Ok here's the thing about p0t. Pot is one of the most random chance drugs there is. It's not so much that you roll a die each time you smoke it, it's that the short and long-term effects it will always have on you are based on the genetics you were given at birth. So in a way, it's REALLY REALLY REALLY random.
However, it's ultra hard to overdose on it. Perhaps it's impossible even. I always assumed that you would pass out from tiredness before you could toke enough to overdose, but my brother(a major pothead) says that you would puke it up before you overdosed. See there you go right there, major randomness effect. Pot makes me tired eventually. So I would fall asleep involutarily before I puked it up, some of you however, woulden't fall asleep. Then there's also the fact that you would get so stoned, that you have an extremely hard time efficiently toking more pot(this happened one day when I got super stoned, it was only 4 fucking joints that did this, not 100. I had trouble getting the dube smoke in because I was so f0cked up). Once again, some of you woulden't. I get ub3r silly on pot, my brother doesn't. etc.