Author Topic: Support the Troops, dammit!!  (Read 901 times)


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Support the Troops, dammit!!
« on: 10 March 2003, 16:24 »
In the Seattle area a lot of troops have been shipping out lately, some of them that I know. Another thing that's been happening a lot in the Seattle area lately, as well as the rest of the world, are anti-war protests. Some of them have turned into anti-troop protests, however. War sucks, as I hope we all agree (the whole war with Saddam thing is a whole other issue), but what about the freakin troops?? I'm sure most of them also agree with that. They don't have a choice. Some of them have been living in the desert for more than four months while the cowards at the UN keep giving Iraq ten more days, ten more days over and over again. I'll tell you something, a human can only live in such a harsh environment for so long. Those people are suffering out there.

They must feel bad enough already, so how do you think they feel when they see people protesting like that? As if they're just pawns in a big chess game? Go ahead and protest war, but you'd better goddamned also have an american flag. Those people are putting their asses on the line for all of you, and I'm not just speaking to Americans when I say that.

Is the potential war with Iraq just? Who the hell knows? How about we let the people who are trained to decide do that, eh? (I do know one thing though, it will be good news for a lot of people if that bastard Saddam is no longer in power, but as I said, lets not get into that.)

So I urge you to keep the people in mind that are about to risk their lives for the free world. How can you thank them? You could sign the thank you note at defendamerica .gov for starters.


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Support the Troops, dammit!!
« Reply #1 on: 10 March 2003, 18:01 »
What a load of bullshit.

You decide to get into the army, so you have to face the consequences. The army isn't a fucking chess-club.

Thanks alot. You're putting you're life in danger for a bunch of corporations. And of course the disarmament of WMD, for which proof is not found(i'm talking about nukes, not things like antrax) doesn't the US Constitution say that one is innocent untill proven guilty?

If Saddam was such an evil person towards his people he'd be gone already. The Iraqi civilians have access to AK47's and they could easily organize a guerrilla war against Saddam. And don't start that Saddam gassed his own people  bullshit with me. He gassed the Kurds, and Saddam is a racist anti-kurd. Those are not his own people. We can discuss the Freedom of Kurdistan(which I fully support, but America's Ally, Turkey, seems to be not so supportive to it) but that is an entirely different subject.
Free it, goddamnit!

Computer security is very much like home security - you can take as many security precautions as you like but if you leave windows open, sooner or later you'll get broken into. - (Calum 2003)


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Support the Troops, dammit!!
« Reply #2 on: 10 March 2003, 18:30 »
Originally posted by Macman: LITERALLY a retard / bob:
Some of them have turned into anti-troop protests, however.
have they? no they haven't. only paranoid freakout cases who are the result of the army's disgusting training regime would think so.
War sucks, as I hope we all agree
i would agree  
(the whole war with Saddam thing is a whole other issue),
i strongly disagree. war sucks. THE END. there is no 'whole other issue'. it is war. war sucks. get it?  
but what about the freakin troops?? I'm sure most of them also agree with that. They don't have a choice. Some of them have been living in the desert for more than four months while the cowards at the UN keep giving Iraq ten more days, ten more days over and over again.
it's their job. none of them are conscripts. they chose it. life's not a bowl of fucking cherries, people do a job. if they weren't prepared for the hazards of the job then they should have got a nice desk job or applied for a position at their local KFC.  
I'll tell you something, a human can only live in such a harsh environment for so long. Those people are suffering out there.
they might well be indeed, it's harsh country, oh wait, you're talking about the americans? sorry, i thought you meant the iraqi citizens. LISTEN TO YOURSELF! if those conditions are so unbearable and inhumane then how come people have been living there nomadically for thousands of years? if your homegrown US marines (trained for anything) can't fucking hack it for a month then how the fuck have people managed to survive their childhoods and the rest of their life there no problem at all? hmm?
add to this the fact that the US soldiers have more food, better clothes, better fucking everything than anybody else out there and your comments are a disgusting insult to the entire rest of the planet's population, in much the same way as many 'innocent' yankee statements are.
They must feel bad enough already, so how do you think they feel when they see people protesting like that? As if they're just pawns in a big chess game?
they are. if they don't want to feel that way then they should fucking not join the fucking army. get them to take a bit of responsibility for their actions 'i just take orders' BULLSHIT! cowards.    
Go ahead and protest war, but you'd better goddamned also have an american flag.
why, fuckass? i disagree with everything that the american flag stands for and i will continue to protest war until i am killed by a revenge attack that would not have happened if the US had not gone to war.    
Those people are putting their asses on the line for all of you, and I'm not just speaking to Americans when I say that.
fuck you. who said you americans know best? the world would be better off without the active USA (there are a large number of americans, probably the majority, who i have no problem with, but they for some reason allow the lunatics to run their country for them). a lot of US citizens have said that the US should stay at home and let other countries sort their own problems out and i say that's the cleverest thing an american has said about foreign intervention in years.

Is the potential war with Iraq just? Who the hell knows?
i do.
NO war is EVER just. there is ALWAYS a better way to fix something than to go to war. Take the iraq situation. the best solution would be to assasinate saddam. don't tell me there has not been an opportunity to do so in the last 12 years, why has it not been done? oil and international politics, not to mention money.  
EVERY war EVER has been called 'just' by somebody and 'unjust' by somebody else. NO war is EVER just and anybody who thinks there is such a thing as a just war needs a bullet.  
How about we let the people who are trained to decide do that, eh?
arrogant fuck, how about you let people who give a shit about their own future decide? in fact how about you stop your fucking country deciding the future of all the other countries on the planet, hmm?  
(I do know one thing
really? could have fooled me    
though, it will be good news for a lot of people if that bastard Saddam is no longer in power, but as I said, lets not get into that.)
why should we not get into that? that's the only thing i can agree on from what you have said so far! in fact you pro-war fascists have only one good thing to say and that's 'saddam needs to be removed from power' - yes he does, but you seem to make this idiotic leap in 'logic' that leads you to conclude that it's a good idea to just have a war. 'oh yes a war, good idea, that'll sort it out' have you yanks never heard of "thinking"? US bombing campaigns acheive very little, we learn from history, except civilian casualties and property damage and in this war, that's the thing we should be trying to avoid the most. iraq has a population we are supposedly trying to save from saddam, not kill when he uses them as a human shield. and iraq is also filled with unique historical sites which should not be destroyed (but which saddam has already begun to destroy himself). THINK before you send your troops in to make another fuckup like you did in viet nam.

