Author Topic: canada might legalize weed  (Read 1367 times)


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canada might legalize weed
« on: 16 September 2002, 06:32 »
i found this on another forum that i post on. HERE
i personally think it is a good idea and that i might soon make some trips to canada
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canada might legalize weed
« Reply #1 on: 16 September 2002, 06:46 »
YAY WOO-HOO W00T W00T W00T! I've heard the news too!
Next we must make some oil pipelines, except they shall provide a cheap and fast means of shipping BC bud to all places in Canada!  

"Oooh that buds so scandolous, you hit it too hard you can't handle this. So your smoking that thang when you pass it to us, with a look in your eyes so devious uh. You inhale with all your gut, suck it down hard 'till your seeing dots, and your body's on the ground but your mind is not cuz you livin la viva smoka. Now you high as a kite kite kite been toking all night night night, all night long all night long, let me hit that booooooooong, baby that bong bbong bong bong bong."
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality

Master of Reality

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canada might legalize weed
« Reply #2 on: 16 September 2002, 06:53 »
i dont smoke pot, but what the fuck is it illegal for!!
Lets see the reasons why it might be illegal:
1. more people might drive under the influence of it... ???hmmmmmm, you would you rather be on the road with; someone on alcohol speeding and swerving or someone high and going 50 KM and making damned sure that everyone has their seatbelts on and shit

I dont see why its illegal, and alcohol isnt. But they should both be legal. I could rant on and on forever but i have to do homework.

[ September 20, 2002: Message edited by: The Master of Reality / Bob ]

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canada might legalize weed
« Reply #3 on: 16 September 2002, 06:56 »
I am sure that a lot of fucking people smoke pot and basically consider it not illegal. I dont consider myself a criminal for it.
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canada might legalize weed
« Reply #4 on: 16 September 2002, 06:59 »
here is one of the fucking articles on it:
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canada might legalize weed
« Reply #5 on: 16 September 2002, 07:06 »
i live in reno, nevada and there is going to be a vote soon for legalizing marijuana. Im all for it, and so is most of this state. but, the "fedz" will probably step in and override our votes. shitty, but who knows, we might be the first state in america to have smoke bars. crazy.

oh yeah, so not only will we have slutz, gambling, and 24 hour drinking, but we will all be high too. what a fu@ked up state...  ;)


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canada might legalize weed
« Reply #6 on: 16 September 2002, 21:52 »
I DO NOT think pot is ok.  two of my best friends became pot heads, and now they are assholes who think there shit does not stink and that everything they say is right.  If you ever correct them on something they say, then they will get verry pissed off. Now they do not like me at all, and I did nothing wrong to them to cause this.  I have smoked it before many times and never liked it.  I am not for legalizing Marijuana except medical purposes.

Why are you guys talking about this on this site anyway???
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canada might legalize weed
« Reply #7 on: 16 September 2002, 21:57 »
This is the lounge you know. You can talk about almost anything here, as long as you don't fuck with the board usage policies.

I have a few pot-head friends too, and they have come out with mixed results. None of them have become irritated assholes like you describe. One is actually very smart, and funny too. Most of the others are just more laid-back than usual.

I'm sort-of neutral on the issue. I don't think it should be illegal, only because it's not even as bad as alcohol, and alcohol is legal. And because I think you should be allowed to do whatever you please, as long as it doesn't do harm to others.

Lazygamer...where did you get that?!

[ September 16, 2002: Message edited by: The_Muffin_Man/B0b ]


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canada might legalize weed
« Reply #8 on: 16 September 2002, 10:10 »
Ok here's the thing about p0t. Pot is one of the most random chance drugs there is. It's not so much that you roll a die each time you smoke it, it's that the short and long-term effects it will always have on you are based on the genetics you were given at birth. So in a way, it's REALLY REALLY REALLY random.

