Author Topic: 2 x 2 = ? Is it too complicated?  (Read 5759 times)


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2 x 2 = ? Is it too complicated?
« Reply #90 on: 13 February 2003, 14:27 »
last night i saw a 2 hour documentary about the iraq situation.
there were representatives from many countries there, certainly from all countries who have expressed a specific opinion. the german was coherent and interesting, so was the frenchman. the two scots were very coherent and astute, the three english guys, while i thought they were condescending and had incorrect opinions, were very articulate and well thought out, the guy from india was communicative and intelligent, and the guy from iraq was sensible and well spoken too. Only the US representative resorted to namecalling and poopooed other countries' efforts, dredging up incidents from each of their histories about how bad they all were and how they had sold equipment to iraq and were all as bad as each other et c.

As the french representative pointed out in reply however we all know which nation has sold the most weapons to iraq and which nation buys the most oil from iraq when it comes down to it.

the bottom line, americans are very very quick to point the finger, i mean just look at the post above, but they are very very poor at taking the simple criticism that most of us take on board, consider and use to improve ourselves. perhaps this means americans are behind the rest of us when it comes to self improvement, perhaps not.
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2 x 2 = ? Is it too complicated?
« Reply #91 on: 13 February 2003, 14:53 »
its about 3am here and someone in a chat channel just told me to turn on the news cause we just started bombing iraq, but my cable's down. I don't believe it (they were probably screwing with me), but it sure would be weird if it were true.

[ February 13, 2003: Message edited by: Macman: LITERALLY a genius / bob ]


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2 x 2 = ? Is it too complicated?
« Reply #92 on: 13 February 2003, 16:21 »
Originally posted by Macman: LITERALLY a genius / bob:
its about 3am here and someone in a chat channel just told me to turn on the news cause we just started bombing iraq, but my cable's down. I don't believe it (they were probably screwing with me), but it sure would be weird if it were true.

[ February 13, 2003: Message edited by: Macman: LITERALLY a genius / bob ]

Nah, they were screwing with you but you propably know that already. However, at this point Iraq's bombardment is inevitable. What seems to be stalling this whole operation is the denial of the French and Germans to contribute to these absurdities. Thank God Europe started finding its own voice!


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2 x 2 = ? Is it too complicated?
« Reply #93 on: 13 February 2003, 16:34 »
Perhaps you should act on you "self improvement", and begin with opening an English book. Pay particular attention to the first three chapters pertaining to basic grammar.

Once you accomplish that feat, I will then educate you on ecomonics, and why the French, the Indians, and the Germans are taking the positions that they are.

But, then again, why bother?  It is obvious that your ideas are skewed, partial, and echo with the same directed cultural angst toward this country that you have been spewing out of your mouth since the day I read this board for the first time.

Go buy all of Michael Moore(on)'s movies, more RATM albums, and buy into every piece of shit that you have been sold.  You are one of 50 million people that buy into that bullshit, think that you are getting an education, yet are accomplishing nothing short of feeding their bank accounts, and adding to their armadas of BMWs and Jaguars.  Better yet, go burn all of your history books. Hitler would be proud that he finally was able to  break the spirit of one Englishman.
"American English -- the noble language of your superiors"


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2 x 2 = ? Is it too complicated?
« Reply #94 on: 13 February 2003, 19:47 »
scotsman, dumbass. I'm from Orkney.

and just read over your last post again, and if you still don't see why you are beyond hope, then you are truly beyond hope.
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2 x 2 = ? Is it too complicated?
« Reply #95 on: 23 February 2003, 08:26 »
While we're stirring up political shit:

I'm a conservative

Oh, I'm a Republican
I got a small schling
I like to bomb niggahs
and make a lot o' bling

I got a bunch o' friends
in high up places
They helps me get dem
government graces.

You think I'm smart
I just know who's who
I couldn't run a fruit stand
without the red white & blue

I'll drop some crap
about Jesus the Christ
You'll buy it all
and vote for me twice

'Fact, Jesus is comin'!
Real soon, now!
So we gotta prop up Israel
That ol' sacred cow

Don't need no history
Don't need no schoolin'
I got my ideology
To keep me a shootin'

Liberals! Faggots!
Commies and queers!
Socialist hippies
Full o' pussy tears

Propaganda's m'friend
But I calls it "fact"
Even though I don't read
'Cept for Chick tracts

Facts? No! Don't need em here!
We're conservatives! We work on FEAR!
Don't like what we say?
Well FUCK YOU, bud!
We'll shove it down yer throat
and tell ya it's good!