So I urge you to keep the people in mind that are about to risk their lives for the free world. How can you thank them? You could sign the thank you note at defendamerica .gov for starters.

or you could go on the next anti war march as i plan to do, like i was on the last one.

i am not a pacifist though. i will stand up for the notion that all pro-war scumbags should be killed violently. live by the sword, die by it. there's too many people in this world and the violent ones should probably be the first to go.

[ March 10, 2003: Message edited by: Calum: Member # 81 ]

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Support the Troops, dammit!!
« Reply #3 on: 10 March 2003, 18:49 »
(there are a large number of americans, probably the majority, who i have no problem with, but they for some reason allow the lunatics to run their country for them

the reason we allow these things to take place in our country is that we are not big tabacco, or oil, or pepsico, or microsoft, or whatever company has the money to fill the politicians pockets with law buying/changing money. This country has forgoten its roots. i am embarrassed to say im american most of the time, especially when i turn on the tv to see that the big news of the day is some celebrity getting arrested for some stupid shit, or the media having a fucking field day with "countdown iraq" along with patriotic saturated commercials to sell me a car because its "american". fuckin look at what is "popular" now. the music, movies, books. most (i think 97% of it) of it is complete shit that some corporation tells me is the newest, greatest thing since last years newest greatest thing. there is rarely any actual CONTENT or SUBSTANCE to anything anymore and it drives me mad. we are a nation of zombies being led by money/power hungry bastards. we could probably do something about it, and we sure talk about it alot, but look at every windroid that comes here, or you have talked to someplace else. it is like that with EVERYTHING in this country. Corp says its good, so everyone buys it. noone thinks for themselves anymore. so actually getting people to stand up and make a difference would be dificult to say the least. not impossible mind you, nothing is impossible, just dificult.
anyways. i didnt read your whole post yet calum, sorry, i just went off on some fucked up rant and am now going to go jump in my civic, by a starbucks, and go sit at my fucking desk at work and stare for a few hours. (jaded maybe??)


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Support the Troops, dammit!!
« Reply #4 on: 10 March 2003, 19:06 »
The reason we allow bullshit like this to happen is because we don't fucking remember history, or listen to the words of those who have experience with war and the stupidity and dangers of blind patriotism:

"Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear -- kept us in a continuous stampede of patriotic fervor -- with the cry of grave national emergency. Always there has been some terrible evil at home or some monstrous foreign power that was going to gobble us up if we did not blindly rally behind it by furnishing the exorbitant funds demanded."
-Douglas MacArthur

"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."
-Hermann Goering


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Support the Troops, dammit!!
« Reply #5 on: 10 March 2003, 19:53 »
ecsyle, you did well to pick up on that point.
i didn't expect anybody to notice i had said that since often my comments are protrayed by others as blindly anti american.
your country has one of the best democratic setups ever and the reason it doesn't work for you is that so many of the US' citizens are jaded. if they bothered to vote and more importantly to stand for election then maybe they'd get a better administration.

it is in the corporate interest to keep the citizens jaded however. they learnt their lesson when they almost lost control of it all in the late sixties and early seventies.

and one more thing i should say.
anti war marches are pro-soldiers, not anti-soldiers. if we end war, the soldiers will not be killed and mutilated.

simple, but true. those soldiers who disagree with anti war protestors are effectively saying they would prefer to have their limbs and life removed from them at random than have somebody campaign for their right to live a long and unmutilated life.
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Support the Troops, dammit!!
« Reply #6 on: 11 March 2003, 03:25 »
Calum, I have to say on this subject I disagree with you. You do make some valid points. But have you tried looking at it from our point of view? I don't want there to be a war, but if there's no other way then I say go for it. We've tried time and time again to resolve this peacefully. We caught him lying and sneaking around weapons. How can we trust that he doesn't have nukes? Saddam is one crazy son of a bitch, I'm sure most would agree. Just killing him wouldn't help because he's corrupted so many other people i'm sure.

Saddam would have to be a lunatic (hey, he is) to attack countries just because there's a war between the US and him. It's wrong to blame his post-war actions (pending his survival) on America just because they had a fight. War is necessary sometimes, how the hell could you argue otherwise? Think back to the american revolution. Would the US be there own country if they just kept asking britain over and over again? They tried that for a long while, so there was a war and they one. You say there is never a use for war, but if the iraqi citizens joined together to take out saddam there'd be a civil war. And you seem to promote that idea. Maybe it's because it doesn't involve you and you aren't at any risk.

i'm going to stop now... I'm sure I've said a few things to make me stupid, but I'm not looking back. the US shouldn't take the risk, there's no peacefull resolution.


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Support the Troops, dammit!!
« Reply #7 on: 11 March 2003, 05:05 »
Originally posted by Stryker:
How can we trust that he doesn't have nukes?

How do you know I haven't got nukes? How do I know you haven't got nukes? You can't test nukes secretly you know - where is the evidence?

We know all about his weapons programme because the West built it for him.  When we stopped suppling him with the materials the programme stopped.

Think back to the american revolution. Would the US be there own country if they just kept asking britain over and over again?

Yes. The vote agaist the colony (USA) was carried by one.  Britain was sympathetic to the Americans, unfortunately the mad German King didn't understand that the British (For that is what the Americans were) cut King's heads off when they don't get their own way.

America's demands/requests were in fact very likely to be granted if the Monarch had not been so stupid and blown the gaff.

On the original point: I don't see how sending young men and women off to a pointless death is supporting them?

It's good for business I suppose.


[ March 10, 2003: Message edited by: zoolooo ]


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Support the Troops, dammit!!
« Reply #8 on: 11 March 2003, 21:50 »
Originally posted by zoolooo:

On the original point: I don't see how sending young men and women off to a pointless death is supporting them?

Don't sign up, don't go in the army reserves. it's not pointless death. there may be death, that's their choice. but it's not pointless. you tell me, other than giving more time and more time, a resolution. you come up with a way to solve this, one that hasn't been excused already. present it to the proper authorities. You do what you can to make this the way you want. I see all these people out there "war is bad, no war" but none of them do anything to support any peacfull resolution. I myself can't think of one we haven't already tried. If you do think of one, do something about it.


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Support the Troops, dammit!!
« Reply #9 on: 11 March 2003, 10:09 »
I'll try to pick some of the main points to respond to since I have limited time and a limited attention span.

You decide to get into the army, so you have to face the consequences. The army isn't a fucking chess-club.

Actually a lot of people join the army for financial/educational/career reasons. I'm not saying it wasn't totally up to them, but none of them probably foresaw this.

