Author Topic: freakin comcast cable  (Read 915 times)


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freakin comcast cable
« on: 3 June 2002, 21:46 »
anyone notice i dropped off the face of the earth?  well maybe you didn't notice but


no one knows what the hell they are doing in their tech support department, and the few that have half a clue have had their hands tied by an unwieldly beaurocracy of bean counters!

on may 8, i had lost my cable connection.  i called them, and they dicked with my account, and i called them, and they dicked with my account and so on and so fourth until FINALLY a tech was scheduled to come to my house, but he didn't show up.  having pissed and moaned to some poor SOB on the other side of the continent, i finally did get a tech out  here and he decided "uhhhh, yep -durp- looks like yer modem done went bad -derp- ."  so i get another one.  it didn't work either.  or should i say they both work but the apes at comcast cant find their asses with a flashlight and a roadmap.  now, on my third modem, someone with a human brain that works discovered the problem.  some shit-for-brains dweeb wrote an 8 on a piece of paper but typed in a frigging B.  and all the twenty bastards i talked to overlooked the problem that was corrected in a matter of moments.

anyone wanna buy a cable modem?

anyway, HOW Y'ALL?!?!?!  i'll be catching up on the synapse stimulating posts i have missed.  :D
just that you do not take an interest in politics does not mean that politics will not take an interest in you.  -pericles 430 b.c.


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freakin comcast cable
« Reply #1 on: 3 June 2002, 10:24 »
God, and I though MS tech support was bad!
Well at least you have internet access again.

And you don't know me, and I don't knwo you; but welcome back anyway.

*pokes him with a spork*


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freakin comcast cable
« Reply #2 on: 3 June 2002, 22:37 »
consider yrself re-sporked!  :D
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freakin comcast cable
« Reply #3 on: 4 June 2002, 00:19 »
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