However, it's ultra hard to overdose on it. Perhaps it's impossible even. I always assumed that you would pass out from tiredness before you could toke enough to overdose, but my brother(a major pothead) says that you would puke it up before you overdosed. See there you go right there, major randomness effect. Pot makes me tired eventually. So I would fall asleep involutarily before I puked it up, some of you however, woulden't fall asleep. Then there's also the fact that you would get so stoned, that you have an extremely hard time efficiently toking more pot(this happened one day when I got super stoned, it was only 4 fucking joints that did this, not 100. I had trouble getting the dube smoke in because I was so f0cked up). Once again, some of you woulden't. I get ub3r silly on pot, my brother doesn't. etc.
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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canada might legalize weed
« Reply #9 on: 16 September 2002, 12:57 »
here are scientific facts about marijuana that i am aware of:
-there is not 1 death caused by marijuana in recorded history but THOUSANDS of deaths directly caused by alcohol
-it is almost impossible to overdose on marijuana, people can't smoke any more when their lungs will simply not let them (caughing)
-alcohol causes false assurance wheras marijuana causes extreme paranoia. i was in a car where the driver was stoned and he was the most alert driver i have ever seen, he was going UNDER the speed limit and complaining about how people going the limit "have a death wish" and when he saw a yellow light he would stop instead of speed up. we were on a residential road and my buddy yelled "look out for that kid" (even though there wasn't a kid) and the driver just SLAMMED on the brakes and came to screaching halt.
-drinking a beer kills more brain cells than smoking a joint
-marijuana is cheaper than alcohol, 1 joint costs like 3-4 dollars and it gets you goin pretty good but to get drunk you need to drink like 7 beers which costs you over 7 dollars
-alcohol makes you think you are invincible wheras marijuana makes you think that you can't risk anything
-marijuana has over 10x as much tar as a cigarette does (that's really bad)
-marijuana is 100% not addictive, habbit forming but not addictive

when i say habbit forming, it means you want more but you won't go nuts if you don't have it. if you pass by a steak house you'll go "oh man i want a steak" but you won't freak out if you don't get one, same thing with weed.


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canada might legalize weed
« Reply #10 on: 16 September 2002, 13:26 »
Wow, sweet facts! Ok so it has 10 times the tar... yikes! But im positive that d00bie smoke isn't nearly as harsh as cigarete smoke. I abhore cig smoke, but d00bie smoke doesn't bother me. It even smells alot better. Cig smoke in high quanities gives me a sore throat, fatigued lungs, watery eyes etc. Doobie smoke(even in a hotbox the size of a pickup truck cab) has similar effects, but on a vastly reduced level. Even if it has ten times the tar, it's GOTTA have alot less other shit in it, thus meaning it's safer to smoke.

Ok what about bongs, don't they purify the cronic some? What about injested marijuanna(like marijuanna tea or brownies), is that safer then smoked marijuanna?

Can marijuanna be broken down into carconegenics(sp) like Cigs can?
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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canada might legalize weed
« Reply #11 on: 16 September 2002, 13:29 »
Originally posted by xyle_one:
i live in reno, nevada

My parents live there, I go visit them sometimes but I dont really like to stay there to long.  I just aint feeling it.  But anyway back to the subject, I aint gonna lie, I blaze everyday and most of my friends do too.  I think legalizing it would be one of the best things the US/canada/the world could do.  Its not only a fact you can make oil out of the seeds, but its WAY more environmentally friendly.  One of the main reasons it isn't legal yet is because of the oil companys paying off corrupt politicians.  Also, like may people know, you can make paper, clothing, rope out of hemp, witch if it was legal could solve the problem of cutting down every tree in sight.  And about what Paladin9 was saying, I dont think it was the weed that made your friends assholes, if anything it would make them not care what you said.  But I also dont have any illusions about the herbs, its not GOOD for you by any means, it does tend to make you some what lazy.  But in the end being lazy is up to you, many of my friends blaze everyday yet they have steady jobs, some making really good money.  On the other hand though some are lazy bastards like me and have no job.

[EDIT]Damn, I read that over and realized I sound like a hippie.[EDIT]

[ September 16, 2002: Message edited by: trc3 ]


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canada might legalize weed
« Reply #12 on: 16 September 2002, 15:20 »
about weed having 10X the tar as cigarrets i believe that ti be false. actual weed has no tar in it. it al depeds on how you use it. if you make a blunt out of cigar thingy it has tar but the tar comes from the cigar. it also depends what chemical are put on the plant like pesticide and shit. If it was legal there probally would not be bad shit on it and it would also have a filter for blunts to stop some of the smoke. But i am personall for the infamous brownies. but that is just my style
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canada might legalize weed
« Reply #13 on: 16 September 2002, 19:54 »
Originally posted by lazygamer:
YAY WOO-HOO W00T W00T W00T! I've heard the news too!
Next we must make some oil pipelines, except they shall provide a cheap and fast means of shipping BC bud to all places in Canada!    

"Oooh that buds so scandolous, you hit it too hard you can't handle this. So your smoking that thang when you pass it to us, with a look in your eyes so devious uh. You inhale with all your gut, suck it down hard 'till your seeing dots, and your body's on the ground but your mind is not cuz you livin la viva smoka. Now you high as a kite kite kite been toking all night night night, all night long all night long, let me hit that booooooooong, baby that bong bbong bong bong bong."

Nice song  
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canada might legalize weed
« Reply #14 on: 16 September 2002, 20:54 »
Thank God I live in the Netherlands where weed, marijuana (we call it ,,hasj") and paddo's (soft drugs mushrooms) are legal  :D