Author Topic: USA - a police state  (Read 1890 times)


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USA - a police state
« Reply #15 on: 24 October 2004, 08:00 »
I received my absentee ballot a few days ago and voted for Nader.  Unless some very fundamental changes are made the US is headed for disaster, and neither parties seem to be willing to address that.  Then again, the people aren't aware of it themselves, so what do you expect.  The only way this country can salvage itself is through the legitimization of third-party alternatives, and that will never happen unless people start voting for those alternatives instead of whining about how X candidate "will never win."  That's not the point.

Was my vote for Nader a vote for Bush?  Absolutely not, since if it weren't for third-parties I wouldn't vote at all.  Kerry never had my vote in the first place.  Bush didn't start America's plunge, he just accelerated it.  Now, you can die a slow, agonizing death with a the democrats, get it over with in a blazing fury with the republicans, or just vote for the good guy.  And so I did, and my conscious is clear.

The only difference I see between republicans and democrats is that one is direct about screwing you over, and the other more cunning.  Keep in mind that under Clinton:

  • 1.2 million Iraqis died
  • Third-world economics were destroyed through neo-liberal reforms
  • The 1996 telecommunications law was established, which led to the  consolidation and conglomeration of media
  • The 1996 Anti-Terrorism law was enacted, a precursor to the Patriot Act (and he didn't even require a 9/11 to do it!)
  • Osama Bin Ladin was given legitimacy by bombing Sudan's largest medicine factory (possibly causing thousands of deaths as a consequnce of the medicine shortage that was created), in order to divert attention from his sexual exploits
Not to mention neither candidate is wiling to reconsider their blind support of Israel.  

Years ago the abolitionist party was accused by the whigs of spoiling the election, and allowing the (then pro-slavery) democrats to win.


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USA - a police state
« Reply #16 on: 24 October 2004, 08:28 »
bedouin, read my sig.

different candidate, same message.

Of all the candidates on the ballot, I would vote lib. HOWEVER, if it was only between bush and kerry, then I would vote for president bush.  Because, I don't trust Kerry at all, and President Bush has the least amount of douchebaggery behind him, of those two.

If I was one year older(17 currently) I would be voting Badnarik.
2 motherfuckers have sigged me so far.  Fuck yeah!


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USA - a police state
« Reply #17 on: 24 October 2004, 21:24 »
Terrific post, bedouin.  
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USA - a police state
« Reply #18 on: 24 October 2004, 21:30 »
Because, I don't trust Kerry at all, and President Bush has the least amount of douchebaggery behind him, of those two.

At least with Bush, you know when he's lying, because he does it all the time.


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USA - a police state
« Reply #19 on: 24 October 2004, 13:12 »
Originally posted by Laukev7 / BOB:

At least with Bush, you know when he's lying, because he does it all the time.

Amen.   :cool:

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USA - a police state
« Reply #20 on: 24 January 2005, 13:13 »
I wouldn't go so far as to say America is a police state in the way the USSR or Nazi Germany was. But do I feel it has the potential? Damn right I do!

Positive notes for recent times:

Ashcroft quit
Colin Powell quit
Michael Powell is quitting
Charlie Graner got 10 years for Abu Ghraib
George Bush can't run for re-election again

In a more oppresive society these things wouldn't happen. I appreciate my freedom and if worse comes to worse, I will kill for it and I will die for it. But at the same time, I'm not about to make mountains from mole hills.
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USA - a police state
« Reply #21 on: 24 January 2005, 19:10 »
There still a matter of the number one news channel in the United States that every American believes and loves:

Welcome to 21th century propoganda TV.


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USA - a police state
« Reply #22 on: 25 January 2005, 02:16 »
On your way out of Microsoft Land feel free to smash a few Windows.


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USA - a police state
« Reply #23 on: 25 January 2005, 11:31 »
Meh, I flip between Fox and CNN, and I manage to sort out the truth between the lies on the right and the rampant douchebaggery on the left.   :D

Proudly posted from a Gentoo Linux system.

Quote from: Calum
even if you're renting you've got more rights than if you're using windows.

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USA - a police state
« Reply #24 on: 25 January 2005, 12:33 »
Originally posted by JanusChrist:
Hey refalm, check this out:

I've seen all Maddox pages already, but thanks. I like Maddox, except for his vegetarian, Smashing Pumpkins and 3rd Rock From The Sun (awesome comedy) bashing.


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USA - a police state
« Reply #25 on: 25 January 2005, 19:00 »
Originally posted by JanusChrist:
I wouldn't go so far as to say America is a police state in the way the USSR or Nazi Germany was. But do I feel it has the potential? Damn right I do!

Positive notes for recent times:

Ashcroft quit
Colin Powell quit
Michael Powell is quitting
Charlie Graner got 10 years for Abu Ghraib
George Bush can't run for re-election again

In a more oppresive society these things wouldn't happen. I appreciate my freedom and if worse comes to worse, I will kill for it and I will die for it. But at the same time, I'm not about to make mountains from mole hills.

Ashcroft has been replaced by Alberto Gonzalez, who drafted the framework for Guantanamo, and is just as extremist in many respects.

The fact that Colin Powell had to resign is actually something to worry about, since he was one of the only moderates in the Bush administration.

That Michael Powell leaves the FCC doesn't mean anything. Many oppressive regimes switch people around once in a while to give an illusion of accountability. They are usually replaced with other people who arre considered more loyal.

Charlie Graner getting 10 years for Abu Ghraib is nothing but a facade. The real culprits are Donald Rumsfeld and Alberto Gonzalez, possibly with the permission of the president himself, as the memos from the ACLU have revealed.

As for George Bush, he has already violated constitutional laws by declaring an illegal war to Iraq and passing the PATRIOT Act. It is therefore not much of a stretch to expect him to consolidate more power in four years using the war on terrorism as an excuse.

The point is not that the US is like Nazi Germany in 1940, but like Nazi Germany in 1933 at its beginnings. You might want to check out the 14 characteristics of fascism by Lawrence Britt:


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USA - a police state
« Reply #26 on: 29 January 2005, 13:10 »
Originally posted by Refalm / BOB:

I've seen all Maddox pages already, but thanks. I like Maddox, except for his vegetarian, Smashing Pumpkins and 3rd Rock From The Sun (awesome comedy) bashing.

No matter who you are, Maddox will offend everyone on at least one point.
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USA - a police state
« Reply #27 on: 30 January 2005, 00:55 »
"I am not a crook"!

Anyone remember who said that and what party he represented?
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USA - a police state
« Reply #28 on: 30 January 2005, 01:04 »
Originally posted by cahult:
"I am not a crook"!

Anyone remember who said that and what party he represented?

Nixon, Republican Party.