Author Topic: Something for all you Europeans  (Read 2933 times)


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Something for all you Europeans
« Reply #60 on: 31 July 2003, 00:12 »
I tried tutorials online, but I just don't have the attention span to follow them. I guess I'd better get a good book if I want to start learning seriously.

The best I did yet was a silly character-based Python program that sings the '99 bottles of beer' song. I even made it prompt for a number of your choice, so it can repeat it 643 or 9999 times and so on.

And you still havent established your sanity.  



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Something for all you Europeans
« Reply #61 on: 31 July 2003, 06:27 »
Hey provided everyone joins of their own free will, doesnt hurt anyone else and is of sound mind they can do what they want.  Will certainly reduce the number of people in the world, and that means more stuff for me.    

Weren't the Templars accused of Demon worshipping?  (specifically satan in his half goat form I think - in that form his name started with "B" I think.  Wasn't Beelz'bub though...)  Man joining them guys would be so freaking cool...  Get a big suit of armour, some black and white cloths and then you get to beat the crap out of people with a sword...  *sigh*  /faust starts staring into the distance wistfully...

I was playing devils advocate      ;)    , I agree.... Free will. Actually if there is one point that comes from bibilical teaching is that god supposedly created us with free will. Funny how organized religion tends to forget that.

Yes - there are severe logic errors in any claim that God is a)perfect and b)wants you to believe.  But it is only if you try and claim the last two that you fuck up, not by claiming the existence of God.

The bible itself proves that God cannot be perfect. In the story of Soddom and Ghamorra, God negotiates with Ezekiel as to how many righteous people it would take for him not to destroy the cities. The number in the story goes down and down until Ezekiel can find no one. 1. if God were perfect why would he need to negotiate with Ezekiel? 2. why did he not know that there would be no one?

Always thought this was strange, there are plenty of ther examples of biblical contradiction, not contradictions from the hindsight of a mordern perspective but contradictions in their own merrit.

Templars fell out of favour some time after the crusades, they were accused of idolitary, worshiping the Baphomet. Also they were accused of:

That the receptors practiced obscene kisses on new entrants, on the mouth, navel or buttocks.

London has a Templar cathederal,  which is very strange if you go there, circular. Most european churches are crucifix in plan form at this time. Although I think middle eastern churches (Byzantyne) churches were often round.

Temple Church

But yes, I'd just join for the armour, "when do I get the armour, uh? When, when? Sword, when do I get the sword, uh, uh???"

After that I went on to basic shell scripts, and then Eiffel (which I _love_, then C++ and I am going to be doing some SPARC assembly (!) next year.  

Don't know Eiffel, other than it's a OO language. What context are you using it in? I'll have look into it. Another interesting language is Ruby.... I started out on Pascal     ;)  

P.S. Faust for your delight and convenience some armour replacement, this should suffice until you can get some real armour.

[ July 30, 2003: Message edited by: Zardoz ]

The MES Anti-Prude Force
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Something for all you Europeans
« Reply #62 on: 31 July 2003, 19:00 »
Dude...  armour [drool.]
Actually I would prefer Japanese style as I have just started Kendo lessons, but still cool - I have a poster in my room of a very cool black and white lacquered suit of armour from Austria, very cool.  :D
Yesterday it worked
Today it is not working
Windows is like that


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Something for all you Europeans
« Reply #63 on: 31 July 2003, 20:45 »
Originally posted by Faust:
Dude...  armour [drool.]
Actually I would prefer Japanese style as I have just started Kendo lessons, but still cool - I have a poster in my room of a very cool black and white lacquered suit of armour from Austria, very cool.   :D  

Funny you should mention that, last night I started looking at Japanese sword sites (for no reason  ;)  ). Take a look at these. Great if you can spare a few $1000's


Kendo sounds cool  
The MES Anti-Prude Force
"I don