.

Im 34 Im not a child & like void main I took my oath  (mine was to serve my queen & country) and I served in the infantry (Im out now), but I still have friends who are now in harms way due to this conflict.
Make no mistake we are ALL in harms way!
this worries me as I have 3 kids under 11 years old.

there have been good and bad points & opinions made and a good bit of anti American shit going on too.

after reading "LorKorub / BOB's" post I realised why there was anti american posts,, its because there are ppl like him in the world who think the world owes them something just because he's an American and the deeds his counrty has done in the past

Sorry but bolloks to that

I, my family, my freinds, and my country owe you nothing my freind.

America is a great country, who does great deeds (because it can, and never asks for thanks) but many of those deeds are never noticed,


because the whole world is too busy noticing the arseholes who shout "We're Americans, You owe us!"

You made good points LorKorub / BOB but your use of profanity in the post lost you credibility in the things you said. A pity!

Didn't an American say
"I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"

Then another American flames everyone for saying something "HE" doesnt like! HMM go figure!

So much for freedom of speech,,,,,,,,,

The only people who benefit from war are the poeple who make the arms and munitions and undertakers.
Coming into the light from the dark side,
I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, & its not that far away!  

Doctor V

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« Reply #52 on: 2 February 2003, 17:21 »
I just skimmed through these posts, I don't have the time or paitence to read them all.  Saddam is an evil crazy man who has used WMD before on numerous occasions.  However Bush could care less weather he has them or not, Bush wants war no matter what the situation with the weapons inspectors are.  War however is not the most logical thing to do in this situation.  There is so much that could go wrong.  As bad as Saddam is, there are alot of other crazy dictators just like him in the world.  And if we did blow up Iraq (again), what would happen when the smoke clears?  It wouldn't be pretty.  Solution to the crisis:  no war as long as the inspectors are there and there is no hard evidence that he is hiding things.  I have yet to see hard evidence that he is hiding weapons, I doubt he could hide a whole nuclear program from the inspectors.

Freedom of speech rocks, and I really hate forums with mods who get all powertrippy and censor whoever dosn't agree with them.  I like that MES tolerates stupid opinions of a small minority.


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« Reply #53 on: 3 February 2003, 03:34 »
Originally posted by LorKorub / BOB:
I am getting sick and tired of all the America-bashing on this site.  I know that most of you fools are either Australian, English, and that the majority of you clowns doing the bashing are between the ages of 14-17 years old.

History 101:

Had the US not intervened in WWII, you lame fucks in Australia would be bending over to get your daily ration of Sushi (the real bad the shit made out of those ink-squirting squids you have off of your coastline) and Udon (your only meal of the day), after the Empire of Japan pummeled your weak-ass military, took over your oil fields, and made the war a lot harder for the only nation with the balls to take on your adversaries....Oh wouldn't be eating Sushi...more like rice with some pig-throat seasoning..


You're welcome for the US, the only neutral "superpower" nation at the time, for jumping in right before your last planes were ripped into shreds, and your petty isle waned its surrender,  displaying the Nazi flag over your capital, with Big Ben chiming the German anthem at every round number that your clock struck.  You're welcome for your civilization turing entirely feamle.  You, the people that blast us, can thank guys like my grandfather, for you even being born.

Oh....and here comes the nuclear debate.

Yes, we, The Americans, are a bunch of imperialistic, totalitarianistic, pigs.  We used all of our military might (the bomb) to conqeuror Japan, and to rule them hands down.  Well, shit, Elroy, let's look at economic statistics over the last fifty years, and let's confirm the "American Conquest of Japan." Anyone ever been to Hawaii lately?  Never?  The Japanese own over 80% of the businesses in Hawaii.  Here, in the C.U.S., Los Angeles, they own a 23% market share.  And, this is *MAYBE* because there is a grand total of 25,000 of them in the LA area. Pretty bad....poor them....

Back to the bomb, if the Soviet Union had the bomb during WWII, how many German cities do you think would have fallen victim?  A country that lost  8,000,000 people in one conflict.  A historical study concluded that over 1,000,000 American troops would have died if there was an invasion of Japan.  Do you think Russia would have dropped it, had they posessed it?  

Not everyone in America drives a gas-guzzeling, late-model SUV.  If anything, and if this whole thing goes to war, the Iraqi people are going to come out on top.  The US (unlike you, and your ballsless nation...except the UK), will remove this asshole, an asshole who uses his fortune to fuel ignorance, and intoleration, in the name of Allah, by giving $30K (US), to people he claims as martyrs, to bring suffering onto Jewish citizens, of a once, and desiring, peaceful nation.

