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« Reply #45 on: 22 March 2004, 02:18 »
Fine here I go!
First of all people like you make our entire country look bad!!  What is this? "Hate our Government."  We are at war!!  Keep it to yourself!  Your beloved Kerry happened to vote  FOR the war!  And the only thing the democrats had to run on during the preliminarys was the war!  They could not think of anything that Bush has really done wrong.  There are also more police officers killed every year in New York City (by our own people) than there have been soldiers killed over in Iraq.  Go figure?  Who needs to go to war?  We are having our own right here!  The decrease in jobs is not from the Bush administration.  It takes more than one term to screw up the economy.  Clinton made everything look good until it was time to go.  Then he left the crap for Bush to take care of.  Which he is!!  And if people need a job, they need to go look for one.  Everyone wants the Government to hand out their jobs, their money, their homes.  But if they have to put forth any kind of effort and do something for themselves, well then it is the governments fault.  If there are no jobs in the town you live then MOVE  :mad:  Grow up and find your own job.  And Kerry can't make up his mind if he is for the war or against the war.  He also has imaginary foreign friends.  If you want to hear somebody talking out their @!#$, then just keep listening to him.  I can guarantee that there were definately weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.  There are so many tunnels and hideouts over there it is almost impossible to find them.  But I bet if we put a reward out for them they will show up within days!!  Now tell me how Bush has messed up.  And just the facts please.  Not opions!  :D


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« Reply #46 on: 22 March 2004, 02:35 »
 We are at war!!

That's exactly why we are angry at Bush in the first place.

Keep it to yourself!

That sort of idea goes directly against one of the fundamental principles of democracy and the American constitution: freedom of speech.

Your beloved Kerry happened to vote FOR the war!

Not everyone who dislikes Bush likes Kerry. I am personally wary of him, partly for the reason you mentioned.

And the only thing the democrats had to run on during the preliminarys was the war!

No, they are debating about the economy as well.

 Now tell me how Bush has messed up.

The decrease in jobs is not from the Bush administration.

Do you have any documentation to back up that claim?

It takes more than one term to screw up the economy.

Bush's wars of conquest aren't going to help, at any rate.

Clinton made everything look good until it was time to go.

And Bush is blaming the Democrats for wanting to raise taxes to foot the bill of his antics.

And if people need a job, they need to go look for one.

Sure, if you have enough money to move to India, where all the jobs are being outsourced.

Back to you later, I'm having supper.


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« Reply #47 on: 22 March 2004, 02:57 »
Oh whatever!!  The jobs are not being outsourced to India!!  Where is your documentation to prove that?  We are being bombarded by the Indians in my home town right now due to computer programming jobs.  So do some more research.  And a person can not expect to find a job he is not qualified for!  Thats the problem.  They wan't positions they are not quailified for.  Well guess what?  McDonalds needs help to.  And give me some time and I will come back with documentation for you.  You will have to come back with something better than that.     :eek:  And by the way what would you rather do?  Sit with our thumbs up our @#$! and wait for they pshyco Sadaam to do to us what the taliban did (and probably worse)  Or stop him before how many more are dead?  You need to face it.  Sometimes war is NECESSARY!  You can't do what Clinton did and say "Now don't you do that." ok but "But don't do it again.  If you give someone an inch they will take a mile.  Have you not seen what an evil man Sadaam was?  He had how many castles with gold toilets and the people of his country did not even have electricity!  If anything we have helped people get out from under the DEVIL!

[ March 21, 2004: Message edited by: tanya10 ]


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« Reply #48 on: 22 March 2004, 03:02 »
Canadian (and western culture) Hater wrote:

Love the song. I wonder if everyone in the world is suffering with the same problem. We certainly have idiot leaders. Our provincial premier is at least as stupid a Bush. He just isn't in a position to drop bombs on people. He's doing his best with what little weapons he has though. He's dumping people out of asylums into the street, cutting off money for welfare, dumping the poor into the street, busting unions and downsizing, dumping the lower middle class into the street. Now he's wondering how to clean up the streets.

Canadian troops went into Afganistan along with other NATO members.  About the dumping of people out of asylums into the street, it sounds like your provincial premier is getting rid of a bunch of lazy hippies.

tanya10 wrote:

 never reply to these things because I use to think that all of you were so intelligent. I hate being wrong. You may know computers but you do not know government.

A lot of children play with computers.  Anyone can install Linux on a computer now.  The real clue that they're stupid is that they can't figure out how to use Windows.