If Saddam was such an evil person towards his people he'd be gone already. The Iraqi civilians have access to AK47's and they could easily organize a guerrilla war against Saddam. And don't start that Saddam gassed his own people bullshit with me. He gassed the Kurds, and Saddam is a racist anti-kurd. Those are not his own people. We can discuss the Freedom of Kurdistan(which I fully support, but America's Ally, Turkey, seems to be not so supportive to it) but that is an entirely different subject.

They could easily organize a guerrilla war? I don't think so. The Iraqis have been completely brainwashed. Saddam has loyal followers everywhere, not to mention all of his general buddies and other high-ranking officials. It would be very difficult to organize a resistence, even if they wanted to. I'm not sure if Saddam gassed his own people or not, but they're still suffering. How would you like to go to an election where the two options are yes and no, then if you vote no you get dragged off at night? How would you like to live in a place where debates such as this one are illegal, where everything but your thoughts are controlled? Oh, okay! Saddam gassed the Kurds instead of his own people! That's much better! Wow I see your point now. Saddam is actually a saint for gassing the kurds and not his own people.

"Some of them have turned into anti-troop protests, however."

have they? no they haven't. only paranoid freakout cases who are the result of the army's disgusting training regime would think so.

Umm actually, at least in my area, the troops have become the source of the protesters anger a lot of the time. I know of one guy who got spit on while he was just walking through Gig Harbor. GIG HARBOR OF ALL PLACES!!!

"(the whole war with Saddam thing is a whole other issue)"

i strongly disagree. war sucks. THE END. there is no 'whole other issue'. it is war. war sucks. get it?

A bit of a misunderstanding here. I simply meant that I was talking about the troops, not the subject of "should we attack iraq?" Sorry, it was kind of unclear.

it's their job. none of them are conscripts. they chose it. life's not a bowl of fucking cherries, people do a job. if they weren't prepared for the hazards of the job then they should have got a nice desk job or applied for a position at their local KFC.

There are tons of desk jobs in the army, as well as cooks. As i said before, people usually don't join the army because they want to fight, they do it for money/education/careers.

they might well be indeed, it's harsh country, oh wait, you're talking about the americans? sorry, i thought you meant the iraqi citizens. LISTEN TO YOURSELF! if those conditions are so unbearable and inhumane then how come people have been living there nomadically for thousands of years? if your homegrown US marines (trained for anything) can't fucking hack it for a month then how the fuck have people managed to survive their childhoods and the rest of their life there no problem at all? hmm?
add to this the fact that the US soldiers have more food, better clothes, better fucking everything than anybody else out there and your comments are a disgusting insult to the entire rest of the planet's population, in much the same way as many 'innocent' yankee statements are.

I'm not saying they're dying, I'm saying it's just damned uncomfortable to be living in that kind of place for four months when you're from Alabama or something. Day after day of combat readiness routines, twenty second showers, living in tents. The Iraqis and other Middle Easterns have lived there for millenia. They also have houses and air conditioning. Innocent yankee statements?  :confused:  

why, fuckass? i disagree with everything that the american flag stands for and i will continue to protest war until i am killed by a revenge attack that would not have happened if the US had not gone to war.

Actually, fuckass, I was talking to Americans when I said that. I don't expect you to understand what the American flag stands for anyway.

fuck you. who said you americans know best? the world would be better off without the active USA (there are a large number of americans, probably the majority, who i have no problem with, but they for some reason allow the lunatics to run their country for them). a lot of US citizens have said that the US should stay at home and let other countries sort their own problems out and i say that's the cleverest thing an american has said about foreign intervention in years.

Okay, we'll just close our borders and let all the other countries sort out all their problems with nukes, gas, and whatever other horrors those "children" can unleash on each other. I mean, it's not as if world events actually EFFECT the US! Haha that would be silly!! Well, after the UK is a big crater (which would probably be an improvement) because us yankees took that advice and completely ignored the rest of the world, you'll most likely think differently! I mean, what the Allies did during WWII was complete hogwash right? Sharing resources?? Fighting side-by-side?? Complete nonsense!!

i do.
NO war is EVER just. there is ALWAYS a better way to fix something than to go to war. Take the iraq situation. the best solution would be to assasinate saddam. don't tell me there has not been an opportunity to do so in the last 12 years, why has it not been done? oil and international politics, not to mention money.
EVERY war EVER has been called 'just' by somebody and 'unjust' by somebody else. NO war is EVER just and anybody who thinks there is such a thing as a just war needs a bullet.

Point taken, but there's always a different point of view. I like cheese. To me cheese is just. Someone else doesn't like cheese. To them cheese is unjust, right? But if you liked cheese you'd still say "Yum! Cheese is good!" not "Well I like cheese, but that guy doesn't, so I guess I'll just keep quiet about the cheese." No! That's now how things work! If we attack, it will be unjust to Saddam, but to all the people he's causing to suffer it will definitely be a just war for them. So all of Iraq and the surrounding countries' citizens deserve to be shot is what you're saying?

You think the best way to handle this is to assassinate Saddam? Would that be just to you if they assassinated Saddam, Calum? Isn't that a form of war? So I guess your suicidal then, huh?

And besides, if we take out Saddam and only Saddam some other dumbass will definitely come in to replace him. We have to change Iraq for good.

arrogant fuck, how about you let people who give a shit about their own future decide? in fact how about you stop your fucking country deciding the future of all the other countries on the planet, hmm?

You don't think that being the last super power gives us some sort of responsibility? We've been pretty goddamned nice to everyone, I say. Who decides that we are in charge? Who decides that the teacher is in charge of a class? Who decides anything? That's just the way it is. My ancestors didn't say, "Hey everyone, let's become the most powerful nation in the world so we can control everyone else's asses in two hundred years! That would be sweey!" No, this is just the way things turned out. If we wanted to we could just sit back and let everyone else settle their problems any way they want? If we had done that we would have been destroyed during the world wars. We don't just intervene to control everyone else's asses, we intervene because our country is effected as well (not to mention the fact that we are compassionate for other people. well, most of us are anyway).

why should we not get into that? that's the only thing i can agree on from what you have said so far! in fact you pro-war fascists have only one good thing to say and that's 'saddam needs to be removed from power' - yes he does, but you seem to make this idiotic leap in 'logic' that leads you to conclude that it's a good idea to just have a war. 'oh yes a war, good idea, that'll sort it out' have you yanks never heard of "thinking"? US bombing campaigns acheive very little, we learn from history, except civilian casualties and property damage and in this war, that's the thing we should be trying to avoid the most. iraq has a population we are supposedly trying to save from saddam, not kill when he uses them as a human shield. and iraq is also filled with unique historical sites which should not be destroyed (but which saddam has already begun to destroy himself). THINK before you send your troops in to make another fuckup like you did in viet nam.