America is horrible, indeed.  It really is.  This is the nation that welcomes people like you with open arms, and helps you settle in.  We accept anyone of good stature, and give them benefits to do that which is righteous.  And what do we get in return?  People from Pakistan saying how much they love Osama, and what he does to this country.  And their answer to this next question is: "Oh yes, America has the best universities in the land. If I can get a Visa, I am there."  

The attitudes on this board are sickening toward my country. Some of you guys are alright, but some of you...I hope you and I never meet.  Void main served in this country's military, he took an oath, and I give him absolute credit for never flipping his lid on some of you fuckers.  

Keep in mind: this server is hosted in America. The Webmaster is willing, and capable of pulling the plug on you lame, third world, fucks, at any time....

This is one of the most discriminating and profane posts, ever posted in these forums.

[ February 02, 2003: Message edited by: Panos ]


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« Reply #54 on: 4 February 2003, 04:25 »
It does appear to me that the slightest dissent about the USA is instantly ignored and condemned as "American bashing".

Perhaps there is a cultural difference, I am British.

In Britain we are fundamentally rebelious - some regions more so than others - so dissent is quite common here.

The USA does seem (I stress it seems) far more conformist as a nation than we are over here.

Anyway... if you're a an American and a post from a Limey appears to be bashing the USA, it may not be in the mind of the author.  It's they way we are.      


[ February 03, 2003: Message edited by: zooloo ]

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« Reply #55 on: 4 February 2003, 04:44 »
Broad generalizations never do. I've met rebellious and conformist alike. If I wanted to, I could assume all british have bad teeth and mop tops.


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« Reply #56 on: 4 February 2003, 15:08 »
lorkorub has proven himself to be a complete moronic cunt.

i don't give a fuck if that compromises my intelectual position, lorkorub's attitude has pissed me off so much with his assumptions, his lies, his selfish demands, that i have no choice but to say he is a moronic cunt.

as was said above, there is no wonder americans get slagged if you post this all over the internet. for the record there has been NO AMERICA BASHING WHATSOEVER UP TO THIS POINT in this thred. NONE whatsoever. any america bashing you saw was made up in your own moonshine addled head.

i really hesitate to say this but with people like lorkorub around, i understand more how george bush can exist and i have less pity for the american people...
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« Reply #57 on: 4 February 2003, 15:12 »
America is horrible, indeed. It really is. This is the nation that welcomes people like you with open arms, and helps you settle in. We accept anyone of good stature, and give them benefits to do that which is righteous. And what do we get in return? People from Pakistan saying how much they love Osama, and what he does to this country. And their answer to this next question is: "Oh yes, America has the best universities in the land. If I can get a Visa, I am there."

you are the worst scum that has ever walked on this planet. if i had my way, you and yours would be lined up and shot for wasting what little resources we have left on this world. that quote above is ENTIRELY constructed of LIES. i am disgusted that so many people actually agree with you.

i have this to say: "Give me your tired and your hungry".

Australia is just as bad as your country but at least they don't lie about it. the USA is the worst country in the world. there's your yank bashing, but it's true and that's why you're all so sensitive about it.
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« Reply #58 on: 4 February 2003, 18:28 »
Yes, America, the devious evil entity.  The plunderer of natural resources.  Yes, everything we do is horrible.  We don't care about the billions in humanitarian aid we send out each year (that comes from our tax dollars), we don't care about our men and women that we send around the world to provide a glimmer of hope to those who have had none.  We just drive our SUVs, eat McDonalds five times a day, and we all live this lavish lifestyle that everyone in the world is so envious of, that we actually have to take a time out from out pints, and explain it to some of you assholes.

Scum? Scum? Is that what you called me, Calum?  I thought you could dish out something a little more wholehearted than that.  As far as your natural resources comment goes, and about how America wastes its gifts, have you been swimming in the ocean lately? Well, I have, just today.  Ours is nice, clean, and as blue as the sky.  If I am ever in England, and someone holds a gun to my head and forces to me to go swimming, I'd compromise and eat dogshit with a knitting needle before I'd ever swim in that sewer that you guys call a sea.  I'm through with you....

To the guy who said that I "am just an American who thinks the world owes me something."  No one owes me shit.  Even if I was Ghandi, Mother Theresa, or the Pope, I still wouldn't ask for anything.  I am just tired of the American bashing from a bunch of people who neither myself, nor my country, has done anything to.  What have we done to Australia? Or the UK?  Or France?  What causes this angst toward America?  We, well at least I, treat these people as guests in my country when I see them, and more importantly, I treat them as friends.  

Before you flame me, put yourself in my shoes.  I have never been outside my country (with the exception of Mexico and Canada), and I have never, to the best of my knowledge, done anything to any of you.  When I read the posts on this board like the McFucking McAmericans, and comments about my country, and the people in it (spoken in broad generalizations), it pisses me off. Sorry if my post was "one of the most profane posts that you have ever read", but I read the same type of horseshit from you people every day.  And, no, Calum, it is not true.  Not even 10% of it.  Obviously you've never been to America.  And if you have, and you hold those sentiments, I am sorry you went to the place you did, and met the people you met.  