[ March 21, 2004: Message edited by: Great_Satan ]


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« Reply #49 on: 22 March 2004, 03:02 »
Originally posted by tanya10:
Fine here I go!
First of all people like you make our entire country look bad!!  What is this? "Hate our Government."  We are at war!!  Keep it to yourself!  Your beloved Kerry happened to vote  FOR the war!  And the only thing the democrats had to run on during the preliminarys was the war!  They could not think of anything that Bush has really done wrong.  There are also more police officers killed every year in New York City (by our own people) than there have been soldiers killed over in Iraq.  Go figure?  Who needs to go to war?  We are having our own right here!  The decrease in jobs is not from the Bush administration.  It takes more than one term to screw up the economy.  Clinton made everything look good until it was time to go.  Then he left the crap for Bush to take care of.  Which he is!!  And if people need a job, they need to go look for one.  Everyone wants the Government to hand out their jobs, their money, their homes.  But if they have to put forth any kind of effort and do something for themselves, well then it is the governments fault.  If there are no jobs in the town you live then MOVE   :mad:   Grow up and find your own job.  And Kerry can't make up his mind if he is for the war or against the war.  He also has imaginary foreign friends.  If you want to hear somebody talking out their @!#$, then just keep listening to him.  I can guarantee that there were definately weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.  There are so many tunnels and hideouts over there it is almost impossible to find them.  But I bet if we put a reward out for them they will show up within days!!  Now tell me how Bush has messed up.  And just the facts please.  Not opions!   :D  

Please give me an hour or two to stop laughing. I promise as soon as I do I will come back and respond and post some facts that you have asked for.


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« Reply #50 on: 22 March 2004, 03:28 »
Well, what a BIG FUCKING SUPRISE!!!!!  Tanya whatever is a big Bush supporter!  I have noticed lately that right wingers are starting to blame stuff on Clinton!  I guess they are running out of other things/people to blame our counties current problems on.  As far as I know, the economy was doing fine during the Clinton administration, then that retard Bush came along and fucked it up!  So you call your opinion the "truth"?  That is almost as bad as when Christians call their beleifs the "truth" in an in-your-face sort of way.  Another thing people need to understand is that THE WAR ON TERROR AND THE WAR IN IRAQ ARE TWO COMPLETELY SEPERATE THINGS!!!!!  Bush is using the terrorist attacks as an excuse to go finsh what his daddy fucked up ten years ago.  Did you know that the US GAVE IRAQ TONS OF WEAPONS back in the 80's?  Yes, you can thank fucking Ronald Regan for that.  AND PEOPLE THINK REGAN SHOULD BE ON MOUNT RUSHMORE!  REGAN DID NOT FUCKING DO ANYTHING!! PEOPLE THINK HE IS GREAT BECUASE HE IS A FUCKING ACTOR WHO KNOWS HOW TO PUT ON A GREAT SMILE WHEN HE GIVES HIS SPEECHES!!! AND BECUASE OF THAT, AMERICAN PEOPLE ARE STUPID ENOUGH TO THINK HE IS DOING A REALLY GOOD JOB!!!! I ALSO HATE HOW AMERICANS CAN BE SO FUCKING PATRIOTIC ABOUT THEMSELVES LIKE EVERYONE ELSE IN OTHER COUNTIES IN THE WORLD ARE LIKE SUB HUMAN TO US.  WE SHOULD TRY TO BE FRIENDS WITH THE REST OF THE WORLD!  MAKING OTHER PEOPLE HATE US JUST MAKES MATTERS WORSE IN THE LONG RUN! ARGHHHHH!!!!! IT MAKES ME SO FUCKING MAD!!!!!!! (Puff, wheeze...)  Sorry, but I can not stand some conservative leaders.  So, you got any comptuter questions?
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« Reply #51 on: 22 March 2004, 03:51 »
It is not that I am a Bush suporter.  I am just a hard working mother of two who doesn't think everything needs to be handed to me.  If I think I deserve it, I work for it.  A bunch of lazy hippies?  My ass!!  They are over there fighting for your FREEDOM.  Did you hear me?  Yes fighting for your FREEDOM.  Where are your?  Oh snuggled safely in your homes bad mouthing the people who are giving their lives so you can set here and bad mouth the government who is doing nothing but trying to keep that freedom from being taken away as they tried to on 9/11!  Did you not feel violated on that day?  Do you really feel free?  Well all you liberals better wake up and smell the coffee or once again they will sneek in the back door and give ya one more sucker punch!!  As far as facts please feel free to go to MSNBC (Scarborough Country)  he will enlighten you on what John Kerry is running on.  And as far as our jobs please go to  They all kinds of statistics for you.  Thank You for the oportunity to reaffirm my belief that most liberals are out for ONE thing.  THEMSELVES.  Who cares about the rest. Just as long as you all don't have to work for something.  GIMME, GIMME
I support our Government and our soldiers.  And I thank God there are brave people out there who are willing to fight for my freedom as well as yours because the rest of us and YES YOU LIBERALS, especially you are to Chicken Shit to do it.  You are all talk and wine.  Get off your asses and do something for yourselves, don't wait for someone else to do it. Duh!!!!!  :eek:    By for now!  Got to get ready for my job!!


