Author Topic: 0?!.  (Read 1299 times)


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« on: 22 September 2003, 22:23 »
This site lists interesting aspects about Microsoft, but don't you think there are worser companies out there. Yes I ve no doubt if I think about MacDonald's and Mercedes Benz!


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« Reply #1 on: 22 September 2003, 22:48 »
Any Arms company
Any Bank

Yup there are loads and load of 'em. This site however is a computer technology based site, with specific leanings to open-source implementations, and a natural anti-M$ stance. If you want to start a thread about other evil companies, you're more than welcome to do so in the "lounge" section.   :D
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« Reply #2 on: 23 September 2003, 23:02 »
Originally posted by Zardoz:

Any Arms company
Any Bank

What's wrong with guns and money? Really, what's wrong with banks? guns are a matter of opinion, i love them. I go trap shooting as often as i can.


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« Reply #3 on: 23 September 2003, 23:43 »

Ya, OK I was being PC (what ever that is these days), I was in a whimsical mood.

I love shooting guns, making explosions and I'm not impartial to a spot of shopping actually. I'd think there'd be very few red blooded males that wouldn't.

Although I have to say that I really don't like banks much, I guess it's their tactics that annoy me.

So no, there isn't anything wrong with guns, dynamite, current accounts, shoot guns, sniper riffles per-see. It's just what you do with them and if you as company produces any of these how they as a company behave. A lot of the big arms companies out there like say BAE Systems a pretty evil really when you stop and think about it, the question I guess is one of were we should be drawing that line?

So I had to include them in that list.
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« Reply #4 on: 24 September 2003, 02:04 »
Well, i've never used a big bank before. I use a small credit union that is local only and almost nobody knows about them and their 2 branches. No evil policies. In fact, I accidently overdrew about $2 with 4 small 50 cent purchases (dont ask)... the tech cleared off my $100 fee as it was rediculous. I suppose it would depend on who you bank with. no banks... no online shopping  :( . i dont mean shop like going to buy a new t-shirt or something... i mean, hey look! a new computer, i'll buy that... and why not that 200gb scsi hard drive too? i like buying things online, it's much cheaper... and i can't do it without a bank... i like my bank anyways. so, i guess it's just a matter of opinion, i disagree with you.


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« Reply #5 on: 24 September 2003, 02:14 »
Originally posted by Stryker:
Well, i've never used a big bank before. I use a small credit union that is local only and almost nobody knows about them and their 2 branches. No evil policies. In fact, I accidently overdrew about $2 with 4 small 50 cent purchases (dont ask)... the tech cleared off my $100 fee as it was rediculous. I suppose it would depend on who you bank with. no banks... no online shopping   :(  . i dont mean shop like going to buy a new t-shirt or something... i mean, hey look! a new computer, i'll buy that... and why not that 200gb scsi hard drive too? i like buying things online, it's much cheaper... and i can't do it without a bank... i like my bank anyways. so, i guess it's just a matter of opinion, i disagree with you.

Ha ha ha, you crack me up
  :D    ;)
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« Reply #6 on: 24 September 2003, 03:31 »
i do that when i'm halfway asleep and rambling. mostly it's safe to ignore most of the things i say... but i still like my bank.


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« Reply #7 on: 24 September 2003, 03:37 »
Originally posted by someone:
This site lists interesting aspects about Microsoft, but don't you think there are worser companies out there. Yes I ve no doubt if I think about MacDonald's and Mercedes Benz!

worser? is that even a word? And what is up with the title of this thread?

Anyways. McDonalds is bad. Sure. Nestle is far worse. And the USDA, well, I think they are far worser. None of that really matters though. You typed fuckmicrosoft or something into your komputa machine and it brought you here, to a site about the evil MICROSOFT. Now. If the sites name was, and we were talking about something besides mcdonalds, i could understand saying something.


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« Reply #8 on: 24 September 2003, 04:48 »
yes Mcdonalds is a pretty bad company.

Mostly because of their poor food and really bad propaganda towards children.
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« Reply #9 on: 24 September 2003, 05:05 »
What's wrong with Nestl


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« Reply #10 on: 24 September 2003, 05:07 »
Worserist, betterer
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« Reply #11 on: 24 September 2003, 05:20 »
Originally posted by Laukev7:
What's wrong with Nestl


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« Reply #12 on: 24 September 2003, 06:11 »
Ugh. This is indeed a horrible business tactic.  But why on earth would anyone want to buy seeds that produce sterile plants?


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« Reply #13 on: 24 September 2003, 08:25 »
Why do they buy it? Who knows. But the damage has been done and its fucked up.
 Critics argue that, as this technology spreads, it will introduce into nature more and more varieties of plants that cannot reproduce. One fear is that cross fertilization between terminator crops and related wild varieties will result in reducing the natural viability of many non-cultivated plant species. It may also have the effect of greatly reducing the genetic diversity of staple food crops worldwide. Up to this time, it is diversity itself that has made possible the steady improvement of crop yields, resistance to disease, and adaptation to changing and marginal growing conditions. Terminator technology would displace all those considerations from the realm of nature into the hands of bio-technicians and marketeers.

Pressure to use terminator seed might also gradually force poor farmers out of farming altogether, if they are unable or unwilling to buy new seed each year. This will have the effect of further consolidating agricultural production in fewer and richer hands throughout the developing world, as has already happened in the developed world....

 ...If the world is to find a way to feed its constantly growing population, there is no doubt that new agricultural breakthroughs are needed. But Terminator Seed technology may have more to do with corporate profits than improved productivity. Like the equally controverial subject of cloning, this trend in biotechnology raises numerous moral as well as scientific questions -- going right to the heart of humankind's relationship with nature -- that have yet to be adequately addressed.

Horrible. I can't find any info on people who buy it, though someone is.


Promotes breast-milk substitute bottle feeding in third world countries by giving free product to mothers in hospitals. This means that the mother stops lactating and the mothers are forced to buy Nestles products to feed their baby - and they can't really afford to. In the USA, formulas must contain the warning that "Breast milk is best" for babies, and our hospitals won't give out such samples. Other countries don't always have such protections, and Nestle takes advantage...

As puts it: In order to sell more of its infant formula in third world countries, Nestle would hire women with no special training and dress them up as nurses to give out free samples of Nestle formula. The free samples lasted long enough for the mother's breast milk to dry up from lack of use.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that 1.5 million infants die around the world every year because they are not breastfed.

That is fucked up. These companies are killing people. Microsoft is not. But this is an anti-ms site, so this discussion belongs someplace else.


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« Reply #14 on: 24 September 2003, 22:46 »

Promotes breast-milk substitute bottle feeding in third world countries by giving free product to mothers in hospitals. This means that the mother stops lactating and the mothers are forced to buy Nestles products to feed their baby - and they can't really afford to. In the USA, formulas must contain the warning that "Breast milk is best" for babies, and our hospitals won't give out such samples. Other countries don't always have such protections, and Nestle takes advantage...

As puts it: In order to sell more of its infant formula in third world countries, Nestle would hire women with no special training and dress them up as nurses to give out free samples of Nestle formula. The free samples lasted long enough for the mother's breast milk to dry up from lack of use.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that 1.5 million infants die around the world every year because they are not breastfed.


That is fucked up. These companies are killing people. Microsoft is not. But this is an anti-ms site, so this discussion belongs someplace else.


Oh, my god. WHY would poor women choose an albeit free, artificial product over breastfeeding???

Disgusting. This alone makes me add Nestl