Author Topic: 2 x 2 = ? Is it too complicated?  (Read 6181 times)


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2 x 2 = ? Is it too complicated?
« Reply #75 on: 9 February 2003, 12:24 »
Originally posted by LorKorub / BOB:

Had the US not intervened in WWII, you lame fucks in Australia would be bending over to get your daily ration of Sushi (the real bad the shit made out of those ink-squirting squids you have off of your coastline) and Udon (your only meal of the day), after the Empire of Japan pummeled your weak-ass military, took over your oil fields, and made the war a lot harder for the only nation with the balls to take on your adversaries....Oh wouldn't be eating Sushi...more like rice with some pig-throat seasoning..

Your a racist, and your blind, and you dont know what your talking about. The US only intervened because it bacame the problem with pearl hourbor, the same with the war in europe, US people had to die before the US cared about anybody else. Your geverment is selfish.


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« Reply #76 on: 10 February 2003, 16:19 »
Oh c'mon, every government is selfish! they have to be! That's why we have separate governments. And besides, WWII was a long time ago. If a similar incident such as WWII happened nowadays, the US would be the first to intervene.

You can't be racist by hating australia, we're the same race!! X11, you can't deny that the US's involvement in WWII had a postive effect for the Allies Forces. I don't know if the Axis would have won though.

Lorkorub, its been over half a century. If Japan had conquered Australia back then its unlikely that they would still be slaves today. They would definitely be different and under communist rule, but they probably would have found a niche in whatever society they'd been assimilated into by now.

This is dumb and irrelivent anyway.

[ February 10, 2003: Message edited by: Macman: LITERALLY a genius / bob ]


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« Reply #77 on: 10 February 2003, 21:27 »
Originally posted by LorKorub / BOB:
On a forum dubbed "", I think I have the right to be as obscence and profane that I damn well please. But, of course, when anyone, anywhere, is challenged in a debate, and given a mouthful of the shit they feed onto everyone else, then it is a problem. And a big one at that.  Then the vote for censourship comes in.  I do understand, though. If the internet was around when I was fifteen years old, and I had a daily dose of Rage Against the Machine to fuel me after muffins and toast, I would probably exhibit the same type of sexually frustrated, anglo male characteristics that Calum posts all over these forums.  Until this thread, have I displayed any such behavior?  Was there any such remark that would make me, an American, fly off the handle like I did?

I've noticed that the members of this board try to gang up on people they disagree ever since I joined here. The people here are simply followers of each other. People like the so-called "evil" Gerorge Bush are called "leaders".
Leaders have a mind of thier own and think for themselves wheras the followers do not have a mind of thier own and they think from thoughts expressed by other people.

The leaders will always be above the followers simply because the leaders know how to be on top. Do you know why everybody here hates me so much? It is because I'm not a follower and I'm always thinking. I will say whatever is on my mind regardless of what the other members will think about it. I am the kind of person who single handidly argues my thoughts out and I do not feel the need to be fueled by other people who actually agree with my thoughts. With that said....I'm definatley not one of the followers. ;P

It is quite annoying how these kids like to talk about freedom(and how Linux is the key to computing freedom) but they seem to think that censorship(anti-freedom) is the answer to people they don't agree with. Personally, I feel that a person who rambles on about freedom but feels that it is right to censor free speech is a god damn hypocrite.

BTW, the only reason people from 3rd world countries like to bash the US is because the US is a greater country than thier country. To the people who will disagree with that comment....prove m wrong. Show me that your country is better off financially, economically and military wise and I will eat my words. As far as I know, the US is one of the richest countries in this world(because we know how to be powerful)....'nuff said.

(EDIT)To LorKorub / BOB,

Don't think for one minute that I'm going to be your ally in this thread just because I agreed with things you had to say(not that I think you want to start a gang against the others and be a hypocrite ;P). I will argue with you just as quickly as I will the rest of the people in this thread. Like I said, I'm not a follower and I'll just leave it at that. ;P

[ February 10, 2003: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


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« Reply #78 on: 10 February 2003, 21:43 »
Some fair points, apart from this...

Originally posted by Zombie9920:

As far as I know, the US is one of the richest countries in this world(because we know how to be powerful)....'nuff said.