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« Reply #52 on: 22 March 2004, 03:55 »
Bush didn't slow down the economy it was Alan Greenspan.  You do know who he is don't you?  Greenspan is the chairman of the Federal Reserve.  Bush didn't do anything he is blamed for, not one thing.  Congress passes the laws, not the president.  Congress votes for the wars, not the president.  The only thing Bush does is get up and make speeches.  Its the other people in Washington who make the decisions.


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« Reply #53 on: 22 March 2004, 04:02 »
MindFlyer-Paladin9 wrote:


A small group of Marxists and non-Christian religious fanatics try to make it look like everyone hates us.  That's just not true. That's all propaganda.  They are lying.  Look how many people immigrate to the USA.  There's even millions of illegal immigrants coming in.  

Also, Saddam Hussein is a weapon of mass destruction.  France, Germany, Russia and some other countries gave Iraq more weapons than the USA ever did.


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« Reply #54 on: 22 March 2004, 04:04 »
Originally posted by tanya10:
It is not that I am a Bush suporter.  I am just a hard working mother of two who doesn't think everything needs to be handed to me.  If I think I deserve it, I work for it.  A bunch of lazy hippies?  My ass!!  They are over there fighting for your FREEDOM.  Did you hear me?  Yes fighting for your FREEDOM.  Where are your?  Oh snuggled safely in your homes bad mouthing the people who are giving their lives so you can set here and bad mouth the government who is doing nothing but trying to keep that freedom from being taken away as they tried to on 9/11!  Did you not feel violated on that day?  Do you really feel free?  Well all you liberals better wake up and smell the coffee or once again they will sneek in the back door and give ya one more sucker punch!!  As far as facts please feel free to go to MSNBC (Scarborough Country)  he will enlighten you on what John Kerry is running on.  And as far as our jobs please go to  They all kinds of statistics for you.  Thank You for the oportunity to reaffirm my belief that most liberals are out for ONE thing.  THEMSELVES.  Who cares about the rest. Just as long as you all don't have to work for something.  GIMME, GIMME
I support our Government and our soldiers.  And I thank God there are brave people out there who are willing to fight for my freedom as well as yours because the rest of us and YES YOU LIBERALS, especially you are to Chicken Shit to do it.  You are all talk and wine.  Get off your asses and do something for yourselves, don't wait for someone else to do it. Duh!!!!!    :eek:      By for now!  Got to get ready for my job!!

[ March 21, 2004: Message edited by: flap ]

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« Reply #55 on: 22 March 2004, 04:08 »
Leftists here prove that they are really against democracy and free speech.


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« Reply #56 on: 22 March 2004, 04:34 »
Originally posted by tanya10:
It is not that I am a Bush suporter.  I am just a hard working mother of two who doesn't think everything needs to be handed to me.  If I think I deserve it, I work for it.  A bunch of lazy hippies?  My ass!!  They are over there fighting for your FREEDOM.  Did you hear me?  Yes fighting for your FREEDOM.  Where are your?  Oh snuggled safely in your homes bad mouthing the people who are giving their lives so you can set here and bad mouth the government who is doing nothing but trying to keep that freedom from being taken away as they tried to on 9/11!  Did you not feel violated on that day?  Do you really feel free?  Well all you liberals better wake up and smell the coffee or once again they will sneek in the back door and give ya one more sucker punch!!  As far as facts please feel free to go to MSNBC (Scarborough Country)  he will enlighten you on what John Kerry is running on.  And as far as our jobs please go to  They all kinds of statistics for you.  Thank You for the oportunity to reaffirm my belief that most liberals are out for ONE thing.  THEMSELVES.  Who cares about the rest. Just as long as you all don't have to work for something.  GIMME, GIMME
I support our Government and our soldiers.  And I thank God there are brave people out there who are willing to fight for my freedom as well as yours because the rest of us and YES YOU LIBERALS, especially you are to Chicken Shit to do it.  You are all talk and wine.  Get off your asses and do something for yourselves, don't wait for someone else to do it. Duh!!!!!    :eek:      By for now!  Got to get ready for my job!!

