Author Topic: Stupid Bush Pictures  (Read 8484 times)


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Stupid Bush Pictures
« Reply #90 on: 27 March 2004, 04:42 »
Woops, Dubya just did it again! I'm really gonna miss this guy when he's gone. It's just so fun to see him doing more moronic things each day.

At a Republican get-together last night, Bush presented several photos of himself in the Oval Office that showed him looking for something. He then joked that the photos are of him looking for weapons of mass destruction:

For one photo in which Bush appears to be looking under his desk, he joked "Those WMDs got to be here somewhere."

Another photo showed him looking through a window. "Nope, no weapons over there," the president said.

Many families of soldiers in Iraq, and even many Republicans were appauled at Bush's jokes. Looks like innocent people dying, a record surplus going to a record debt, and the US being hated aound the world over what Bush knows was a lie, is one big joke to him. What a moron.


One positive thing I will say about the president however, is he's not as dumb as we all thought! At least he knows that there is a weapon of mass destruction in the oval office. He didn't didn't realize that he should look in the mirror to find it.


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« Reply #91 on: 27 March 2004, 05:02 »
I just saw one of his commercials again...and realized, every time he says his own name, he really sounds like he says "George Dubya Bush."  :D
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« Reply #92 on: 27 March 2004, 05:42 »
Originally posted by xeen:
Woops, Dubya just did it again! I'm really gonna miss this guy when he's gone. It's just so fun to see him doing more moronic things each day.

At a Republican get-together last night, Bush presented several photos of himself in the Oval Office that showed him looking for something. He then joked that the photos are of him looking for weapons of mass destruction:

For one photo in which Bush appears to be looking under his desk, he joked "Those WMDs got to be here somewhere."

Another photo showed him looking through a window. "Nope, no weapons over there," the president said.

Many families of soldiers in Iraq, and even many Republicans were appauled at Bush's jokes. Looks like innocent people dying, a record surplus going to a record debt, and the US being hated aound the world over what Bush knows was a lie, is one big joke to him. What a moron.


One positive thing I will say about the president however, is he's not as dumb as we all thought! At least he knows that there is a weapon of mass destruction in the oval office. He didn't didn't realize that he should look in the mirror to find it.

whats appalling about that?
just say know


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« Reply #93 on: 27 March 2004, 05:46 »
hopefully this will worsen his chances of re-election.
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« Reply #94 on: 27 March 2004, 05:51 »
Originally posted by MindFlyer-Paladin9:
hopefully this will worsen his chances of re-election.

Unfortunately, most Americans have low attention spans, and are incredibly gullible to the trash they're fed (by Republicans in this case)


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« Reply #95 on: 27 March 2004, 08:16 »
Originally posted by xeen:
Unfortunately, most Americans have low attention spans, and are incredibly gullible to the trash they're fed (by Republicans in this case)

I know.  How do you think Regan was so sucessful?
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« Reply #97 on: 28 March 2004, 21:42 »
Yeah, now we only have to worry about the USA which has become an unstoppable lone superpower with no competition and whose administration is corrupted with megalomaniacs and imperialists.


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« Reply #99 on: 29 March 2004, 02:04 »
Anti-Flag - Red White and Brainwashed: They use the flag to control us
Brainwash us to be their patrotic slaves
Programs our minds by controlling what we learn
The only difference from the Nazi's is that someone tried to stop them
The government says they're working for us
Just as long as we increase their pay
But the minute they get into office we're a has-been
A yesterday
The red stands for the blood of all the people we've slain
The white for this racist, bigoted foundation
The blue for your arayan eyes -- all empty
Empty because you're taught to bow down to the man
"Fly that flag, that flag of freedom"
"Do what you can for your country"
Go and fight their wars for them
"They're not following in our footsteps, KILL THEM!"
They call that being a patriot
I just call it ignorant
If you don't fight to make things better
Then you're the one betraying the country

[ March 28, 2004: Message edited by: Refalm ]


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« Reply #100 on: 29 March 2004, 03:12 »
Originally posted by Laukev7:
Yeah, now we only have to worry about the USA which has become an unstoppable lone superpower with no competition and whose administration is corrupted with megalomaniacs and imperialists.

Maybe I will move to Canada to get away from the bullshit of the US.  But its too damn cold in Canada.  Today it is 85F where I live, and its only march!  And it does not get muggy like Hawaii or Flordia.
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« Reply #101 on: 29 March 2004, 04:29 »
Fine here I go!

Allright. Go ahead. Mind ya, I'm gonna pick it apart, but it's nothing personal. As a newcomer, please remember that very little of what I say should be taken personally. I just like to hear myself talk, but the opinions expressed are always sincere.

First of all people like you make our entire country look bad!!

They don't have to try too hard. Ever been outside of the United States? The public opinion of the USA and of North Americans in general is very low in other parts of the world. Europeans typically don't see the USA very nicely. Asia doesn't either. Sure, Japan is our ally, and the Japanese find our culture very exotic and interesting, but they don't typically like what our nation does. They, however, though, are intelligent enough to separate "The United States Of America" from "Americans".