I would say you are the richest country because you commided genocide on a practically continental level and gaining, in the process, massive amounts of safe land and free resources.
I just wanted to point that out, don't bitch to me about being raccist/anti-american, it's the truth.

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« Reply #79 on: 10 February 2003, 21:54 »
BTW, the only reason people from 3rd world countries like to bash the US is because the US is a greater country than thier country. To the people who will disagree with that comment....prove m wrong. Show me that your country is better off financially, economically and military wise and I will eat my words. As far as I know, the US is one of the richest countries in this world(because we know how to be powerful)....'nuff said.

we might be a very rich country, but when it comes down to it, we are a land of arrogant "jocks". i use jocks, because of an analogy i heard comparing nations. america is the high school jock of the world. we act first, and we think later. its always been like that. and i use jock because jocks are generally simple minded, and americans are very un-educated. look at most civilized nations, they can speak more than one language, americans are only taught english, and they cant even speak it that well. we have an option to take other languages, but why?? everyone should speak american english anyways right?? if we are the greatest nation on earth, why does this country have so many stupid problems? like the homeless. if we are the richet most powerful nation, why does a person go hungry? why cant everyone recieve the same medical benefits? a lot of people cannot afford to recieve quality medical attention. why are teachers so underpaid? why do football & basketball athletes get paid MILLIONS to play a game? why does the gap between rich & poor get larger every year? why do huge corporations get away with not paing taxes & monopolies, when me, joe bloe gets my ass rammed every year for being a good citizen. then i get to lose more freedoms for being a good citizen? why do we call ourselves a democracy, when the average citizen cant to a goddamn thing about anything, but that narrowminded billionaire over there gets to influence the gov, so he can save a few bucks duriing tax time. our nation is bullshit. and the reason third world countries bash us, is because we step all over their traditions & beliefs. we tell them what is right and wrong, but who is to say that? certainly not us. who do we think we are? i will not ever say this is the best country in the world. i think most americans need to get their heads out of their asses and see that there is a larger world out there. fuck america for being the worlds bully.
it takes more to be the "greatest" country than money & a good military. we are very uneducated, and our priorities are fucked. it sounds like you are saying, "i can kick your ass, so that means i am better than you", "i own 27 exotic cars & 3 mansions, i am def better than you". you know that is bullshit.
/must stop, head hurts.... rambling incoherently......


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« Reply #80 on: 10 February 2003, 22:06 »
Originally posted by Zombie9920:
Do you know why everybody here hates me so much? It is because I'm not a follower and I'm always thinking.

Not quite; it's actually because you're a fuck.
"While envisaging the destruction of imperialism, it is necessary to identify its head, which is none other than the United States of America." - Ernesto Che Guevara


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« Reply #81 on: 10 February 2003, 22:13 »
Originally posted by ecsyle_one:

we might be a very rich country, but when it comes down to it, we are a land of arrogant "jocks". i use jocks, because of an analogy i heard comparing nations. america is the high school jock of the world. we act first, and we think later. its always been like that. and i use jock because jocks are generally simple minded, and americans are very un-educated. look at most civilized nations, they can speak more than one language, americans are only taught english, and they cant even speak it that well. we have an option to take other languages, but why?? everyone should speak american english anyways right?? if we are the greatest nation on earth, why does this country have so many stupid problems? like the homeless. if we are the richet most powerful nation, why does a person go hungry? why cant everyone recieve the same medical benefits? a lot of people cannot afford to recieve quality medical attention. why are teachers so underpaid? why do football & basketball athletes get paid MILLIONS to play a game? why does the gap between rich & poor get larger every year? why do huge corporations get away with not paing taxes & monopolies, when me, joe bloe gets my ass rammed every year for being a good citizen. then i get to lose more freedoms for being a good citizen? why do we call ourselves a democracy, when the average citizen cant to a goddamn thing about anything, but that narrowminded billionaire over there gets to influence the gov, so he can save a few bucks duriing tax time. our nation is bullshit. and the reason third world countries bash us, is because we step all over their traditions & beliefs. we tell them what is right and wrong, but who is to say that? certainly not us. who do we think we are? i will not ever say this is the best country in the world. i think most americans need to get their heads out of their asses and see that there is a larger world out there. fuck america for being the worlds bully.
it takes more to be the "greatest" country than money & a good military. we are very uneducated, and our priorities are fucked. it sounds like you are saying, "i can kick your ass, so that means i am better than you", "i own 27 exotic cars & 3 mansions, i am def better than you". you know that is bullshit.
/must stop, head hurts.... rambling incoherently......