Looks like you are swallowing Bushes crap just the  way he wants people to.  Freedom?  What a load of crap.  Did you not hear me the fist time? The war in Iraq and the war on terror are two COMPLETELY different things!  Sure, everyone felt violated on 9/11, the thing is, well, IRAQ DID NOT DO IT!!!  How hard is it for conservatives to understand this?  Bush wants people to think Iraq is related but they are not!  Here is the reasons Bush decided to go to war in Iraq:
1. If he removes Saddam, it inceases his chances of re-election(this may work for him since we did get Saddam)
2. OIL

American are not dying in Iraq for our FREEDOM, they are dying for CHEAPER GAS here in the states.  So it does not cost single soccer moms too much money to drive their gigantic 8.1 litre SUV.  So people can have 75 MPH speed limits to get somewhere 27 seconds sooner.  

Give me one good reason why Bush wants to go to the moon again!  So we can collect more fucking rocks?  What a waste.  

I know this was already posted, but I think it should be again for Tanya or whatever:

PS: Great picture Flap!

[ March 21, 2004: Message edited by: MindFlyer-Paladin9 ]

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« Reply #57 on: 22 March 2004, 04:38 »
Alright, I have no respect for you, you fucking worthless whore!
Originally posted by Great_Satan:
Canadian (and western culture) Hater wrote:

What? You dare say I hate western culture because I don't like racist whores, like youself?

Canadian troops went into Afganistan along with other NATO members.

Yes we did go into Afghanastan because we actually have a heart, unlike you
About the dumping of people out of asylums into the street, it sounds like your provincial premier is getting rid of a bunch of lazy hippies
They can't get a job probably because they are muslims. Racism is everywarw. Including here, fucker.

[ March 21, 2004: Message edited by: Canadian Lover ]


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« Reply #58 on: 22 March 2004, 05:40 »
Hehe.  Fun to read guys  :D

Originally posted by MindFlyer-Paladin9:
The war in Iraq and the war on terror are two COMPLETELY different things!  Sure, everyone felt violated on 9/11, the thing is, well, IRAQ DID NOT DO IT!!!  How hard is it for conservatives to understand this?  Bush wants people to think Iraq is related but they are not!

Debatable.  Think about it:
Al-Qaida = wants/needs money
Saddam = billionaire
Saddam = in Iraq
Iraq = in Middle East
Al-Qaida = in Middle East
Put those together, and there's two conclusions: either he did have something to do with it, or he would have helped if left alone.  

Here is the reasons Bush decided to go to war in Iraq:
1. If he removes Saddam, it inceases his chances of re-election(this may work for him since we did get Saddam)
2. OIL

American are not dying in Iraq for our FREEDOM, they are dying for CHEAPER GAS here in the states.  

The oil argument is not a new one.  It's been a year since we went into Iraq, and gasoline prices in the US are higher than before.  So clearly, we're not getting this oil that Bush apparently wants.  Also, I'll assume that the war-for-oil argument also says that we'll steal, i.e. get for free, this oil.  But that's impossible; nobody would let us get away with that.  We'd pay Iraq for the oil instead - which is legitimate.

Also, like I've stated earlier in this thread (page 1), there is quite a bit of oil in the United States, in Alaska.  But apparently, we can't drill for that stuff.  So, US liberals/environmentalists, make a decision:

1.  Let us get the oil in Alaska (our own country), so we stay out of the Middle East and make the world more peaceful as a whole.
2.  Save the caribou.

Take your pick.  :D

So it does not cost single soccer moms too much money to drive their gigantic 8.1 litre SUV.  So people can have 75 MPH speed limits to get somewhere 27 seconds sooner.

I agree with that.  SUVs fucking suck, not only do they use so much gas, you can't see around them and they demolish other cars if there's an accident.  It just makes the SUV drivers feel cooler, which is really stupid of them.

Give me one good reason why Bush wants to go to the moon again!  So we can collect more fucking rocks?  What a waste.

Also agreed.  But even if he does want to, it'll never get done in time for him (even with re-election), so whoever replaces him will cut that away.

PS: Great picture Flap!

Seconded.  :D
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« Reply #59 on: 22 March 2004, 18:27 »
I'm sorry, but Tanya10 is right. George W. Bush has done a great job so far, and deserves another 4 years in office. Please consider his resume when voting this November.