Again, I merely meant that I was talking about the troops instead of the whole war on Iraq debate. I whole-heartedly agree that Saddam needs to go. If I'd lived back in the late sixties then I probably would have been a hippy because that war was a fucking disaster. We had no real objective then, other then to go in and take over. This time we have a clear objective: Saddam and all the other asshats that are going to take over. No, our track record for taking care of these types isn't good (Noreaga and Castro comes to mind) but we've also learned from these mistakes (yes, mistakes that should never have been made). We're not blindly agreeing with Bush in any way, in fact I'm anti-Bush, and if at all possible I'd rather see almost anything but war. But there are worse things than war.

or you could go on the next anti war march as i plan to do, like i was on the last one.

i am not a pacifist though. i will stand up for the notion that all pro-war scumbags should be killed violently. live by the sword, die by it. there's too many people in this world and the violent ones should probably be the first to go.

You have no compassion for these people at all? I find that very hard to believe. I'm not asking you to speak up and be a major supporter or anything, just sign the thank you note. It takes two seconds, it's easy.

the reason we allow these things to take place in our country is that we are not big tabacco, or oil, or pepsico, or microsoft, or whatever company has the money to fill the politicians pockets with law buying/changing money. This country has forgoten its roots. i am embarrassed to say im american most of the time, especially when i turn on the tv to see that the big news of the day is some celebrity getting arrested for some stupid shit, or the media having a fucking field day with "countdown iraq" along with patriotic saturated commercials to sell me a car because its "american". fuckin look at what is "popular" now. the music, movies, books. most (i think 97% of it) of it is complete shit that some corporation tells me is the newest, greatest thing since last years newest greatest thing. there is rarely any actual CONTENT or SUBSTANCE to anything anymore and it drives me mad. we are a nation of zombies being led by money/power hungry bastards. we could probably do something about it, and we sure talk about it alot, but look at every windroid that comes here, or you have talked to someplace else. it is like that with EVERYTHING in this country. Corp says its good, so everyone buys it. noone thinks for themselves anymore. so actually getting people to stand up and make a difference would be dificult to say the least. not impossible mind you, nothing is impossible, just dificult.

I whole-heartedly agree.

How do you know I haven't got nukes? How do I know you haven't got nukes? You can't test nukes secretly you know - where is the evidence?

Have you been blatently and obviously lying and hiding things from the UN? I certainly hope not. But Iraq has.

Yes. The vote agaist the colony (USA) was carried by one. Britain was sympathetic to the Americans, unfortunately the mad German King didn't understand that the British (For that is what the Americans were) cut King's heads off when they don't get their own way.

America's demands/requests were in fact very likely to be granted if the Monarch had not been so stupid and blown the gaff.

On the original point: I don't see how sending young men and women off to a pointless death is supporting them?

It's good for business I suppose.

C'mon, you know exactly what he means. The American colonies were being oppressed. They really had no choice but to fight. How ironic that the free, peaceful world we know today was borne from war.

My general statement to all of you who protest the troops and the war: there are things that are a hell of a lot worse than war. Not many, but there are. Like in business, you have to spend money to make money. Well you also have to make war sometimes to prevent war. It's the truth and I don't see how that can be denied.


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Support the Troops, dammit!!
« Reply #10 on: 11 March 2003, 15:04 »
Originally posted by Stryker:
Calum, I have to say on this subject I disagree with you.
of course you do! i'd be surprised to get anybody to agree with me on this forum. this really seems to ba a haven for those prowar fuckers and i know i am climbing a hill even mentioning it here. no offence intended to anybody here, you're all very intelligent et c, but i know a lot of you think marching off to war is good for the spirit or some shit.  
You do make some valid points. But have you tried looking at it from our point of view?
no. have you tried looking at it from the point of view of iraq? no. it is impossible for a US citizen to do so in my opinion.  
I don't want there to be a war, but if there's no other way then I say go for it.
i agree, however i think your president has far from exhausted all options, wouldn't you say? assasinating saddam out of hand may be illegal but so what? that's never stopped the US before.  
We've tried time and time again to resolve this peacefully. We caught him lying and sneaking around weapons. How can we trust that he doesn't have nukes?
the weapons inspectors are not there to find out if he has nukes or not, they are there to assess whether he is cooperating. the inspectors say he is, bush is squirming because he wants to get his war over with before the hot season.  
Saddam is one crazy son of a bitch, I'm sure most would agree. Just killing him wouldn't help because he's corrupted so many other people i'm sure.
bullshit. how can you be 'sure'? so what, you want to just kill a shitload of people to 'make sure'? i will always oppose such ridiculous sentiments. where do you and your country get off? look how up in arms you were after your new york attack. that's a tiny fraction of what you so casually propose to inflict on iraq. and you think the next generation of iraqis won't bear a grudge against america for shoving its nose in where it doesn't belong? think again.

Saddam would have to be a lunatic (hey, he is) to attack countries just because there's a war between the US and him.
so what?  
It's wrong to blame his post-war actions (pending his survival) on America just because they had a fight.
ah i see. no i meant that if you kill people's fathers, they will grow up making it their life's dream to make you die in a more painful way than you killed their family. i would, and i suspect many americans see revenge as their right too, why else are you all so eager to march off to war (or at least to send other americans you don't know off to war on your behalf).
War is necessary sometimes, how the hell could you argue otherwise? Think back to the american revolution. Would the US be there own country if they just kept asking britain over and over again? They tried that for a long while, so there was a war and they one.
good point, well made. not that i want to disagree with you, but maybe we'd be a more peaceful planet today if the US had not become its own country. still, i'll be the first to assert that a country should push for independence from the so called 'british' empire.  
You say there is never a use for war, but if the iraqi citizens joined together to take out saddam there'd be a civil war.
hmm, i suppose you're right in a way, but you can't talk about war as if it's a game of tennis! people have hideous things happen to them in a war. the aim of a war should be a really good strategic effort to contain the damage done and to achieve as many goals as possible in as little time as possible, ideally before the opposition even knows you are there. and by that definition of the perfect military strategy, it would not be a war but an undercover strike action. mobilising thousands for months beforehand and digging in for the long haul is just not benefitting anybody except those who need to drag it out till the next election.  
And you seem to promote that idea. Maybe it's because it doesn't involve you and you aren't at any risk.
bull fucking shit. hark at the american! your country is so uninvolved in all the wars it has ever waged compared with other nations that you all forget how horrible a war is and that's why you all get out your US flags at the mere hint of a quick skirmish in the middle east. i am very grateful that i have never been called up for service. i am incredibly grateful for that. but this country and all of europe's countries have had closer brushes with war than the US has ever had. the civil war was your last big one. you're only bordered by mexico and canada so your war options largely involve you sending planes to far off countries and bombing the fucking shit out of them till they roll over and die (along with their civilian population). and lets not forget the US' natural habit of staying out of a war until it becomes completely obvious that they can no longer sell weaponry to either side. money does come before peace for the US, why the hell else are they not in turkey or israel or even north korea sorting it out once and for all instead of fucking iraq? not that that'd be any better, but why pick one out of all those setups and ignore the rest unless it's all down to selling arms to both sides?

