Author Topic: Windows XP Error Reporting  (Read 1451 times)


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Windows XP Error Reporting
« on: 10 December 2001, 19:44 »
Just another general question to add to the pile.
The error reporting feature in windowsXP somewhat bothers me. When an error happens, you are presented with a little dialog box asking you if you would like to send a report to microsoft. If you read the details of this process, microsoft not only collects information about the error, but the contents of open file(s), and your IP address. This information is stored on a "secure" database at microsoft. I have yet to examine the data transmitted during the process, but I can only imagine what it might contain. If time permits, I will take a look at it myself, but if anyone else has done so, I'd like to hear about it.


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Windows XP Error Reporting
« Reply #1 on: 15 December 2001, 15:04 »
Well, Microsoft, as you probably know, say that they do not gather any info about yr personal computer usage so it must be true. Don't worry about it. After all, if a company as big as Microsoft says it's okay, then it must be! They wouldn't risk a lawsuit just to maintain an elitist and oppressive stranglehold over the entire computer using world would they?...
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Windows XP Error Reporting
« Reply #2 on: 30 January 2002, 04:41 »
I'm just afraid of how they could put small developers out of business by going public with the reams of data they receive from the constant illegal instruction errors that windows apps generate.