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2 x 2 = ? Is it too complicated?
« Reply #96 on: 23 February 2003, 12:26 »
That's great!

Canadian Lover

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2 x 2 = ? Is it too complicated?
« Reply #97 on: 17 July 2004, 08:48 »
Drat! How did me manage to keep all anti bush discussions to this thread? Hmmm...


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2 x 2 = ? Is it too complicated?
« Reply #98 on: 17 July 2004, 10:42 »
This thread is a year old.

STOP BUMPING old threads.

this is also is the thread that has void main's last post here ever in it.
2 motherfuckers have sigged me so far.  Fuck yeah!


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2 x 2 = ? Is it too complicated?
« Reply #99 on: 17 July 2004, 11:44 »
While we're stirring up political shit:
I'm a conservative

Oh, I'm a Republican
I got a small schling
I like to bomb niggahs
and make a lot o' bling

I got a bunch o' friends
in high up places
They helps me get dem
government graces.

You think I'm smart
I just know who's who
I couldn't run a fruit stand
without the red white & blue

I'll drop some crap
about Jesus the Christ
You'll buy it all
and vote for me twice

'Fact, Jesus is comin'!
Real soon, now!
So we gotta prop up Israel
That ol' sacred cow

Don't need no history
Don't need no schoolin'
I got my ideology
To keep me a shootin'

Liberals! Faggots!
Commies and queers!
Socialist hippies
Full o' pussy tears

Propaganda's m'friend
But I calls it "fact"
Even though I don't read
'Cept for Chick tracts

Facts? No! Don't need em here!
We're conservatives! We work on FEAR!
Don't like what we say?
Well FUCK YOU, bud!
We'll shove it down yer throat
and tell ya it's good!

Sounds like Micheal more all he has to do to convince the weak minded is show some pictures of moms crying, and some saudis getting in planes, and boom its fact. Listen you go agianst moore you worship the devil. The point is no counrty should sit back and watch people die, Bush is the first polotician who does what he wants a true man, not a man directed by Polls. Clinton even said, and I dont like him too much but he is a pretty smart man himself, that people have to get ut out of their heads that Bush is their for oil money. and this is from a what, a democrat. Also the complaints about gore and not winning guess what its called the electoral college and its not new and was made by democrats. Also Kerry's supporters have said that he should be president of American just because he was in the war. how about when dole was running, was he not a WW2 Vet. Personaly if you study your damn politics and look at the fine details about the facts then you learn that the democrats are normaly lying or manipulative.
Hasta la Victoria Siempre. Ernesto Guevara


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2 x 2 = ? Is it too complicated?
« Reply #100 on: 17 July 2004, 11:51 »
god dammit i knew someone would make some post that would start up the debate again

if anyone else posts here with a big long reply, I WILL COME TO YOUR HOUSE AND CUT YOU

[ July 17, 2004: Message edited by: the stiller ]

just say know


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2 x 2 = ? Is it too complicated?
« Reply #101 on: 18 July 2004, 01:40 »
the stiller: if anyone else posts here with a big long reply, I WILL COME TO YOUR HOUSE AND CUT YOU

"Blabla political blabla congres blabla Void Main, blabla whine blabla" * 2

Long enough?  ;)


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2 x 2 = ? Is it too complicated?
« Reply #102 on: 18 July 2004, 03:44 »
Originally posted by Refalm:

"Blabla political blabla congres blabla Void Main, blabla whine blabla" * 2

Long enough?   ;)  

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Re: 2 x 2 = ? Is it too complicated?
« Reply #103 on: 10 April 2005, 11:11 »
*bumps thread in a blatent attempt to annoy Sauron* :p

Proudly posted from a Gentoo Linux system.

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Re: 2 x 2 = ? Is it too complicated?
« Reply #104 on: 10 April 2005, 11:41 »
omg, a necroslapped thread. and with such a bleh topic as well...