i'm going to stop now... I'm sure I've said a few things to make me stupid, but I'm not looking back. the US shouldn't take the risk, there's no peacefull resolution.
listen, i didn't mean to insult you, so i hope my harsh words didn't offend you personally, but i agree, the US should not take the risk, there are many options for a peaceful resolution before the risk of global nuclear war needs to be taken.

Originally posted by Macman:
I'll try to pick some of the main points to respond to since I have limited time and a limited attention span.
bored of your own topic? how can we trust a nation to police this planet against our wishes when they can't even be bothered to read through a page of information discussing the issues? think about it:

Colin Powell: Give me those briefings, i need to find out if there's a case for war -  ah fuck it, don't bother, i can't be assed reading all that, let's just flip a coin for it

not my idea of a good way to run the planet.

Actually a lot of people join the army for financial/educational/career reasons. I'm not saying it wasn't totally up to them, but none of them probably foresaw this.
can they spell 'stupid'? how the fuck do you NOT foresee being sent off to war when you join the army? this is GROWN UP life you know, they knew what they were getting into, they signed the contract, get over it. as i said, they could have gone down to their local KFC, i think you'll find there is no clause in KFC's contract requiring you to go to war at no notice whatsoever. no. there is no way to say you joined the army but didn't expect to go to war.

They could easily organize a guerrilla war? I don't think so.
i agree
The Iraqis have been completely brainwashed.
ah! and it was all going so well. what the fuck are they telling you on CNN over there? the iraqis want saddam out as much as you do (i bet a lot more than you do), except for those who will lose their jobs et c from having a regime change. that's a lot of people who don't want saddam out, but the vast majority do. the thing is that iraq is a state controlled dictatorship, so you don't hear people saying they don't like saddam very much, or at least if you do, you don't hear it for very long.  
Saddam has loyal followers everywhere, not to mention all of his general buddies and other high-ranking officials. It would be very difficult to organize a resistence, even if they wanted to. I'm not sure if Saddam gassed his own people or not, but they're still suffering. How would you like to go to an election where the two options are yes and no, then if you vote no you get dragged off at night? How would you like to live in a place where debates such as this one are illegal, where everything but your thoughts are controlled? Oh, okay! Saddam gassed the Kurds instead of his own people! That's much better! Wow I see your point now. Saddam is actually a saint for gassing the kurds and not his own people.
some of those comments are a little misinformed but i see the point you make and agree in principle. but you are saying that killing and torturing a lot of innocent people is bad and that the perpetrator should be stopped from doing it again, yes? i agree totally, but look, bush plans to kill and torture many innocent people and nobody is going to be able to stop him doing it again, let alone stop him this time. two wrongs do not make a right, and it is important for me to know who died and made george w bush God?

Umm actually, at least in my area, the troops have become the source of the protesters anger a lot of the time. I know of one guy who got spit on while he was just walking through Gig Harbor. GIG HARBOR OF ALL PLACES!!!
well, those people are fuckasses too then. how can they expect soldiers not to do their job? i do not agree with what they are being told to do in the slightest but for fuck's sake! soldiers have to do their jobs or it all goes to shit. it's the one single industry where i think that unions and strike action should not be allowed. this is one of the reasons i would never become a soldier, but i do not have anything against someone who does (unless he harms somebody for no good reason or is just a cunt)

A bit of a misunderstanding here. I simply meant that I was talking about the troops, not the subject of "should we attack iraq?" Sorry, it was kind of unclear.
no problem, again, the troops are not the issue in any way. in this country there is no anti troops sentiment at all, although there is a strong anti war sentiment. you do ocassionally get the odd soldier speaking out saying he feels people are protesting against the troops, but honestly nobody feels that way here, and if a few troops feel put upon, it is only their own insecurity that makes them feel it. here anyway i mean.

There are tons of desk jobs in the army, as well as cooks. As i said before, people usually don't join the army because they want to fight, they do it for money/education/careers.
where do they go if they want to fight? do they join a restaurant? or an accountancy firm? bollocks. anybody who signs a contract with the army should have read the bit saying they would be sent off to war if one came up. if they did not take that part of their contract seriously then they have deep issues with reality and adult life that they should definitely think about dealing with.

I'm not saying they're dying, I'm saying it's just damned uncomfortable to be living in that kind of place for four months when you're from Alabama or something. Day after day of combat readiness routines, twenty second showers, living in tents. The Iraqis and other Middle Easterns have lived there for millenia. They also have houses and air conditioning. Innocent yankee statements?
yes innocent yankee statements. humans are humans. i will say it again. the americans have the best standard of living for miles when they are in the middle east. sure it goes above 50 degrees celcius during the day and all the other stuff, but fucks' sake, how can you just brush off the fact that humans can and do live there with much less in the way of home comforts than the US soldiers? i heard that the rations of ten US soldiers for one week could feed 100 iraqi children for a year. not sure if that's true or if it meant the cost of those rations could feed 100 children or whatever, sounds a bit dubious to me, but the sentiment is true. the US soldiers have better food, accomodation and clothing than anybody else around. they have no right to be complaining about inhumane conditions. they've got a fucking edge over anybody they might be planning to fight that's for sure.

Actually, fuckass, I was talking to Americans when I said that. I don't expect you to understand what the American flag stands for anyway.
i understand what the american flag stands for better than you ever will. sometimes you need to be outside a situation to truly get a perspective on it. and you never said you were talking to americans. you addressed the reader directly and told me (the reader) that if i was going to protest war, i should do it under a US flag. bollocks. i object to the US flag almost as much as i do to the union flag.

