...gUNZ, ABORTION, RELIGEON...all worthless and futile debates. No one walks away a winner. Guns aren't bad, the person holding the gun is. Both aspects of my job require and use guns. As a policeman in an American Culture, to be unarmed is to die...again, not the gun, the person who pulls the trigger. Are the companies bad, probably. I'm sure they are driven more of a profit desire than a community health. But that gives way for a freedom conversation, right or wrong, we have the freedom to be good or bad. Consequences and all. So there ya have it. BTW, the second reason is military, I would probably be pretty useless on a battlefield without a ranged weapon, especially considering my job was sniper long ago...Think about it. If mass punishment isn't an acceptable course of action for society, then why is it the same advocates chase and lobby gunmakers?