Do you know why there are alot of homeles people, why people go hungry in this country, why the education level and proper use of English has went downhill, etc. in America?

The answer is simple. It is because we take in so many members of third world countries. The non-Americans take jobs that should be there for Americans(which explains the majority of homeless&hungry Americans, not all though...some of that population is just lazy people who will not work). The reason the education has went downhill is because our government and schools *LOWER* educational standards so the immigrants can make it. The foreign people bitched that the American education standards were unfair because they were geared towards white Americans(which was total bullshit) so they started to lower the standards. Education was alot better in the 60's, 70's and early 80's before we started getting overwhelming numbers of immigrants.

Modern American English can be blamed on the immigrants too. I don't have time to explain this one right now because I have to leave for work but if you have any brains at all you will be able to figure out how the immigrants have fucked up what is considered normal English. Just rememeber, back in the 60's, 70's and early 80's there weren't a bunch of wannabe gangters walking the streets speaking in some fucked up, made up language.

To make a long story short. The 3rd world countries and the idiots like Clinton who complied to 3rd world country standards are the ones who fucked this country up.

[ February 10, 2003: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


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« Reply #82 on: 10 February 2003, 22:16 »
Originally posted by flap:

Not quite; it's actually because you're a fuck.

I'm a fuck? What in the hell is that supposed to mean? Does that mean that you guys feel that I would be a good fuck or something? That wouldn't surprise me since the most of you are non-pussy getting queers. ;P

Why don't you try saying something that actually makes some kind of sense? Just reading that one sentence makes me feel that you retarded. Anyone with brains would've said something that was thought out a little better. A smarter person would've also made sure that the comment made sense.

You're a fuck....ROFLMFAO. My little nephew can compose a better thought than that.

(EDIT)Oh, and FYI. The reason you think that I'm a fuck(whatever that is supposed to mean) is because I don't follow the same shit that you follow. I bet you that if I was an anti-MS Linux zealot you would just sit around and feed on every word that I have to say much like how you guys feed on every other Linux zealot.

[ February 10, 2003: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


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« Reply #83 on: 11 February 2003, 03:57 »
Do you know why everybody here hates me so much? It is because I'm not a follower and I'm always thinking.

I laughed out loud when I read this. What the hell does that mean? You're nothing but a pathetic, worthless troll who disagrees with everything everyone says just to get attention.

Oh yeah, and you are a stupid fuck as well.


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« Reply #84 on: 11 February 2003, 06:37 »
I laughed out loud when I read this. What the hell does that mean? You're nothing but a pathetic, worthless troll who disagrees with everything everyone says just to get attention.

Oh yeah, and you are a stupid fuck as well.

while i haven't been here long enough to judge zombie's character, i do agree with some of his statements. (but, i don't think that all of our problems are caused by the everflowing stream of immigrants.)

however, the liberal morons who are lowering standards just to let students pass frightens me. i have not seen this happen in the area i go to school (Pennsylvania), but i have heard of controversy coming from Florida about lowering a passing grade to 30%!!!! i just think that's insane, and there is not way that our country's education system can EVER improve with methods like that

[ February 10, 2003: Message edited by: Siplus ]

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« Reply #85 on: 11 February 2003, 06:49 »
Originally posted by Siplus:

the liberal morons who are lowering standards just to let students pass frightens me.[ February 10, 2003: Message edited by: Siplus ]

Why are they liberal morons exactley?


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« Reply #86 on: 11 February 2003, 21:54 »
Originally posted by Siplus:

i have heard of controversy coming from Florida about lowering a passing grade to 30%!!!!

That's florida for you. This nation is definitely tilted toward the southeast because that's where all the loose marbles roll.