Okay, we'll just close our borders and let all the other countries sort out all their problems with nukes, gas, and whatever other horrors those "children" can unleash on each other.
fine. do that. do that for 20 years and see how well the world gets on without you. or are you scared to find that perhaps the rest of the world might be better off without another US war every ten years to test its new batch of fighter planes?  
I mean, it's not as if world events actually EFFECT the US! Haha that would be silly!!
well, better 'effect' them before they 'effect' you, isn't that what they teach the little american capitalists?  
Well, after the UK is a big crater (which would probably be an improvement) because us yankees took that advice and completely ignored the rest of the world, you'll most likely think differently!
what a moron. just stop and think about what you just said. you said that the US' continual overseas intervention in matters that its ailing administration knows nothing about are actively responsible for the 'british' isles not being bombed by nukes? the only way i could see that that might be true is if you are saying the US itself would bomb the UK out of spite. is that what you are saying? are you in fact threatening the UK? that would be typical of US tactics right enough. how can you seriously claim your politicians can manage external affairs when your school systems, your welfare system and your entire social structure are caving in faster than you can say 'american dream'? Your fucking president can't even finish his own sentences without trying a few times!  
I mean, what the Allies did during WWII was complete hogwash right? Sharing resources?? Fighting side-by-side?? Complete nonsense!!
pardon? i think you'll spot that i am against war in its many guises. anyway, the mechanics of the second world war are very different to the current possible war scenarios in many fundamental ways. lastly, you don't seem to actually be making a point with this statement unless i have missed it completely.

Point taken, but there's always a different point of view. I like cheese. To me cheese is just. Someone else doesn't like cheese. To them cheese is unjust, right? But if you liked cheese you'd still say "Yum! Cheese is good!" not "Well I like cheese, but that guy doesn't, so I guess I'll just keep quiet about the cheese." No! That's now how things work! If we attack, it will be unjust to Saddam, but to all the people he's causing to suffer it will definitely be a just war for them. So all of Iraq and the surrounding countries' citizens deserve to be shot is what you're saying?
not quite. if you were really adamant that cheese wasn't actually good, i'd probably say 'in my opinion cheese is good' instead. now saddam is not going to negotiate, so talking semantics in this situation is pointless. you can change the cheese statement to be as politically correct as you like but saddam will still disagree with you. obviously something must be done to force him out. the best way would be simply to kill him, possibly the US could help along a social revolution in iraq. that would be the best way, but it would not be a good solution for the US who ideally want to retain control over whatever regime iraq has after saddam is out. thus they must have a war. then when they win, it is acceptable behaviour to install whoever you like in power because you 'won the war'. that's how it is historically. you can't just install a new government unless you win a war against the country you want to fiddle with.
as for those civilians, quite the contrary. i think that if some nasty ruthless political assasination (CIA style) were to be done instead of waging a war, they would be alot better off. even if they did have a civil war, it would be their own one. you were saying earlier on what a great thing the US war against the british was, but remember that at the time that was a civil war. if the iraqis have their own war and install their own government, they will not bear a grudge against anybody else in the world, they will have got rid of saddam (due to him having been quietly shot by 'somebody') and everybody;s happy. except the US government who will be pissed off that they didn't get to choose who to put in power. that's not a big deal except that iraq has so much oil and to a Bush, that's everything. bush will not give up on this war for that reason alone. many people say 'it's all about oil' when they have no idea of what that statement means. it simply means shortsightedness on the part of the US president, who would rather place the US economy ahead of US national security - and in my opinion, US national security involves not pissing people off who might have kids who launch terrorist attacks on your country in later years. of course, by that time some other fucker will be president so to bush, that's firmly in the territory of 'not my problem'.

You think the best way to handle this is to assassinate Saddam? Would that be just to you if they assassinated Saddam, Calum? Isn't that a form of war? So I guess your suicidal then, huh?
uh? ah no actually. i mean what i just said above. i said let's remove the current administration in iraq as quietly as possible, then as quietly as possible, we halp the iraqi people form their own government. not necessarily a liberal democracy, but it would be something they wanted. mostly what would be best is if the three distinct parts got to be three individual countries (in my opinion) like it was set up before the second world war (i think india was administrating the three territories that later became iraq at this time - i could be wrong). this would be good forthe iraqi people but would take much economic dominance away from some oil buying countries. also, it's higly illegal (in international terms, and we all know international law doesn't exist, if it did then the US would not be allowed to go to war at all until another UN resolution gets unanimously passed).

And besides, if we take out Saddam and only Saddam some other dumbass will definitely come in to replace him. We have to change Iraq for good.
as i said above.

You don't think that being the last super power gives us some sort of responsibility?
yes i do. that's why your country has to stop fucking people about. the only reason you are the last big superpower is that you like throwing your weight around. how about canada? never been a superpower, probably never will. but it could be. their economy is better than the US, christ they have it sussed better than the US in many ways, but they don't go declaring war round the globe so nobody says they're a superpower.  
We've been pretty goddamned nice to everyone, I say. Who decides that we are in charge? Who decides that the teacher is in charge of a class? Who decides anything? That's just the way it is.
and it's this sort of attitude that makes me state vehemently that the US should not be in charge of anything. they cannot shake this childish idea of somebody being in charge of it all. "we've got the bomb so fuck you, we're in charge"  - it really pisses me off. for a country that goes on about democracy so much, you would think america would be the first to promote a liberal democracy in the world arena instead of picking fights in the playground.
My ancestors didn't say, "Hey everyone, let's become the most powerful nation in the world so we can control everyone else's asses in two hundred years! That would be sweey!" No, this is just the way things turned out. If we wanted to we could just sit back and let everyone else settle their problems any way they want? If we had done that we would have been destroyed during the world wars.
hmm, i see what you're saying but all the wars the USA has been involved in since the second world war have been wars they had no place in. they just wanted to test out their new machinery and generally justify the "defence" budget.  
We don't just intervene to control everyone else's asses, we intervene because our country is effected as well (not to mention the fact that we are compassionate for other people. well, most of us are anyway).
i do believe that about USA's citizens, but i think you are being misled about those reasons making you go to war all the time. people just resent the US sticking their big beak into affairs that don't concern them. the cultures and societies of the world are not the same as they are in the US and the US' world politics seems to assume that everybody wants to live like US citizens. sadly, this is the case in the EU, but in other countries, societies, territories, people don't think like US citizens. fact of life. it's easy for the US' attempts to be generous to come across as crass and rude from the point of view of other countries. i just think that if the US is going to try to play in the world arena, it should be a lot more considerate of other regions' cultures and personalities than it is.