What is this? "Hate our Government."

Yes. That's right. It's the United States Government that does these things. Not the American People. Like I just said, many people around the world hate Americans because they associate us with what our country does.

We are at war!! Keep it to yourself!

Lest you be charged with sedition by the Bush Administration and shot.

Your beloved Kerry happened to vote FOR the war!

Good. The war in Iraq was needed, IMHO. Hussein, his regime, and all his cronies should have been snuffed out a decade ago when the Asshole dad was president. Then we wouldn't have to argue about the Idiot Son doing it.

And the only thing the democrats had to run on during the preliminarys was the war! They could not think of anything that Bush has really done wrong.

Aside from run the nation into the ground, side with big business constantly, and make the Religious Right a major political power again.

There are also more police officers killed every year in New York City (by our own people) than there have been soldiers killed over in Iraq.

Did you know that there are more people that die every year from heat in Chicago than die from AIDS? Does that mean that AIDS isn't an issue? No.

Go figure? Who needs to go to war?


We are having our own right here!

Who is having their own right to what where?

The decrease in jobs is not from the Bush administration. It takes more than one term to screw up the economy. Clinton made everything look good until it was time to go. Then he left the crap for Bush to take care of.

Clinton didn't sell us out to big business every day. Bush does. Did you know he let the Recording Industry Association of America write The New Iraq's copyright law? Yeah... this helps the Iraqui and American people.


Which he is!! And if people need a job, they need to go look for one.

How wise that is. I've only been "going to look for one" since December. Guess what. THEY AREN'T THERE. At the end of Clinton's last term, things were "allright". This is year 4 of Bushy's first term, and things are terrible. Tell ya anything? If Clinton made it so bad, then why are things worse now?

Everyone wants the Government to hand out their jobs, their money, their homes.

Fuck that. I have to pay for people to have money and homes given to them. I don't have a job right now, and I don't get those things. I don't expect them. The only people that should qualify for a place to live are veterans. If you fight in the military, you deserve it.

But if they have to put forth any kind of effort and do something for themselves, well then it is the governments fault.

Weak people. I saw a problem and hated Bush for fucking the economy up the ass before I was in this situation. Then I lost my job through subterfuge on behalf of my employers (laid off) and now I can't find anything thanks to a terribly slow economy

If there are no jobs in the town you live then MOVE Grow up and find your own job.

Yeah. This is good advice. Go ahead and blow the last bit of cash you might have and move! It only costs TEN TIMES AS MUCH to move as it does to stay where you are!

And Kerry can't make up his mind if he is for the war or against the war.

That's nice. What war? I'm still in the dark about this. I don't remember Congress declaring a state of war. I thought it was just Vietnam 2.

Oh yes... and isn't it over? No, not since it's Vietnam 2. We've opened up a huge ass can of worms. Now it's time to stay there until things get so bad we have to pull out.

He also has imaginary foreign friends.

Interesting claim.

If you want to hear somebody talking out their @!#$, then just keep listening to him.

Or Bush. You are aware that all politicians are lying assmasters, aren't you? Or do you truly believe that the Prophet Dubya is honest before you and the Lord your God?

I can guarantee that there were definately weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

Trulies? So you got pics of em? Technical readouts? Concrete proof?


Oh... looks like you've got the same thing that Bush has.


It wouldn't have been so bad if he'd said "we're going to go oust Hussein from power because we should".

There are so many tunnels and hideouts over there it is almost impossible to find them.

Sure there are. Where will they hide some nuclear bombs?

But I bet if we put a reward out for them they will show up within days!!

No doubt. I'd build some atom bombs and turn 'em in for some reward money.

Now tell me how Bush has messed up.

He's a jerk. He was "raised to lead". Please, spare me the aristocratic drivel. There's nothing I hate more than the idea that the Martha's Vineyards crowd is somehow "better at ruling"... especially after Bush.

We need another Kennedy.

And just the facts please. Not opions!

Opinions you mean?

There are no facts in politics. Only lies, damn lies, and statistics.

And more lies.

Remember. This guy can't eat pretzels.
Go the fuck ~


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« Reply #102 on: 29 March 2004, 07:04 »
Hussein, his regime, and all his cronies should have been snuffed out a decade ago when the Asshole dad was president. Then we wouldn't have to argue about the Idiot Son doing it.

I agree with you that Papa Bush should have finished the job. However I dont think anything would be different today. The most Bush 1 would have ever done was kill/arrest Saddam, but then Uday or one of his other sons or some other moron would have taken over. King George Bush II would find a reason to go back there again.

Did you know he let the Recording Industry Association of America write The New Iraq's copyright law? Yeah... this helps the Iraqui and American people.

  :eek:    :eek:    :eek:    :eek:

Remember. This guy can't eat pretzels.

LOL!!! So true!


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« Reply #103 on: 29 March 2004, 07:25 »
Did you know he let the Recording Industry Association of America write The New Iraq's copyright law? Yeah... this helps the Iraqui and American people.

Where'd you hear that?  Never heard that before...
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« Reply #104 on: 29 March 2004, 07:59 »