You guys need to practice what you are preaching.  You bash Americans all of the time, for the stupidest fucking thing, then someone comes in and gives you a dose of your own medicine, and you all start sobbing like a bunch of girls.
"American English -- the noble language of your superiors"


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« Reply #59 on: 4 February 2003, 19:28 »
Originally posted by LorKorub / BOB:
Yes, America, the devious evil entity.  The plunderer of natural resources.  Yes, everything we do is horrible.
dumbass, are you spouting this shit out of anger or are you seriously under the impression that this sort of comment is the kind of 'america bashing' that you disagree with. these sentiments are nothing like the concerns that real everyday non-US citizens have. those people are motivated by their brains, their thoughts, their concerns and their ideas. did you ever stop to wonder why somebody would mindlessly bash america? no? well there's NO reason, this shows that if somebody bashes america, there must be some reason behind it. Either that or you americans are so used to mindlessly insulting people with no good reason that you imagine the rest of the world does the same. which is it to be?    
We don't care about the billions in humanitarian aid we send out each year (that comes from our tax dollars),
you do care. most of you, and in particular most of your politicians reduce said amount every year, and would love to reduce it to zero. nevermind the fact that your economy has fucked up the economy and ecology of all those countries that you oh so generously dole out your spare change to.    
we don't care about our men and women that we send around the world to provide a glimmer of hope to those who have had none.
what, by dropping bombs on them? oh i bet they long for the day a US bomber looms overhead and 'accidentally' destroys another civilian settlement or cripples a vital line of supply to their village in the name of democracy.    
We just drive our SUVs, eat McDonalds five times a day, and we all live this lavish lifestyle that everyone in the world is so envious of,
sadly, this is true. i really wish you were exaggerating.    
that we actually have to take a time out from out pints, and explain it to some of you assholes.
ASSHOLES EH? HOW COME IT'S US BASHING IF ANYBODY SAYS 'USA' BUT IT'S PERFECTLY OKAY FOR YOU TO CALL THE ENTIRE REST OF THE WORLD ASSHOLES? NOBODY has insulted america so far except me, and that was in an angry reaction to your racist post, so stick it up your arse, cunt. you USA people do NOT have a gods' given right to be the police of the world, and to tell people what to do and who to be so shut it when you speak to me.

Scum? Scum? Is that what you called me, Calum?
em yes it is, well done on being able to read, racist. think you can cope with a word longer than four letters?    
I thought you could dish out something a little more wholehearted than that.
is wholehearted really a word? scum's a pretty bad thing, and i also said i would have you shot were it up to me, a statement you have said nothing to change my mind about.    
As far as your natural resources comment goes, and about how America wastes its gifts, have you been swimming in the ocean lately? Well, I have, just today.
are you saying the ocean comes from the USA? just another one of your beautiful exports is it?    
Ours is nice, clean, and as blue as the sky.  If I am ever in England, and someone holds a gun to my head and forces to me to go swimming, I'd compromise and eat dogshit with a knitting needle before I'd ever swim in that sewer that you guys call a sea.
oh yeah? well you know what, here all our trees (those that are left standing) are nice and leafy and green, but you know what? in Norway they have a lot of totally dead forests which have been destroyed by acid rain. you know where that acid comes from in the rain? fuel emissions from england. england destroys the ecology of norway.
here's another little story, you know in japan there are a lot of rich japanese people who use 'disposable' wooden chopsticks? they can afford it, right so why not? japan has plenty of trees! WRONG! those chopsticks are all made from the wood of non replaceable trees taken from the brazilian rainforests. you haven't seen it so you don't give a shit but rainforests cover thousands of square miles in brazil and the brazilian government is not only allowing it all to be clear cut out of existence (which will kill us all regarding oxygen and so on i am sure you needn't be reminded) but they are trying to blame the clear cutting of the brazilian rainforests on its indigenous inhabitants, tribesmen who are being hunted into extinction by the brazilian authorities. the authorities are hispanic, the indigenous inhabitants are aboriginal south americans.
Do you see where this is going? i would not put it past you to think this is all irrelevant in which case, just line up against that wall over there with the others...
One country destroys another country's ecology. why do you think ethiopia is always having a drought? it wasn't this bad last century before all the 'first world countries' started their mass industrialism, coincidence? NO.    
I'm through with you....
oh to have the luxury of a yank. some of us don't get a choice over who we associate with. i seem to get landed with trying to show the scum of the world that they have a moral obligation to consider the feelings of others. i am beginning to think this is a lost cause with americans and that maybe somebody should just carpet bomb the whole damn thing (a huge waste i know, of good people and of good land, but at least it'll get rid of the immoral majority).

