Author Topic: If YOU were in charge of M  (Read 1869 times)


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If YOU were in charge of M
« on: 30 July 2002, 15:56 »
...what would you do to make it a better company?

Calum gave me the idea when I was reading a reply to one of VoidMain
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If YOU were in charge of M
« Reply #1 on: 30 July 2002, 16:06 »
And if that didn't work I would burn the place to the ground, gather up all the ashes, and fire them toward the sun.
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If YOU were in charge of M
« Reply #2 on: 30 July 2002, 17:44 »
I'd loot the company, fire all employees and go live off my cash for the rest of my life on some exotic small island in the pacific ocean.....

yep ... sounds like a good plan
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Master of Reality

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If YOU were in charge of M
« Reply #3 on: 31 July 2002, 00:22 »
Make the next windows (that will only be used on Microsofts computers) overheat the processor so that all the computers will burst into flames and burn down the company. Then i will collect the insurance and buy a big island in the atlantic to live on and get a helicopter and a hummer (the helicopter will carry the hummer around). Then being corrupted by running MS for that short time, i would put up something to take control of all the icebergs and charge people if they dont want one hitting their ship. I would also control the icegerg bottled water trade.

they wont be charged money for anythng though. I will give away the bottled water. I will demand one female from the ships that dont want to hit an iceberg

[ July 30, 2002: Message edited by: Master of Reality / Bob ]

[ July 30, 2002: Message edited by: Master of Reality / Bob ]

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If YOU were in charge of M
« Reply #4 on: 31 July 2002, 01:32 »
Here's my plan.

I would work on optimizing the hell out of Windows. Sure it's just a bunch of hacks, but many problems are just sloppiness and lack of common sense programming. It can be much better(although still not Unix) even if it is still a bunch of hacks.

Slowly we could keep Wind0ze compatible as it ever was and "common sense" fix it. Policies of bloatness, incompatibility etc. would be abolished. With each new patch, Windows would start getting better, like a cure slowly beating a diease.

I would seek to slowly take away the ammo that us Linux d00dz have against MS. Over time you could still claim many problems, but there severity would be greatly weakened. Thus the smarter people are much less inclined to seek out alternatives.

In addition, I would really try to reverse the "evil, greedy monopoly" aspect that the Linux community has against us. They either take away or tone down their claims, or else XP user #00000 can actually prove you guys are lying.  

Note that Pallidum would be SCRAPPED, far too much anti-MS ammo for Linux d00dz and smart computer advocates.

This still would all be part of phase 1.

Phase 2 would involve a top secret new OS. It's not Unix, but it learns much from it's successes and Windows/dos failures. At the end of phase 2, MS will still be a giant monopoly, but it's a much more fair monopoly who realizes the importance in leaving are enemies verbally unarmed. We allow for competition, in fact we ENCOURAGE IT! We use our massive profits and clout to create awesome software, in fact hackers are even hired to give us fresh new insight into not becoming stagnated. Still windows(new system would lose this loser name) would not be open source.

However, this would be Shawn Ratzloff doing all of this out of common sense. If it was my current self, Microsoft would change even more to become less evil, although I don't feel it can still make giant profits if it was open source.

Why the f**k Gates doesn't catch on to this concept is beyond me. He is only here because of luck and luck won't last forever. The underground(us) has tremendous amounts of ammo that can be backed up, he cannot win if were armed. So the only way to unarm us and still be evil is to take away any software incentive(other then moral) to switch to Linux.
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality

Master of Reality

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If YOU were in charge of M
« Reply #5 on: 31 July 2002, 01:38 »
would it be open source?
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If YOU were in charge of M
« Reply #6 on: 31 July 2002, 02:39 »
Originally posted by Master of Reality / Bob:
Make the next windows (that will only be used on Microsofts computers) overheat the processor so that all the computers will burst into flames and burn down the company. Then i will collect the insurance and buy a big island in the atlantic to live on and get a helicopter and a hummer (the helicopter will carry the hummer around). Then being corrupted by running MS for that short time, i would put up something to take control of all the icebergs and charge people if they dont want one hitting their ship. I would also control the icegerg bottled water trade.

they wont be charged money for anythng though. I will give away the bottled water. I will demand one female from the ships that dont want to hit an iceberg

Hey, can I be your president and chairman of the board?  The board would be made up entirely of Hooters girls of course!
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Master of Reality

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If YOU were in charge of M
« Reply #7 on: 31 July 2002, 08:11 »
i would also tell ballmer to come into work late one night (at 23:00) and then claim that i thought he was a burglar when i shot him execution style in the back of the head.
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If YOU were in charge of M
« Reply #8 on: 31 July 2002, 13:22 »
Na, I say keep ballmer as the local jester, he could run around the building all day jumping up and down yelling.  Personally I find him quite amusing...


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If YOU were in charge of M
« Reply #9 on: 1 August 2002, 03:56 »
Originally posted by VoidMain:
And if that didn't work I would burn the place to the ground, gather up all the ashes, and fire them toward the sun.

oh yes! i like it a lot!!!

actually, i think i would cease production of windows, and all their shitty dos/win32 software and turn microsoft into an honest to goodness linux or bsd vendor as soon as possible.
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If YOU were in charge of M
« Reply #10 on: 1 August 2002, 04:07 »
Actually I've rethought my firing the ashes into the sun plan. It would be wiser to fire them out of the solar system. The sun is far too important of a resource. The windows ashes could cause the sun to blue screen which would destroy the earth.
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If YOU were in charge of M
« Reply #11 on: 1 August 2002, 04:42 »
<MichaelDell>I'd sell it and give the assets back to the shareholders.</MichaelDell>


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If YOU were in charge of M
« Reply #12 on: 1 August 2002, 13:06 »
I liked what Lazygamer said untile i saw that he IT WOULDNT BE OPEN SOURCE.
  You Sir need to stay away from any CEO position in the field.
  Am afraid you havent realized the concept behind Open SOurce yet.

  How can you encourage competition when you have closed source?

 At work I have asked the Head programers (THE CHIEFS in the joint) what do they prefer.

 a) Doing programming for Windows?
 b) Doing programming for Ubux/Linux.

  All  three of them said B. The reason? Open Source.

[ August 01, 2002: Message edited by: bazoukas ]



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If YOU were in charge of M
« Reply #13 on: 1 August 2002, 22:50 »
Lol, well how the hell can you make profits(particulary huge profits) with open source? Open source means it's free and people can steal your hard work right?
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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If YOU were in charge of M
« Reply #14 on: 1 August 2002, 23:04 »
No open source does not mean it's free, but it does mean that it's Free.  Being Free means that you, the end user can change the code to suit your needs if the original code is not sufficient.  Some Free (as in Free Speech) software is also free (as in free beer) but not all.  

You used the word "steal".  That can be applied to either open OR closed source software. The only difference is you can not change the code in closed source software to suit your needs. Many of us believe that if we are to buy a piece of software, we should also get the source code so we can make the software work better for us.
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