Again, I merely meant that I was talking about the troops instead of the whole war on Iraq debate. I whole-heartedly agree that Saddam needs to go. If I'd lived back in the late sixties then I probably would have been a hippy because that war was a fucking disaster. We had no real objective then, other then to go in and take over.
no. the objective in viet name was exactly the same one that you have in iraq right now. oppressive regime, "peacekeeping force", US fails to evaluate the sociopolitical situation correctly and marches off to war to 'sort it all out' in the best interests of the US, and of the viet people. the only reason it seems different from today's situation is that you have the benefit of seeing in hindsight what was really going on in viet nam. i am sure that popular opinion about viet nam was totally different in 1970 from what it is now.
This time we have a clear objective: Saddam and all the other asshats that are going to take over. No, our track record for taking care of these types isn't good (Noreaga and Castro comes to mind) but we've also learned from these mistakes (yes, mistakes that should never have been made). We're not blindly agreeing with Bush in any way, in fact I'm anti-Bush, and if at all possible I'd rather see almost anything but war. But there are worse things than war.
again, i agree entirely with you here. in fact my stipulation for going to war is to ask the iraqi people if that's what they want. it is not good enough to ask them 'do you want saddam out?', we need to ask them 'do you want us to go to war against saddam in iraq?'. that's a tough fucking question, but if the consensus amongst iraqis was that the US should go to war against saddam then i agree, that is the best option. the best people to judge whether there is no option left but war are the iraqi people, not the US politicians. it is possible indeed that if you performed such a survey in iraq that you would indeed get a pro-war result. in that case i would say go to war, make it quick and make it effective. as you say there are worse things than war (but only just).

You have no compassion for these people at all? I find that very hard to believe. I'm not asking you to speak up and be a major supporter or anything, just sign the thank you note. It takes two seconds, it's easy.
those people are doing their job! do they write emails to me saying 'thank you for working in an office in london'? no. and i think i have as much respect for them as they do for me. we are equals, none of us have met, none of us have anythng against the other, but we have no basis for respect yet either. i feel for people who get sent off to war against their wishes yes, but life is hard, and it blunts my compassion a bit when i think that they are being sent off to kill as well as to die. i am sure they hope to kill many more people than they expect to be killed too. not a nice thought.

C'mon, you know exactly what he means. The American colonies were being oppressed. They really had no choice but to fight. How ironic that the free, peaceful world we know today was borne from war.
how ironic that you think today's world is free.

My general statement to all of you who protest the troops and the war: there are things that are a hell of a lot worse than war. Not many, but there are. Like in business, you have to spend money to make money. Well you also have to make war sometimes to prevent war. It's the truth and I don't see how that can be denied.
i think the US' foreign policy would be better if the US people would stop seeing everything in terms of running a business and venture capital. i know it's drummed into you from birth so it's hard to get rid of, and i wasn't going to mention it but you forced my hand. not everything conforms to a business model. the US should pay more attention to politics and sociology and less attention to how to make money.

Macman, sorry if i offended you, it's not personal against you or the troops, or any compassionate US citizens, i just get a bit passionate about people being needlessly bullied and killed.
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« Reply #11 on: 12 March 2003, 01:26 »
Posted by Calum:
they just wanted to test out their new machinery and generally justify the "defence" budget.

You mean like this?

U.S. tests biggest conventional bomb

For the lazy, here are some quotes:

The Air Force on Tuesday for the first time tested the biggest conventional bomb in the U.S. military


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« Reply #12 on: 12 March 2003, 04:31 »
This time I mean it, I'm only responding to the major points!

i agree, however i think your president has far from exhausted all options, wouldn't you say? assasinating saddam out of hand may be illegal but so what? that's never stopped the US before.

That's still a form of war, no matter how quiet it is.

good point, well made. not that i want to disagree with you, but maybe we'd be a more peaceful planet today if the US had not become its own country. still, i'll be the first to assert that a country should push for independence from the so called 'british' empire.

When those guys sat down and wrote the constitution they didn't just create a America, they created democracy. I'm sure if they hadn't broken away from Britian and created a new form of government someone else like the Spanish would have, but what if it had been communism they created instead? Everything would be reversed if we hadn't obliterated ourselves back to the stone age by now.

bored of your own topic? how can we trust a nation to police this planet against our wishes when they can't even be bothered to read through a page of information discussing the issues? think about it:

Colin Powell: Give me those briefings, i need to find out if there's a case for war - ah fuck it, don't bother, i can't be assed reading all that, let's just flip a coin for it

not my idea of a good way to run the planet.

Judging an entire nation on one person? How can we trust the UK to do ummm... whatever it does when it's citizens overgeneralize so much?

Yes, I did read through it all and obviously decided to respond to just about everything. It's just that I was a bit short on time last night and I tend to be distracted easily (just me, not the whole country, just to clarify).

"The Iraqis have been completely brainwashed."

ah! and it was all going so well. what the fuck are they telling you on CNN over there? the iraqis want saddam out as much as you do (i bet a lot more than you do), except for those who will lose their jobs et c from having a regime change. that's a lot of people who don't want saddam out, but the vast majority do. the thing is that iraq is a state controlled dictatorship, so you don't hear people saying they don't like saddam very much, or at least if you do, you don't hear it for very long.

Yeah you're right there. Just substitute that for the retarded thing I originally said.   :rolleyes:  

where do they go if they want to fight? do they join a restaurant? or an accountancy firm? bollocks. anybody who signs a contract with the army should have read the bit saying they would be sent off to war if one came up. if they did not take that part of their contract seriously then they have deep issues with reality and adult life that they should definitely think about dealing with.

Whereas fifty years ago if you joined the army you were basically saying, "I'm a soldier boy now, time to go to war!" or some gay crap like that, nowadays it's very different. I don't suppose you've seen the air force and navy commercials running now in the US. They don't exactly advertize the fact that if a war breaks out you're going to be shipping out. They're usually accompanied by patriotic or loud rock music and a macho-sounding narrator and they have interviews with people who got some IT job with the army or something. Remember, it was the 90's not too long ago. That entire era had the attitude of "War? That never happens! And if it does it's just some F-117s bombing the shit out of some bunkers on the evening news and then flying home." I grew up in that era and I remember watching shows about Vietnam and Desert Storm. I couldn't comprehend a war that reaches so close to home happening, but I can now.

Basically, they read the fine print, but they don't take it seriously and I don't blame them.

yes innocent yankee statements. humans are humans. i will say it again. the americans have the best standard of living for miles when they are in the middle east. sure it goes above 50 degrees celcius during the day and all the other stuff, but fucks' sake, how can you just brush off the fact that humans can and do live there with much less in the way of home comforts than the US soldiers? i heard that the rations of ten US soldiers for one week could feed 100 iraqi children for a year. not sure if that's true or if it meant the cost of those rations could feed 100 children or whatever, sounds a bit dubious to me, but the sentiment is true. the US soldiers have better food, accomodation and clothing than anybody else around. they have no right to be complaining about inhumane conditions. they've got a fucking edge over anybody they might be planning to fight that's for sure.