To the guy who said that I "am just an American who thinks the world owes me something."  No one owes me shit.  Even if I was Ghandi, Mother Theresa, or the Pope, I still wouldn't ask for anything.
whoop dee doo. you see guys? how angelic these americans are, they don't ask for anything. BULL FUCKING SHIT. you'd be off crying to your government if america had to become totally self sufficient. even your beloved macdonalds meat is farmed in south america where it's cheaper.    
I am just tired of the American bashing from a bunch of people who neither myself, nor my country, has done anything to.
we are all under your heel, yank, and the less you stir it up the better. not only that but NOBODY BASHED ANYBODY UNTIL YOU CAME ON WITH YOUR GUILTY CONSCIENCE AND STARTED SLAGGING OFF EVERYBODY IN THE PLANET BUT YOUR FELLOW ASSHOLES.    
What have we done to Australia? Or the UK?
well australia is now a complete clone of the US, and the UK is now a convenient stopover for you to store your nukes in.    
Or France?  What causes this angst toward America?
americans do.
and while we're at it let me point out that this 'angst' is ALL IN YOUR MIND! there was no yank bashing until you came on and started acting the cunt.    
We, well at least I, treat these people as guests in my country when I see them, and more importantly, I treat them as friends.  
that's a start, now what about nonwhite nonfirst-world countries? do you cross to the other side of the street when you see those filthy arabs? do you petition your government not to let foreigners into your land of the brave and home of the free? would you rather see the whole of arabia bombed to its knees wiping out thousands of years of history and many innocent human lives just because you want to be part of the nation that polices the planet?
your president has not yet finished descending from the apes and you all follow him like sheep! how can you expect the respect you seem to demand from the rest of the world?

Before you flame me,
too late.    
put yourself in my shoes.
are they size twelve? i'm size twelve (EUR 45)  
I have never been outside my country (with the exception of Mexico and Canada), and I have never, to the best of my knowledge, done anything to any of you.  When I read the posts on this board like the McFucking McAmericans, and comments about my country, and the people in it (spoken in broad generalizations), it pisses me off.
you speak in generalisations at least as broad. the arrogance of your nation makes people ready to see the piousness in your words.    
Sorry if my post was "one of the most profane posts that you have ever read", but I read the same type of horseshit from you people every day.
no you don't, and that sort of holier than thou comment is just the reason that america is rightly regarded as the bully of the world. if you don't like it, vote in somebody who will do a good job, using your 'democracy'. You have a very guilty conscience if you seriously believe there is a lot of yank bashing on this site. and you're not sorry either, i bet. it's just another little tool so you can say how reasonable you are at a later date.    
And, no, Calum, it is not true.
what? what's not true? just refuting me as a matter of course are you? in anticipation of any reply i might make?    
Not even 10% of it.
10% of what????    
Obviously you've never been to America.  And if you have, and you hold those sentiments, I am sorry you went to the place you did, and met the people you met.  
i have never been to the states. that has NOTHING to do with it. i am talking purely about the USA's presumtious, insulting and simple minded treatment of the rest of the world. those people that spend most of their lives in the states are much less likely then to know what americans are like. do you think i give a shit if americans are all lovely guys? no. i care that they are fucking up the planet. we don't have the luxury anymore of saying that americans are all nice guys underneath IT DOESN'T MATTER. what matters is that death and poverty are imminent and if we as a species don't stop serving ourselves (as the american dream tells us to) then we will die a slow and painful death and what's worse, we will take the earth with us.

You guys need to practice what you are preaching.
everybody needs to practice this.      
You bash Americans all of the time, for the stupidest fucking thing,
how many times have you said this so far? are you trying to convince yourself it is true? well one more time then: NOBODY BASHES AMERICANS ON HERE. THE YANKS WHO TAKE OFFENCE HAVE GOT A GUILTY CONSCIENCE OR THEY WOULD NOT BE SO SENSITIVE TO NONEXISTENT CRITICISM.    
then someone comes in and gives you a dose of your own medicine,
speaks shit, more like. you seem to think that you need to visit america to see how they treat people in the middle east, you seem to think your many imports do not count as 'asking' the world for anything. get a life and a grip, not necessarily in that order.    
and you all start sobbing like a bunch of girls.

that was a very poor shot. even my scum remark was better than that, perhaps because it was from the heart. my points are mostly rational and are based in fact, perhaps that's what you meant by 'like a bunch of girls' since girls tend to have a more rational and intelligent approach than boys.

[ February 04, 2003: Message edited by: Calum: Member # 81 ]

[ February 04, 2003: Message edited by: Calum: Member # 81 ]

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