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« Reply #87 on: 11 February 2003, 11:26 »
Broadly labelling liberals as "morons" is not a very accurate or responsible statement.  Besides, Jeb Bush runs FL anyway, and he's a big conservative.  Speaking of dumbing down the school system, many conservatives are the same people who wish to teach the non-science of creationism and "intelligent design theory" to our nation's students.  I'm shocked that they are taken seriously in this country.  I guess it just goes to show how the fog of religion is indeed thick here in the States.  Blame it on all the Baptists and the irresponsible media (watch Larry King and the psychic frauds who come on his show to see what I mean, that and shows like "Crossing over with John Edwards") Personally, there are many issues I take a liberal stance on and some I take a more conservative stance on.  I do think both camps have their fair share of morons, though.


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« Reply #88 on: 11 February 2003, 13:37 »
a couple of hundred years ago it was witches (we got over that in scotland in the 1600s), then in the age of radio it was commies, now it's muslims, liberals and nonconformists.

If people are going to criticise something, they should get their facts straight. the US is a very nonliberal country, and i can't help but laugh when i hear US citizens saying how the liberals are dragging their land down. bollocks. you only have the selfish right wing moneymakers amongst you to blame for your own country being slowly ruined from inside, and i wish more US citizens would realise that and take control of their country. think how great the US could be if its citizens were not so jaded! both of your political parties are the same (except your 'democrats' are a pack of liars), so it's no wonder that people don't vote, much less stand for office. ironically that's the only way any of you will change anything, excepting a full on social coup.
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« Reply #89 on: 13 February 2003, 13:48 »
No californians are pigheaded bastards that all they want to do is smoke away there future with drugs and what not. I bet atleast 65% of my classmates are californians and im willing to put money down theve all smoked weed before. and have an average of 2.0 for a gpa. I swear there trying to take over montana, we need a big 100 foot wall of cement around montana to keep them out. there like mexicans getting in the US.

First of all, 'californians' is spelled with a capital 'C.'

Second, all they want to do 'smoke away THEIR future.' 'There' refers to a physical place, or a fragment of time. 'Their' refers to posession, that which you were indicating.

Third, it is 'they've' smoked weed, not 'theve.' In our language, this is called a contraction. It is an abbreviated portion of speech that combines two words into one.  In this particular case, it stands for "they have."

Fourth, you should probably just move to Vegas, and place wages for a living. Yes, I have smoked weed, I liked it, and Lord knows that with the grammatical skills you possess, that the mentally retarded must be awarded scholarships in Montana.

Fifth, and I'll try to roll all that I've missed into one, we capitalize the first word of every sentence, spell properly, and use contractions in their respective aspect at the collegient level.  

Since you are obviously a stupid, piney, redneck, Montana, beveled-cunt, I am not going to waste my time on your backwoods, uneducated, hick ass. As for your Mexican comment, I am half Mexican. Just go ahead and call me a "spick", or a "wetback", and get it over with.  People like you are fucking idiots. Go to Iraq, protest against America, and do the world a favor by being a human-shield with Sean Penn, Angelina Jolie, and the rest of the fuck-offs.

Zombie:  You and I don't agree on much, if not anything, but you are exactly right. People on this board cannot stand anyone who disagrees with the popular voice.  People on this board constantly bash America, and when someone stands up, everyone jumps on them.  The funniest thing I found about it, was at a site called "", and a dickhead comes in with a "you signed a EULA agreement when you signed up here" comment LOL...too funny. If there is anyone out there writing a paper on hypocracy, make sure you send them here. You people need to edit your profile, and under the "location" field, change whatever you entered in to "France."

The thing that saddens me, is that I'd love to debate the US foeirgn policy issues here that everyone bitches and moans about. I'd like to talk about the upcoming war, my confusions, and have a constructive debate about them. Unfortunatley, I've found that this board contains a bunch of biased, partial, front-runners, who are hellbent on jumping over anyone with an opinion, strictly because of their nationality, their race, or where they live -- a bunch of ignorant, and stupid reasons. It has become apparent that a lot of people here have limited to no knowledge of US foreign policy, economics, sociology, and exhibit the common traits of cruelty, uneducation, and ignorance, not to mention the inability to see things from a different perspective.

Having a round of constructive criticism and debate here is futile.  People here cannot handle rebuttle, so why bother?

[ February 13, 2003: Message edited by: LorKorub / BOB ]

"American English -- the noble language of your superiors"