Heh, actually I was way off on my original statement about that one. Here's a quote from a navy seal I know at another forum about how conditions really are there.

"While it's true they are sleeping in tents, they're pretty good tents! And they have nice comfy sleeping bags on top of cot's. They eat MRE's (Meals Ready to Eat) which is combat rations .. but them suckers are pretty tasty! Now depending on where you are stuck, some platoons are better equipped than others. Some are truly mobile and therefore dont have many creature comforts. Others are in settlements that have existed for years now and basically live in a town. I visited one such "town" in the desert last year and was amazed! They had hella good meals cooked, they had a tent with computer stations and internet! They had a full gym and even a bar!!! lol. There was romance abound as well ... lots of hoochie coochie going on behind the sand dunes. To tell the truth most of them are hanging out in groups, playing on a playstation2 and shooting the crap while they are collecting tax-free pay ... and loving it. It's just what we do ... nothing more for the common american warrior.

When the ball drops, all hell will break lose and there wont be any fun ... but for now, trust me when I say .. they're doing just fine. Dont worry about that part! lol"

what a moron. just stop and think about what you just said. you said that the US' continual overseas intervention in matters that its ailing administration knows nothing about are actively responsible for the 'british' isles not being bombed by nukes? the only way i could see that that might be true is if you are saying the US itself would bomb the UK out of spite. is that what you are saying? are you in fact threatening the UK? that would be typical of US tactics right enough. how can you seriously claim your politicians can manage external affairs when your school systems, your welfare system and your entire social structure are caving in faster than you can say 'american dream'? Your fucking president can't even finish his own sentences without trying a few times!

Haha, well I was just using the UK as an example, but who knows? Maybe you'll get into a nuclear war with France or something, and without us to intervene you'll get "la nuked" (although I doubt France is capable of anything like that since their government is afraid to swat flies over there). I wouldn't take that quote of mine seriously since I was still worked up about the yankee thing.

yes i do. that's why your country has to stop fucking people about. the only reason you are the last big superpower is that you like throwing your weight around. how about canada? never been a superpower, probably never will. but it could be. their economy is better than the US, christ they have it sussed better than the US in many ways, but they don't go declaring war round the globe so nobody says they're a superpower.

Well obviously Canada isn't interested in being a super power, so the job is ours. Being a super power damends that we throw our weight around a bit, otherwise we wouldn't get anything done. I agree, though, that the US is way too nosy.

We've been pretty goddamned nice to everyone, I say. Who decides that we are in charge? Who decides that the teacher is in charge of a class? Who decides anything? That's just the way it is.

My bad once again. I didn't mean that the US is like a teacher and everyone else is like its students, I was simply using an example. Here's a better one: who decides that the sky is blue? Who decides anything? That's just the way it is.

And in my opinion, the US is more like an impulsive upperclassman who likes to defend his friends, even when his friends don't want defending, and feels he must break up fights between even people he doesn't particularly like (okay, Saudi Arabia is the drug dealer for the upperclassman, I admit it).

Boy, where did that response go?   :eek:  

hmm, i see what you're saying but all the wars the USA has been involved in since the second world war have been wars they had no place in. they just wanted to test out their new machinery and generally justify the "defence" budget.

Yeah basically, and the pathetic thing is it was pretty much this urge to justify having a military that led to 9/11. Wish we'd learned out lesson

it is possible indeed that if you performed such a survey in iraq that you would indeed get a pro-war result. in that case i would say go to war, make it quick and make it effective. as you say there are worse things than war (but only just).

You couldn't perform a survey like that in Iraq. That's why someone else needs to decide. Besides, its not just the people of Iraq that are being considered, it's the people in the countries like Kuat that are going to get their asses kicked if Saddam decides to use the weapons he's been trying to hide.

those people are doing their job! do they write emails to me saying 'thank you for working in an office in london'? no. and i think i have as much respect for them as they do for me. we are equals, none of us have met, none of us have anythng against the other, but we have no basis for respect yet either. i feel for people who get sent off to war against their wishes yes, but life is hard, and it blunts my compassion a bit when i think that they are being sent off to kill as well as to die. i am sure they hope to kill many more people than they expect to be killed too. not a nice thought.

Fine, I see you're point, although working in an office in London probably doesn't have the same risks (Yes, they did sign up knowing this, but we've been down that path). I hope not anyway. If anyone fucks up just a little in training or in real combat, soldiers could very well die from friendly fire (One person I know of mentioned in his letter home that during a live-fire training exercise last month the tracers actually pinned him and some other guys to the ground for a few minutes).

how ironic that you think today's world is free.

   :(   !!

Anyway, sorry if I offended you too. The yank think made me a bit angry.

I think we agree on many things, Calum, except our opinions about the US. I don't want war either, and believe me, I'd be out there on the bridge protesting with those fanatics too if their attitude wasn't so shitty. So how about we sort of wind this argument down, since we both are too stubborn to agree on the little we disagree about (If that makes any sense).

[ March 11, 2003: Message edited by: Macman: LITERALLY a fuckass / b0b ]


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« Reply #13 on: 12 March 2003, 12:53 »
fair enough! i feel priveleged to see you changed your handle to 'literally a fuckass' from the content of one of my posts!  :D
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« Reply #14 on: 12 March 2003, 15:17 »
Originally posted by Interscope:
What a load of bullshit.

no he is right

You decide to get into the army, so you have to face the consequences. The army isn't a fucking chess-club.

dont try and take my dreams away!

Thanks alot. You're putting you're life in danger for a bunch of corporations. And of course the disarmament of WMD, for which proof is not found(i'm talking about nukes, not things like antrax) doesn't the US Constitution say that one is innocent untill proven guilty?

well it doesnt ever seem to show it

If Saddam was such an evil person towards his people he'd be gone already. The Iraqi civilians have access to AK47's and they could easily organize a guerrilla war against Saddam.

its your people at risk, not his, he wants them to make him weapons, to put you at risk, you dumb retart.

And don't start that Saddam gassed his own people  bullshit with me. He gassed the Kurds, and Saddam is a racist anti-kurd. Those are not his own people. We can discuss the Freedom of Kurdistan(which I fully support, but America's Ally, Turkey, seems to be not so supportive to it) but that is an entirely different subject.

yes it is.

read my rant on for details.

[ March 12, 2003: Message edited by: X11: Slackware Commando. ]